In Action

Victory at County Kudu Competition

Well done to all the explorers who joined in on this years Kudu, an overnight incident hike. Congratualtions to team B6 James, Max, Martin and Ignacio for coming 1st in the bronze section of this year’s competition. 
Also, well done to Rhys, Charles, John, Jakub and Stefan for coming 4th in the Silver competition. 


Christmas Camps

We’ve noticed plenty of festive events going on around our district this holiday season. Here’s a taste at what’s going on…
Please get in touch if you have something to add

13th Beavers Christmas Sleepover:

Explorers’ Christmas Camp


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Ice skating ⛸

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14th Scouts (Wednesday Troop) Christmas Camp

Network Christmas Camp


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The crackers have been pulled and Christmas Dinner, with all the trimmings, is served!

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Explorers’ Christmas Cracker Challenge


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Christmas Cracker Challenge

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Cubs Carol Service


Do you like to sing, dance or act? Sign up now for Roverang 2019

What is it?

Roverang is a Scout and Guide show that is focused on having fun whilst putting on a stage show in a professional theatre. It gives young people the opportunity to sing, dance and act on stage of a professional theatre. There are NO AUDITIONS, we want everyone to have the opportunity. We want young people to have fun, make friends and enjoy the magic of the theatre.


Roverang is open to all members of the Scout and Guide movements from Beavers and Rainbows up to Network and Rangers (Up to 25 years old)


Rehearsals take place every Sunday at St Marys Independent School, Midanbury Lane, SO184DJ

Adults, Juniors and Kids rehearsals are 4pm – 6:30pm. Miniz (Rainbows and Beavers) rehearsal times will be set a little later but will be about an hour long at some time between these times.


We charge a one off subscription fee of £45 for cast members except for the miniz who pay £25. This covers the cost of the rehearsal venue, costumes etc.

Sign me up!

The sign up day is Sunday 14th Oct 4pm  at the school. Adults, Juniors and Kids cast will stay until 6.30pm for their first rehearsal. Miniz cast will start rehearsals a couple of months later.

It’s a great opportunity to experience something that most youngsters don’t have the opportunity to take part in. if you’re not sure if it’s for you, come along for a few weeks and see what you think.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Stuart & Sami

Roverang 2019 Producers


In Action

☀️ Round Up: Summer Camps 2018

It’s been a busy Summer, with many of our young people attending various camps across the country. Here’s a round up of what happened while school was out for summer!

2nd Southampton

This year, the scout troop made their way to Chelwood near Bath for a week of activities including caving, cycling around the canels and kayaking on the river Avon – Including operating the locks

9th Scouthampton

Rather than rely on adults to get them to camp. The 9th Scouts made their own way from Southampton to Brownsea Island (Home of the first scout camp). Find out more about their adventure below:

13th Southampton Sea Scouts

The 13th Group held their Summer camp locally at our district camp site in the New Forest. There was still plenty of water, even on dry land.

14th Southampton (Wednesday Troop)

These scouts attened Jurassic International Jamboree in Purbeck. A week long camp with the chance to meet other scouts from over the world.

14th Southampton (Friday Troop)

A very adventerous week for this troop. They made it all the way to the Peak District and climbed some very impressive rock faces.

29th Immaculata Southampton

The Scouts spent their summer camp and enjoyed a swim at the pyramids, took part in archery, tunneling, climbing at Rock Up and rafting. Along with a few visits out and taking on an assault course. The usual Scouting skills and hiking were also included. Here’s a few photos for you…

SSAGO (Student Scouts and Guides)

The Southampton Student Scout and Guide Organisation take to the Lake District for their week-long summer camp!

Explorers (Apollo, Enterprise, Endeavour and Nemesis Units)

Our 4 Explorer units spent 5 days camping out at Walhampton School in the New Forest. Durin their stay they took a trip to the Isle of White for some coasteering, visited Lymington Water Park and powerboated to the Needles.

Have we missed you out? Send us an email to and we’ll add your story.


Explorers: Mountain Biking Day

Last week, Explorers from our district had a day out on their mountain bikes at Swinley Forest.
Swinley Forest has 24km of purpose built, all weather way-marked mountain bike trails that nestle and follow the forest’s natural ebb and flow. The trails are suitable for riders of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and for all sorts of bikes from fat-tyred mountain bikes to kid’s bikes to those wishing to explore on an adventure drop bar style of bike.
Take a quick look at how we got on below…


District Camp From The Sky

Watch this incedible birds-eye video from this year’s District Camp. Drone footage of Lyons Copse Camp Site and Kayaking.

Can you spot yourself?

In Action

Photos: Snowy Summit Expedition ⛄️

A couple of weeks ago a team of 6 Explorers and Network Scouts ventured up to Snowdonia for the weekend to climb some snow-capped peaks. The scenery was breath-taking, made all the better with our accommodation. A cosy cottage in the middle of nowhere without electricity. Luckily there was a log fire to keep us warm after a chilly hike in the mountains.

It was an unforgettable weekend. Thank you so much to Ian Rutherford for organising the trip. Thanks also go to Cantell School for their generous rental of their mini-bus.

More photos here

In Action

Summit 2017

You’ve got to be tough to get through a weekend in Snowdonia! Scouts, Explorers and Network members have just returned from an adventurous trip reaching the peaks of North Wales. Saturday’s mist, rain and wind didn’t stop our teams reaching the summits of Snowdon and Tryfan. By Sunday the weather eased, rewarding us with some stunning views. Well done to everyone who attended, it’s a big achievement.

View more photos here

Announcements Hampshire

Registration is now open for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree

The World Scout Jamboree is a big international camps for 14-18 year olds from across the world – usually about 30 000 or so people attend and from almost every country where there are Scouts. The next WSJ is in 2019 and will be held in North America.

The Hampshire participant selection weekend will be held at Ferny Crofts, over the weekend of 15th – 17th Sept 17. To go to the World Scout Jamboree as a participant, you must be aged 14, 15, 16 or 17 on 22nd July 2019.

Applications are now OPEN. How to apply!

  1.  Please download the WSJ19 Participant Application Form and make sure that it is completed and sent in by 30th June 2017. Alongside the Application form, is WSJ19 Questions and Answers, which will help to answer a lot of your questions.
  2. It is vital that you email our DC, with a quick message to say you are applying so that we can support you in your application.

The Hampshire participant selection weekend will be held at Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre, over the weekend of 15th – 17th Sept 17. Attendance will be required for the whole weekend.

If you will be 18 or older on that date, you can attend as International Service Team – applications are not open for this yet but you can express an interest

To Register your Interest in the WSJ 2019 as a member of IST, please complete this WSJ 2019 Interest Form

The leaders on their recent Leader selection weekend, made some videos to help promote the WSJ to Scouts and Explorers. These were made on phones, and completed in a very short time scale, so are not 100% polished videos, but can be worth showing – WSJ Leader Selection Videos – There are 6 in total – please make sure you watch through to the end!

How much will the Jamboree cost? The UK Contingent Management Team are currently working on the costings for 2019 and we hope to have this information before the summer. However, as a guide the participant fee for Hampshire units for the last Jamboree in Japan was approximately £3200

What is it like?
Watch this video from the last WSJ in 2015 to get a taste of what it’s all about.

You can contact the Hampshire WSJ team by E-mail to

Please remember to join the Facebook Groups to keep up to date: County Explorers and County Network as applicable.

In Action Uncategorized

Wye Valley 2017

Last weekend over 150 Scouts, Explorers, Network members and leaders spent the long bank holiday weekend in glorious Wye Valley. We took part in archery, kayaking, mountain biking and hill walking.

For more photos and updates from the camp, take a look at our Facebook and Instagram page. 14th Highfield (Wed Troop) made this excellent video which captures the camp brilliantly.

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