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Remembrance Service – 9th November

remember.pngOur District has been invited by The Mayor of Southampton to attend the Remembrance Day Service, at The Cenotaph, on Sunday 9th.November 2014.

It is hoped that we can make up a contingent comprising, a Beaver, a Cub and a Scout and Explorer and a Scouter from every group in the district. Also all Active

Support and Network members are invited.

Our aim is to have a good smart contingent for the remembrance parade at the Cenotaph in West Park Southampton for this years Remembrance Service. Last year was a lovely event and it gave our young people a chance to show their respect and remembrance and it was particularly mentioned by those attending, including the Mayor, that it was lovely to see our youngsters taking part.

Of course if your group has already arranged to go to your local church that is fine I am just pleased that they are doing that. But for those groups that do not go to a local church we would like you to join us at the main Southampton Cenotaph.

If we have the groups bring one beaver one cub and one scout and a number of Leaders, Explorers Network Members and Active Support we believe we will have at least 50 people attending. Even though i have said only one please do bring more if you wish to.

We will meet at 9.45am at Guildhall Square i will be there earlier, so please look out for me. You can park for free up to 12 noon on a Sunday at the West Park Car park.

Please do make sure you are all in smart uniform please, polished shoes etc. I will have poppies to give you if you have not already purchased some.

The parade will be marching from Guildhall Square to the cenotaph and back to Guildhall square after the service so Parents please come and see the parade and pick up your children from guildhall square just before 12 noon.

If you could all please send me an email to say if you are coming or not I would be grateful.

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner

07770364711 or  

Events Uncategorized

Endeavour Explorers: Summer Camp 2014

The Triumph of the Few

In January 12 explorers said they wanted to go and the Site was booked. Various reminders were sent out and deadlines were set, but with weeks to go there was little response. It seemed that late booked holidays and other organised activities had scuppered us. To go or not to go – well, we had paid a deposit which we would lose – and the few still wanted to go.


In the event: 4 explorers; Rozy, Kieran, Faye and Joe; Jake, just about to become a trainee Leader at Ferny Crofts and Amanda, Matt, Geoff and Lin together with Corbin a Beaver Scout, were the ten that went along to Bowling Green Wood in Dorset from the 9th to the 16th August.

The Saturday load up needed some changes in our equipment as we had just heard that the fringes of hurricane Bertha would hit the South Coast that night. The heavy mess tent was preferred.

Lin and I had been there before but everyone else was impressed by the fact that this great campsite would be ours for a week. Thought was given to the layout of the tents given the high westerly winds that were forecast. The site is bounded by woodland which would give shelter but there was evidence that the trees could be blown down in the wind.

Sitting round the fire after a good supper the wind picked up as forecast and we went off to our Tents. It was a wet and windy night but we had good tents well pitched and we didn’t lose any sleep. 


The morning was windy and rainy but a visit from the resident peacock put us in a good mood. We decided immediately to put the bad weather fall back into action and went to Splashdown at Poole, “fluming” marvellous for the young, but two hours sipping indifferent coffee for the old and responsible. On the way back over Whiteway Hill we stopped at the high view point and saw the Jurassic coast spread before us all the way to Portland Bill. Amanda and Rozy did aerobics on stumps and Joe sat and contemplated.


Monday was better. Lin and Corbin were arriving and we arranged to meet them at Worth Matravers. I hadn’t said much about where we were going but the reaction when the others saw the big quarry caves cut into the cliff face was amazing. It was a time and a place to explore and they all did. Sitting above a sea still under the influence of hurricane Bertha was awesome. The hunt for ammonite fossils as big as car tyres was great as they clambered over the cliffs and rocky shelves. 


Tuesday we split: The Macho Brigade went to the Tank Museum while the Primeval went to Monkey World. Both Parties enjoyed their days but it was good to get back to our home at Bowling Green and compare notes whilst we prepared Dinner.


On Wednesday it was time to hit the beach at Lulworth Cove where most went swimming and all sunbathed. To live up to the English tradition the clouds came over, it started to rain and we became part of the mass exodus from the beach. After lunch some of us returned to visit the Fossil Forest to the east of the Cove.


That evening we cooked Pizzas on our own recently invented Camp Pizza Oven.


Thursday and Climbing was on the bill: We chose Hedbury Quarry as it was above the sea which was still a bit frisky. All the climbs there are bolted and most of a high grade but luckily our spot was available right on the edge overlooking the sea and the right grade for our novices. Matt and Jake have recently passed their Walls and Towers and this was a chance for them to extend their experience under my M form. Everyone had a go and some good climbing was done. It was good weather and a good place to be. After the long uphill path back to the Cars we decided everyone needed a treat and headed off to Swanage for a group meal in a Fish and Chip Restaurant.



Friday, our last full day and it had to be done – Durdle D’or and the swim through the Arch:


With Kieran our lifeguard in attendance the unit made a Unit swim through and around the arch and then enjoyed a laze and mud bath! on the beach. Meanwhile Joe made friends with a homing pigeon and gave it something to eat and drink.


That night Jake suggested we cook Hobo style – We prepared our own mix of meat and chopped vegetables seasoned and sauced, wrapped in foil and cooked in the embers. It was delicious.


The next morning we broke Camp and loaded the cars and trailer. Tidied the site and at a final parade were presented with the Campsite badge by the Warden, our flags were lowered and we left. What a memory!

From the Four: Rozi, Faye, Kieran and Joe: also Jake, Amanda, Matt, Geoff, Lin and “I just can’t wait to be an Explorer” Corbin.

One of the successes of the Camp were the Swedish Candles which Amanda had brought along as prepared logs with slots cut down into them. With a few embers dropped on the top they caught light and burnt down into the log for an hour or two. We cooked on them and also boiled a few Kettles. Thanks to Scouting Magazines Get Active Booklet.


Loggerheads 2014

The event this year was held in June at our district campsite – Wilverley – where seven colonies entered teams.  The theme was the Five Senses (touch, taste, sound, sight and smell).  In a change from previous years – the section leaders got to choose and design their own bases.  These ranged from: touch boxes to scavenger hunt to blindfold trail.  All these activities enabled every beaver to complete the Adventure Challenge Badge.

The weather was very kind to us – with sunshine all day.  So the day culminated in a wonderful water fight between the beavers and leaders.

Congratulations to the 7th colony who won the competition.  The 9th colony came second with the 1st colony coming third.




Grey Owl’s Goodbye


Well of course I don’t mean, I won’t be happy to see you all again, I just got to a point when I didn’t want the onerous task of ADC Beavers. I am very pleased that the reins have been taken over by Thelma as I know she will do a good job. I had a great time in the 7 years I was ADC. The Beavers were my Beavers and the Leaders were my Leaders. I am glad now to have retired with so many happy memories.

The Beaver Section is vital to Scouting and the children learn to accept the values and to be together happily. In my time (26 years in Beaver scouting) I have seen beavers become Queen Scouts and even become leaders in the District. Of course not all the beavers did this but I know in Beaver Scouting they have made good friends and have many happy memories to take into their adult lives.


A few words about my parting gift, I wanted to give the Section something they would all see and be proud of.



Ahmeek the bronze Beaver sits on top of the District Beaver Colours and will be carried proudly at the head of your own Beaver flags. Beaver scouting started in Canada and “Ahmeek” is the Native American name for the beaver. Our Beaver was made by an ex venture scout from the District. Paul Joyce has become an expert sculptor in bronze and runs his own foundry in Essex. While making our beaver he had a visit from an internationally renowned sculptor who finished off the modelling for him giving it a touch of the master. I know Paul was very happy to make something for his old district.

Why did I call myself Grey Owl? Well, early in the last century a young English man went to Canada to live a life in the wild. He made a living trapping for furs which were widely used in the fashions of the time. He learnt a great deal and made friends with the Indians who gave him the Indian name of Grey Owl. Trappers had started using explosives to blow up the Beaver dams because they could make a lot of money from their skins. Grey Owl could see that they were wiping out the animal and conducted a campaign to stop this malpractice, he became known as friend of the beavers.

Enough about me – I want to thank you all for making the Christingle such a happy occasion for me. A Christingle service started my involvement in the Section and it was so appropriate to finish in this way. I was overwhelmed by the gifts, brought to tears by the poem and the song, and totally embarrassed by being dressed up and made to sit in front of the Church. Yes you got me, all of you but what  a send off. I loved the book you had made with all the beavers writing or drawing something for me. The vase is beautiful and the flowers you gave with it. There were other gifts as well and oh you had all made such an effort to make it an occasion, finishing the following week, after the Pantomime, with a meal at the Malvern.

Thank you for 26 years of “Fun and Friends”, Grey Owl.


From Colin

A very big thank you to Shaun Cassidy for an extremely well organised and successful Cub Survival camp. It was really great fun for me to pop bye and visit you all. It was encouraging to see all the groups attending this event and seeing the young people have such a great time. Thanks to the all The Leaders that made the camp happen and please pass on thanks to all the Parents who came along and helped you.

Well done to the Scout section for a successful Raft Race which on a lovely summer’s day was great fun. Thank you to Stuart Ganney ADC Scouts who helped and supported the 7th to go to the County Camp at Lyons Copse that proved to be a real success. It was also great to see the 25th Scouts at the camp ably overseen by the group’s young leaders.

Well done goes to the Beaver section for a successful Loggerhead competition. They had a great day at Wilverley.

Congratulations to Simon Pickering on gaining his Young Leader belt it is great to have these young people in our scouting. Well done and thank you to him and all our young leaders.

Well done to the 9th Shirley Warren who had a very successful 75th Birthday camp at Wilverley that was a great way to celebrate the history of this great group.
Well done and thank you to all the Leaders and Sarah Milstead for the first response training it is so important that we all keep our knowledge up to date.

Wilverley District Camp Site

A big thank you to everyone who came to the Wilverley Maintenance Weekend at the end of August. It was great to have such a good response from you all and we got such a lot done. Wilverley is now setting up a reward system for groups that help with Maintenance so you can still earn yourself points by coming out and doing some more of the jobs that we still have in hand.

The replacement generator project is on course to start very soon. With the plan of it being completed by the end of November. It will be great to just flick a switch!!


Jamboree 2015

Japan We had four of our scouts and explorers put themselves forward to go to the 2015 Jamboree in Japan. They are Owen Budd, Rozy Toomer, Abi Bacon, and Kieran Brackley. The selection weekend has taken place and we are now waiting to hear if any of them have been selected. We all have our fingers crossed.

Swimming Gala

The arrangements for the District Swimming Gala are in hand. It is being held on Saturday 23rd November at 5.30pm.

Further details to follow


District Web Site

Please rember to tell everyone about your good news, if you have been to camp recently or are planning a event SHOUT LOUD about it. The web site is a great way to promote our district and tell everyone how good we are. Everyone loves a good news story. Please send all your articles to Tony and Val Kench by the 25th of every month.

Grow your Own Scout Group, Offer the Big Adventure.


Have you now all got your vacancy boards up in the entrances of your HQ? If not I take it you have every post in your group filled!!

It is so important that we SHOUT Load about how we need to grow and offer Scouting to anyone who wishes to join. We can do that if we start now to recruit more adults and get them working in our groups. That could be in the uniformed leadership teams or just as importantly in the Group Exec Committees. The more the merrier!!

A big Thank You to the 1st – 2nd – 7th – 29th who came along to the first grow your own group meeting. These meetings are being run by Thelma our ADC group Support and it proved a good opportunity for those groups to reflect where they are and what the long term plan is to be for the group to grow. I would ask that all the other groups contact The 9th, 11th and 14th and the 26th have confirmed that they will be coming to a further meeting on 2nd Oct.

The remaining groups (we now who you are!!) must attend on the 17th October, please arrange that with Thelma it will save her chasing you. Don’t forget we need to ask anyone and everyone that you meet in your groups or outside scouting to get involved. Scouting has a job for most people.

On a final note: when I was a cub many years ago we used to play a game called Chinese whispers. That involved the cubs sitting in a circle and the leader whispered a short message to the first cub and then the cubs passed that message to the person on their right until everyone had been passed the message. It was great fun but I have to say the message that came out in the end was nothing like what was said at the beginning. Surely as Adults we don’t still play that game.

If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

Yours in Scouting,
Colin Floyd, District Commissioner,


BSL Meeting

The Beaver, friends and family Christmas Wonderland at Paultons will be launched for this years visit. You will also have the chance to meet and discuss with other Leaders around the County.

Please join the County Team  on Saturday 7th September at 3rd Chandlers Ford Scout HQ, (at side of the Church) Kings Road, Chandlers Ford SO53 2EY at 10am -12noon. Tea, coffee and biscuits available before and during the meeting.

See you there

Valerie Kench



From our Badge Secretary

Just a couple of notices….

On the new order forms you will see that the postage costs have changed. This is in line with Royal Mails increases. You will now also have the option of choosing 1st class or 2nd class delivery depending on the urgency of your order. New prices come in to effect from 1st September 2013.

Beaver Leaders: The Beaver “Caring Challenge Badge” (Cupped Hands) is no longer available, however when I looked it up the syllabus is still online. Please be aware that if you do this badge I only have limited stock left so best to check first to avoid disappointment!

Just a reminder of the details for Badge Nights until December. Dates/Times are as follows:





Ways to order:

By Email:

Email me at:

(Inc Group Title, Section, Badge Names, Quantities, Postage required and Postal address)

Order will then be posted out with a 14 day to pay invoice

By Post:

Send me your completed order form to: 7, Westbourne Road, Portsmouth, Hants, PO2 7LB

Pre Order:

Order in advance by email or post and collect at the next Badge Night. Payment by Cash or Chq must be paid when collected.


Badge Night Drop In

I look forward to your orders


Order forms can be downloaded from here.



Nine bases; starting with storming the Bastille and planting the French flag on the ramparts.

The others on a French theme were: Following the route of the peasants march and finding treasure in the Chateau; Capturing the Scarlet Pimpernel; Painting a picture in the style of Mattise, Playing Petanque; Cooking Crepes; Building a Barricade; Making a Lego Eiffel Tower and meeting the “Montgolfier Brothers” with their hot air balloons.

As an extra, each Team made their own banner in the style of the revolutionary bands.

Grey Owls’ introduction to the Beavers was interrupted by the famous peasant “Les Miserable” but that didn’t stop the Beavers taking the idea on board and coming up with some great work.

After Lunch with hotdogs, provided by Lin of the Cub section, the afternoon sports session stared with a Penalty Shoot Out but Grey Owl soon realised that the exposure to the Sun was getting too much for the Beavers and the activities ended with them sitting on a water balloon, followed by a water fight in which everyone including Grey Owl, Les Miserable and the DC got wet.

The presentation was in the shade Paddys’ Place with each team holding their splendid Banners and balloons. First they let all the balloons fly. Then they all received certificates and their Adventure badge for taking part. They deserved them because had joined in with such enthusiasm and had done much good work. Well done to the team from the 2nd Colony who won the Trophy.

The day at Wilverley was shared with the Cub Section who were finishing their David’s Challenge Competition. There was great co-operation between the two Sections and  thanks go to Pat and her helpers for making it all possible.

My thanks must also go to the Beaver Section Leaders, the Explorer young leaders, Active support and all the parents that helped before the event and on the day. Hard work but good fun had by all.

Grey Owl


9th Southampton City Group Obstacle Course. Saturday 8th June

This event showed our group at its best, the three sections working together, the scouts each cheerfully mentoring a Beaver so they could have fun with the reassurance of the older one to both egg them on and support them if they were unsure. This is a great way for the younger kids to meet the older ones and should also help with the flow of young people from Colony to Pack and Pack to Troop.


Our Trip To Australia

When we arrived at our destination we had a quick snack and a drink then, led by the Leaders at the 1st we did the ‘Joey’ opening ceremony, this was followed by making ‘Didgeridoos’ and ‘Boomerang’ flying. We then had to make a quick return, hand back our special Beaver passports, go back through the tunnel and home.

All this was done in an hour and a half at the 1st HQ we never left the premises, all the Beavers and the leaders had a brilliant evening.

A Big thank you to Eve and her team at the 1st for organizing this.

Elaine (2nd)