
Southampton General Hospital Scout Group


In collaboration with Romsey District and potentially other scout districts we are meeting to discuss how we may help a new scout group that supports Southampton General Hospital Children’s Ward.

We have met with the Play Therapy department on G ward at Southampton.  It was a very positive meeting. The manager has worked at Great Ormond Street and knows how good it can be.  They will store equipment for us as well.

We would like to get all interested people together to update them and start it moving on the volunteer front.

We are holding a meeting at the Community Room at Bevious Town Primary School Cedar Road Southampton SO14 6RU on Monday28th April starting at 7pm –  If you are at all interested in helping please do come along to this first meeting. Would you please e.mail me if you are going to attend.

Many Thanks, 



Scout Wings Presentation



Back row: Amanda AESL, Keiron, Joe, Chantelle, Jake, Tony ESL & Air Activities Advisor, Dave DESC, Geoff ESL.  Front: Andy SL, Rozy, Abi, Faye, Ellie, Amy.

The Endeavour Explorer Unit of Southampton was joined by members of Odium District Air Explorers for the presentation of the Scout Wings to Jake at the Solent Sky Museum in Southampton.     Jake has been gliding at Lasham for the past 2 years and has completed many hours of training on the airfield and in a K13 glider; he flew his third successful solo glider flight in March 2014 to gain The Scout Wings.   Jake hope to continue gliding and increasing the distances he can travel and the time that he can stay in the sky by using the lift from thermals.

The presentation was made by Tony in the cockpit of The Sandringham flying boat followed by celebration cake and a full tour of the museum and all its aircrafts.   Everyone had a wonderful evening hosted by the manager, Steven, who welcomes bookings from all scouting sections to the museum on a Thursday night,




St George’s Day 2014

Last Year’s St Georges Day parade unfortunately had to be cancelled at the last moment because St Mary’s Street had a major incident that required the attention of the Police. Having discussed this year’s service with the District Commissioner’s of Itchen North and South we have decided to try something new.

We would like our parade to be in the centre of the city not hiding down in St Mary’s Street. So we are holding this year’s event outside in Guildhall Square. We think it will be a great opportunity to shout load about Scouting in the City and act as a potential opportunity to promote the good work that we do, We have invited the Mayor of Southampton to join us.


Sunday 27th April 2014
Assembly: 1.30pm
By The Cenotaph 
Parade: 2pm 
Dismissal: 3pm from One Guildhall Square



2nd Scouts hit this month’s UK Scouting magazine TWICE!

Look out for the 2nd Southampton City Scouts in the April/May Scouting Magazine.

Who are showing the rest of the UK how to use Hula Hoops and sharing the fun of the SkyRide cycling events.




Job Vacancy: County Bookkeeper 20 Hrs pw


Hampshire County Scout Council are looking for a book keeper, based at our County Office based at Ferny Crofts Activity Centre in the New Forest. The full role and person specification and an application form is attached. Please  email completed applications to

Job Description      Job Application



Government awards Scouts funding for work in deprived areas

Youth United

The Chancellor today announced a share of £10 million funding will be awarded to The Scout Association to increase the opportunities available to young people, particularly in disadvantaged areas.

We are delighted that the work we’ve undertaken over the past 18 months in disadvantaged parts of the UK, recruiting 267 new volunteers and over 1,300 new young members, has been recognised and prioritised by the government.

We look forward to continuing to work closely with the Youth United Foundation – to whom the funding has been awarded – to improve the life chances of even more young people from some of the UK’s most challenged communities.

Investment from the Youth United Foundation previously has given Scouting the opportunity to extend its reach into six of England’s toughest neighbourhoods. Young people in these areas really benefit from Scouting as it gives them focus, drive and life skills.

83rd Oldham Cub Pack was one of the first Groups in England to receive a start up grant to help bring it back to the community, which has little offering for young people, after it folded in 1998. The money helped go towards uniforms, camping and sport kit.

Cub Scout Leader Gail Smith says ‘I love seeing their faces light up. Some of them have never gone on a holiday, never stayed away from home or been away from the estate. Scouting is broadening their horizons. They are really blossoming; increasing in confidence; becoming more outgoing and assertive.’

The Youth United Network is The Scout Association, Girlguiding, St John Ambulance, the Army Cadet Force, Sea Cadets, the Boys’ Brigade, the Girls’ Brigade, the Volunteer Police Cadets, the Fire Cadets and the RAF Air Cadets.


Youth United


Budget 2014: Youth groups to share £10m for social action

Youth organisations are set to receive a share of £10m to deliver social action opportunities to young people, the Chancellor has announced.


Scouts are among the youth organisations to benefit from the £10m investment. Image: The Scout Association

The money, taken from banks through Libor fines, will be used to support organisations belonging to the Youth United Network to organise and deliver social action programmes to young people.

During the Budget, George Osborne said: “I will continue to direct the use of the Libor fines to our military charities and our emergency services.

“Because the sums continue to grow, I can extend that support to our search and rescue and lifeboat services – and provide £10m of support to our Scouts, Guides, Cadets and St John Ambulance.”

Using Libor fines to fund military and emergency services charities was first announced in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement last December. 

Rosie Thomas, director of the Youth United Foundation, the charity that supports the Youth United Network, has welcomed the announcement.

She said: “Social action is at the heart of what the Youth United Network does.

“From our volunteer first aiders to community clean-ups, the experiences they offer help young people to develop the skills, confidence and abilities they need to reach their full potential in life.

“This new funding will enable more young people to get involved with Scouts, Girlguiding, Cadets and Brigades groups, particularly in deprived areas.”

The Chancellor also announced plans to extend the apprenticeship grant by £85m each year over the next two years to encourage more employers to offer more vocational training opportunities to young people.

Councillor David Simmonds, chair of the Local Government Association’s children and young people board, welcomed the move but feels that more needs to be done to help young people into work.

He said: “Apprenticeship subsidies have been operating since 2012, but since that time the number of teenagers in apprenticeships have fallen.

“Whilst we recognise that creating more apprenticeships for young people will help to provide more jobs, this demonstrates that more must be done to tackle the issue, rather than putting more money into a system that is already struggling to meet the needs of young people.

“Councils need to have the opportunity to work with employers to create quality local apprenticeships that will help them to carry out their statutory duties successfully.”



Rozy’s Jamboree Adventure


The World Scout Jamboree is a gathering of tens of thousands of Scouts and Guides from almost every country in the world who, for ten days  live together, experience each others cultures, take part in exciting activities and have an amazing adventure.

Southampton City Scout District are pleased to be have Rozy Toomer who has been selected by UK Contingent Committee to attend the 23rd World Scout Jambore held in Japan,

In the past Rozy has attended Scouts at the 9th and to date is a Young Leader and Explorer Scout within the District.

She will also join her brother Jake Toomer and Jason Ledwich who have been selected on to the Jamboree’s service team.

The Jamboree costs £2,995 to attend and Rozy has already started her fundraising and she has created a Blog for us to keep upto date with

Events Uncategorized

Quiz Night Event in Aid of Jamboree 2015

Quiz Evening

Fundraising for Scout international experiences in 2015.



At 11th Headquarters (Kentish Road, Shirley)

26th April 2014 7-10 pm

Cost £3 Adults, £2 Children, £10 Family (2+2)

There will also be a raffle and refreshments available for purchase.

Tickets are available from:

Owen Budd, Kieran Brackley, Rozy Toomer or Colin Floyd (DC)



About #Dare2dogood



Following a line of accidents and deaths of young people who are taking part in a Social Media alcohol drinking game called “neknominations” Scouting Ireland decided to run a counter campaign. This is not only taking Place in Ireland but indeed all over the World and we would like everyone (not just Scouts) to join in.

The Campaign

The campaign dare’s people to do good. We would see this action as a selflesspositive, and a good thing to do. We have started this Social Media campaign to negate the effect that the “neknomination” trend is having on the Young People of our country and indeed the World.

It is destructive and damaging to the health and well being of our fellow citizens. We want to show that Social Media can be a positive means for doing something good and of course every time someone does some good it is another step along the road in “Creating a Better World” for us all.

How To Get Involved

You can read up on how to get involved and Dare2DoGood here :)