In Action

Summit 2017

You’ve got to be tough to get through a weekend in Snowdonia! Scouts, Explorers and Network members have just returned from an adventurous trip reaching the peaks of North Wales. Saturday’s mist, rain and wind didn’t stop our teams reaching the summits of Snowdon and Tryfan. By Sunday the weather eased, rewarding us with some stunning views. Well done to everyone who attended, it’s a big achievement.

View more photos here


Do you like swimming? Earn your Swimmer badge on July 17th

FREE Cubs and Scouts Swimmers Badge Evening
Do you like swimming?… Achieve your Level 1, 2 or Level 3 Swimmers Badge to add to your uniform!
Limited spaces… Sign up to save your space!
What is the Swimmer Badge?
It’s a staged activity badge which you wear on your left sleeve. Click here to find out more
Monday 17 July 5:45pm – 7:00pm
Arrive for 5:45pm for a prompt start at 6:00pm
Regent’s Park School Community Pool
Richville Road Entrance.
Choose either level 1, 2 or 3 based on your swimming ability. All sessions are led by qualified instructors provided by WessexSwim.
During the session you will do all of the following:
Level 1
Learn safety rules
Swim 10 metres on your front using only your legs
Tread water for 30 seconds.
Retrieve objects underwater (chest deep)
Swim 25 metres without stopping
Take part in some races!
For level 2 you will also…
Swim 10 metres on your back using only your legs
Tread water for 3 minutes
Mushroom float for 10 seconds
Surface dive
Swim 100 metres without stopping
Enter the pool and push off from the side on your front, gliding for five metres.
For Level 3 you will…
Swim 50m in shorts and shirt
Tread water for three minutes, with one hand behind your back.
Surface dive into 1.5 metres of water and recover an object with both hands from the bottom.
Swim 400 metres without stopping.
Tread water for 5 minutes using the heat escape lessening posture.
Sign up.
Click here to sign up.
DC's Notes

DC’s Notes: Beavers Loggerheads, Cubs Challenge and Scouts Emlyn

Congratulations to the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers for taking part in their section competitions over the last two weekends. I was pleased to be able to get to these events as DC.

  • Beavers at Loggerheads
  • Cubs at Davids Challenge
  • Scouts at District Emlyn

I was really impressed with the way the teams at all three events showed teamwork and developed leadership in their challenges. With everyone having great fun along the way.

Thanks also to the leader teams in each section for their hard work in making these competitions happen.

It’s great to see the levels of challenge that go with the progression up through the sections.

Well done all who took part and thanks to all who supported these great events.

David, DC

Beavers Loggerheads 2017
Beavers Loggerheads 2017
Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017
Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017
In Action

Video: Emlyn Camp Diary

For those who don’t know… Emlyn is a weekend competition camp held every year where Scouts get the opportunity to ‘camp without adults’ in the sense that they set up their site, cook, eat and complete challenges without any help from the leaders.

14th Wednesday Troop made this video of their time at Emlyn Camp last weekend…

Emlyn camp returns in June 2018


Results: Cubs and Scouts District Archery Competition

Congratulations to the 25th Cubs and 2nd Scouts… This year’s winners of the District Archery Competition. Well done all who took part too over the weekend 🏹

25th Southampton Cubs Archery Team
2nd Southampton Scout Archery Team
Announcements Hampshire

Registration is now open for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree

The World Scout Jamboree is a big international camps for 14-18 year olds from across the world – usually about 30 000 or so people attend and from almost every country where there are Scouts. The next WSJ is in 2019 and will be held in North America.

The Hampshire participant selection weekend will be held at Ferny Crofts, over the weekend of 15th – 17th Sept 17. To go to the World Scout Jamboree as a participant, you must be aged 14, 15, 16 or 17 on 22nd July 2019.

Applications are now OPEN. How to apply!

  1.  Please download the WSJ19 Participant Application Form and make sure that it is completed and sent in by 30th June 2017. Alongside the Application form, is WSJ19 Questions and Answers, which will help to answer a lot of your questions.
  2. It is vital that you email our DC, with a quick message to say you are applying so that we can support you in your application.

The Hampshire participant selection weekend will be held at Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre, over the weekend of 15th – 17th Sept 17. Attendance will be required for the whole weekend.

If you will be 18 or older on that date, you can attend as International Service Team – applications are not open for this yet but you can express an interest

To Register your Interest in the WSJ 2019 as a member of IST, please complete this WSJ 2019 Interest Form

The leaders on their recent Leader selection weekend, made some videos to help promote the WSJ to Scouts and Explorers. These were made on phones, and completed in a very short time scale, so are not 100% polished videos, but can be worth showing – WSJ Leader Selection Videos – There are 6 in total – please make sure you watch through to the end!

How much will the Jamboree cost? The UK Contingent Management Team are currently working on the costings for 2019 and we hope to have this information before the summer. However, as a guide the participant fee for Hampshire units for the last Jamboree in Japan was approximately £3200

What is it like?
Watch this video from the last WSJ in 2015 to get a taste of what it’s all about.

You can contact the Hampshire WSJ team by E-mail to

Please remember to join the Facebook Groups to keep up to date: County Explorers and County Network as applicable.

In Action Uncategorized

Wye Valley 2017

Last weekend over 150 Scouts, Explorers, Network members and leaders spent the long bank holiday weekend in glorious Wye Valley. We took part in archery, kayaking, mountain biking and hill walking.

For more photos and updates from the camp, take a look at our Facebook and Instagram page. 14th Highfield (Wed Troop) made this excellent video which captures the camp brilliantly.

This video may not play on mobile devices due to copyright limitations.

In Action

Scouts Supporting the 2017 ABP Southampton Marathon

Congratulations to everyone who took part in either the ABP Marathon, Half Marathon or 10K today. Did you notice all the Scout groups cheering you on? Here’s a quick video from 1st and 2nd Southampton groups who were on the common.

In Action

14th Wednesday Scouts Kick-Off #YouShape Month

14th Highfield Weds PLs spent this weekend at Lyons Copse for a PL/APL ‘training’ camp organised by County.

It was an exceptionally well organised and structured weekend where each Troop was split up into smaller groups of 7, each with a facilitator to help guide ideas etc. YLs and some of the County team ran mini workshops on developing skills in teamwork, leadership, communication, promoting positive behaviour and running activities safely. Each activity was split up into 30/40 minute chunks separated by a break/game/run around time.

Each Scout got the chance to lead on a task (for example: building a bridge out of newspaper, organising people into height order for a game, running a game etc.) The theory behind the skill/activity was presented, the kids then had a series of tasks to complete to work on that skill, for example one of the ‘teamwork’ tasks was to build a tower out of newspaper and sellotape – they had to decide if someone was going to take charge (leadership), any ideas of how to complete the task (teamwork and communication) and then do the task (again communication, teamwork and leadership). After each task, the group’s facilitator gave them structured feedback as to how they did. The kids then got the chance to review the activity and occasionally repeat it with a different leader/idea.

Saturday evening was dedicated to a PL forum with their leader (or someone from County if they came without a leader) where we talked about what problems PLs may face back in their Troops, ideas that they’d like to see implemented, how their leaders can help them and vice-versus. We also discussed 5 challenges that the PLs will be responsible for between now and next year. Some suggestions: PLs running a number of evenings; running games at the start of the evening and teaching their Patrols how to tie a friendship knot.

Overall a fabulous weekend – would 100% recommend to any leaders thinking of developing their PLs/APLs ‘soft skills’!

Have a look what we got up to!


Fun In Action


The Mannequin Challenge is sweeping the nation! Last weekend 14th Southampton Friday Scouts freeze-framed during 2 night hike across the New Forest… Take a look below at how they got on. (nobody move!!!)

Great hike today – 18km from Wilverley to Ferny Crofts (basically one side of the New Forest to the other). Mannequin challenge & various Bear Grylls documentaries on route! All back safely, eating & making fire.

Posted by Ed Jellard on Saturday, 12 November 2016