In Action

Apollo ESU & 2nd Southampton Scouts Go Caving!

Take a look at how Scouts and Explorers got on for a day of caving at Goatchurch Cavern and the famous Swildon’s Hole. Mendips, Somerset

In Action

Explorers Complete DofE Bronze Expedition

On the last weekend of October, 9 Explorer Scouts from The Southampton District put on their hike boots and rucksacks to embark on their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition.  The two teams completed their training and a practice expedition earlier in the month and spent several evenings planning routes and preparing route cards.  Each team had to carry everything they needed for the two days, including tents, first aid equipment, cookers, food, and all their personal kit.  

The Explorers set off from Ferny Croft on Saturday morning, navigating across the forest to arrive at Wilverley campsite mid-afternoon.  After cooking a hot meal they settled down to good night’s rest.  On the Sunday morning the teams packed away their equipment, making sure they left the site spotless and continued their Expedition to Pickets Post.  As they navigated through the forest they gathered information and photographs ready for a group presentation, which will complete the requirements of the D of E Expedition.

We were lucky to have dry and mild weather for the weekend, with an added bonus of an extra hour of sleep, due to the change of the clocks.

We will continue to support the Explorers with the other sections of the D of E Award:  Volunteering, Skill, and physical, and hope to be able to present their Bronze Awards along with Chief Scout’s Awards soon.

As well as all 9 Explorer Scouts completing their Expedition; Explorer leader, Jake Toomer, has successfully passed his assessment as a D of E Expedition Assessor.  We now have 4 qualified D of E Expedition Assessors in the District who look forward to seeing more groups next year.

Thanks to Mark for assessing Jake’s Assessed Assessment. Also thanks to Vicky and Rozy for acting as D of E Supervisors on the practice and Assessed Expedition.

Amanda Toomer,  AESL Endeavour





In Action

Summit Camp Photo Gallery

Scouts, Explorers and Network members have just returned from an epic weekend in the mountains in Snowdonia, they even had decent weather this year! Thanks to 25th ESU who shared these pictures. Also, check out some other photos over on Google Photos and Instagram and share us your photos if you were there #summitcamp


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Events In Action

Summit: Our Trip to Snowdonia

Greetings from Snowdonia! Scouts, Explorers and Network from across the district have had an brilliant day in the mountains.


Roverang Scout and Guide Show

Roverang have big plans ahead to for their 59th production in April 2016 too with a new production team with some new and exciting ideas, bringing Roverang ever closer to its 60th year!!!
Cast registration details are outlined below and will be held at 3rd Itchen North HQ, Brook Road, Bitterne. Roverang cast is open to members of both The Scout Association or Girlguiding UK under the age of 25.

Adults cast : Open to Rangers, Explorer Scouts, Scout …Network/leaders from 14+ – 6-7pm on Sunday 4th October
Junior Cast: Open to anyone who is Scout or Guide age for the week of the show – 4-6pm on Sunday 1st November
Kids Cast: Open to anyone who is Cub or Brownie age by the week of the show – 4-6pm on Sunday 1st November

And if you want just a sneak peek of both the above productions them along with the talents of Basingstoke Gang Show, Andover Gang Show and Odiham Scout Show, then why not come along to ourCounty Show on 18th October in Winchester and show your support. Tickets available from

Scott Marshall
County Creative Activities Advisor 
Hampshire Scouts


Remembrance Day

Our District has been invited by The Mayor of Southampton to attend the Remembrance Day Service, at The Cenotaph, on Sunday 8th November 2015.

It is hoped that we can make up a contingent comprising, a Beaver, a Cub and a Scout and Explorer and a Scouter from every group in the district. Also all Active Support and Network members are invited.

Our aim is to have a good smart contingent for the remembrance parade at the Cenotaph in West Park Southampton for this year’s Remembrance Service. Last year was a lovely event and it gave our young people a chance to show their respect and remembrance and it was particularly mentioned by those attending, including the Mayor, that it was lovely to see our youngsters taking part.

Of course if your group has already arranged to go to your local church that is fine I am just pleased that they are doing that. But for those groups that do not go to a local church we would like you to join us at the main Southampton Cenotaph.

We hope we will have at least 50 people attending. Even though I have said only one please do bring more if you wish to.

We will meet at 9.45am at Guildhall Square I will be there earlier, so please look out for me. You can park for free up to 12 noon on a Sunday at the West Park Car Park.

Please do make sure you are all in smart uniform please, polished shoes etc. I will have poppies to give you if you have not already purchased some.

The parade will be marching from Guildhall Square to the cenotaph and back to Guildhall square after the service so Parents please come and see the parade and pick up your children from guildhall square just before 12 noon.

If you could all please send me an email to say if you are coming or not I would be grateful.

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner

07770364711 or

Events In Action

Loggerheads 2015

Elaine reports on the beaver scouts Loggerheads competition 2015…

The loggerheads competition was held in June at our district campsite – Wilverley – where seven colonies entered teams of up to 4 Beavers.  The colonies were asked this year to provide ‘Scouting’ activities as their base.
The Beavers from each colony worked together as a team to complete the activities at each base. The day began with them decorating boxes which were later built into a totem pole.


The bases included, Pioneering, putting up a tent, knot, decorating biscuits, building a shelter, water trail and a scavenger hunt.  The weather was very kind to us – with sunshine all day.
After lunch the Beavers played water games getting drenched during each game, the day ended with a wonderful water fight.
When the Beavers had changed into dry clothes we all met in the shade of Paddy’s’ Place for the presentations. Congratulations to the 7th colony who won the competition, to the 1st colony for coming second and the 13th colony coming third. Each Beaver was presented with an Adventure Challenge Badge and a certificate for taking part.


Many thanks must also go to the Beaver Leaders, the Explorer young leaders, and all the parents that helped before and during the event
Elaine (Clover)



Southampton City Network at Isle of Wight Revolution

Over the Easter weekend 11 intrepid Network members headed off to the Isle of Wight for Revolution, an annual Network and Explorer camp. As ever, the programme boasted an excellent range of activities during the day and a whole bunch of evening entertainment, and it did not disappoint.

Our camp started on Thursday. After the obligatory ferry to the island (with four investitures on the sail over), setting up our incredibly orange mess tent and a trip to the supermarket we were ready to go. Revolution starts with an opening ceremony where each group is personally welcomed onto the camp. After the ceremony the evening welcome party started. We donned our finest fancy dress on a ‘famous fives’ theme (a 5 a side football team and the Scooby Doo gang) and headed on over.The evening was completed by a rousing evening of songs around the fire.
Friday saw a very adrenaline filled day with shooting, archery, hovercraft driving and rage buggies. Our shooting practice paid off (thanks Andy!) with some great shots over the morning but archery was a bit more variable. Hovercraft driving was great fun and involved charging around a field trying and generally failing to navigate around a course of poles. Then there were rage buggies which really gave everyone the chance to kick up some mud and get sliding around corners. There was a slightly terrifying moment where Oli tried to run us over and then promptly destroyed the finish line – rightly so, that made the morning newsletter the next day! The evening was topped off with the disco and fire.
Saturday morning started off with a very chilly dip in the sea during sea kayaking. After a paddle out from shore everyone surfed back in and climbed up a steep shingle bank, only to slide back down it into the sea a few minutes later. After drying off and warming up it was time to get off to a sea shanty workshop. I think it’s fair to say that we were a bit suspicious of this activity after last year’s run in with the overly complex modern jive. Sea shanties turned out to be much more manageable and we learnt a group dance that we had the chance to do later on in the evening with the whole camp. Finally, it was off to zorbing. Sadly it was just too windy to safely zorb so we got to play with an auto belaying climbing wall (can you do it without your feet?) and had another, more successful go at archery – practice makes perfect! After dinner we took part in family fortunes and did absolutely abysmally. Time for the traditional evening campfire!
Sunday was the last day of activities, the first of which was an aerobics session (read: lie in). That was followed by an hour in the pool with their ‘underwater treasure hunt’ activity which involved lots of incredibly perplexing games that I’m certain nobody knew the rules for. After that we headed off to the much anticipated ‘Head Hunters’ – a giant game of laser tag capture the flag set in a forest. Our team defended our base well but sadly lost – we’re blaming the explorers in our team who kept shooting each other! We returned to camp for the closing ceremony which included the obligatory task of fitting the whole camp into one photograph. We had one last disco where we accidentally started a conga and then headed off for one last chance for a truly Network style camp fire (throw 5 pallets on and retreat quickly).
On Monday morning we enjoyed one last bacon butty breakfast and packed up camp. Having seen a turret poking over the hedge we had a quick wander and found that there was a tank show going on next door. After bimbling around the show we headed off to the beach to enjoy a lazy afternoon in the sun before before returning to Southampton to be reunited with our showers! After such a great camp no doubt we’ll be back next year!



Wye Valley 2015

Wye Valley, the all-inclusive activity weekend is back from the 1st to the 4th of May. Including white water canoeing, rock climbing, mountain biking and more, for just £75.

In 2013, more than 120 Scouts, Explorers and Leaders took part in the fun, so make sure you’re there in 2015!

For more information, watch the video of the camp from 2013

Events Uncategorized

Cross-Country Event 2015

runner.pngThe Cross-Country Event is a district-wide fun sport challenge event open to all sections, including Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Network. 

The event will be held at the Southampton Sport Centre on the 1st of March 2015, with the race starting at 10:00am, so please arrive in advance with competitors booking in with their groups on arrival. Competitors should bring along a drink and their necker for the competition.