In Action

Joshua of the 13th achieves every Beaver badge

Joshua of the 13th Sea Scout Beaver colony has gained every badge available in Beaver scouting.

This is a wonderful achievement and Joshua has worked so hard.

Congratulations to him and I am sure he will now look forward to even more challenges once he starts in the Cub section.

Joshua and his family and the 13th can be very proud we’ll done

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner


Beaver Funday

On Saturday 30 beavers from 5 colonies with 9 leaders and helpers spent the day at Ferny Crofts on a fun day. They climbed and abseiled on the small tower. Cooked bacon, dough twists and melted marshmallow over an open fire. Used to go carts and followed the picture trail around the site. In between the activities they had lots of drinks biscuits, cakes and a picnic lunch. They all went home happy but tired, complaining of aching legs from the go carts, I think that included to adults.

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FC fun day 2015 003

Gail Langton
District Beaver Leader


Remembrance Day

Our District has been invited by The Mayor of Southampton to attend the Remembrance Day Service, at The Cenotaph, on Sunday 8th November 2015.

It is hoped that we can make up a contingent comprising, a Beaver, a Cub and a Scout and Explorer and a Scouter from every group in the district. Also all Active Support and Network members are invited.

Our aim is to have a good smart contingent for the remembrance parade at the Cenotaph in West Park Southampton for this year’s Remembrance Service. Last year was a lovely event and it gave our young people a chance to show their respect and remembrance and it was particularly mentioned by those attending, including the Mayor, that it was lovely to see our youngsters taking part.

Of course if your group has already arranged to go to your local church that is fine I am just pleased that they are doing that. But for those groups that do not go to a local church we would like you to join us at the main Southampton Cenotaph.

We hope we will have at least 50 people attending. Even though I have said only one please do bring more if you wish to.

We will meet at 9.45am at Guildhall Square I will be there earlier, so please look out for me. You can park for free up to 12 noon on a Sunday at the West Park Car Park.

Please do make sure you are all in smart uniform please, polished shoes etc. I will have poppies to give you if you have not already purchased some.

The parade will be marching from Guildhall Square to the cenotaph and back to Guildhall square after the service so Parents please come and see the parade and pick up your children from guildhall square just before 12 noon.

If you could all please send me an email to say if you are coming or not I would be grateful.

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner

07770364711 or

Events In Action

Loggerheads 2015

Elaine reports on the beaver scouts Loggerheads competition 2015…

The loggerheads competition was held in June at our district campsite – Wilverley – where seven colonies entered teams of up to 4 Beavers.  The colonies were asked this year to provide ‘Scouting’ activities as their base.
The Beavers from each colony worked together as a team to complete the activities at each base. The day began with them decorating boxes which were later built into a totem pole.


The bases included, Pioneering, putting up a tent, knot, decorating biscuits, building a shelter, water trail and a scavenger hunt.  The weather was very kind to us – with sunshine all day.
After lunch the Beavers played water games getting drenched during each game, the day ended with a wonderful water fight.
When the Beavers had changed into dry clothes we all met in the shade of Paddy’s’ Place for the presentations. Congratulations to the 7th colony who won the competition, to the 1st colony for coming second and the 13th colony coming third. Each Beaver was presented with an Adventure Challenge Badge and a certificate for taking part.


Many thanks must also go to the Beaver Leaders, the Explorer young leaders, and all the parents that helped before and during the event
Elaine (Clover)



Brownsea Island 2015

Elaine reports on the May 2015 Beavers trip to Brownsea Island…

The day began at 8:30 when we boarded the coach for the journey to Sandbanks. On arrival at Sandbanks the very excited but  well behaved Beavers walked the 5 min journey to the ferry, The short journey on the ferry was spent pointing out different landmarks that could possibly be Brownsea Island.


On arrival at Brownsea Island we all went round together, taking in the breathtaking views and looking out for animals such as the Red Squirrel.


We were given a talk at ‘St Marks Church’ by one of the amazing volunteers, the Beavers were in awe listening to her, she then sent them on a hunt in the church to find the ‘Kneeler’ that had been made by our Southampton City Active support Ladies.


Later we went down to the beach where the beavers had a great time playing in the sand.  Then we walked back up to ‘Horse field’ where we had lunch, the Beavers were fascinated  when a visitor ‘A Peacock’ came to join them for lunch.


After lunch we walked round to ‘The Trading Post’ where we took group photos, then walked up to the Scout stone where we renewed our Scout Promise and the Beavers were all presented with a Brownsea island woggle.



We then carried on walking round the Island to the wonderful play area that has been created from trees that have either fallen or been felled on the Island.



The day finished with a gentle walk past the reed beds back to meet the ferry for our return journey home.


Elaine (Clover).

In Action

Watch: Year in Review – 2nd Southampton

We do love a good montage video, especially the ones which show off all the incredible adventures our young people get up to. Here’s some highlights from the 2nd during the last year.

Events Uncategorized

Red Nose Day

The 26th Southampton Swaythling Beaver colony held a Red Nose Day event on the 11th of March, raising around £40.


Amy O’Keefe
Beaver Scout Leader, 26th Swaythling


Visit to the Chinese New Year Parade

Beavers from the 1st had a great day out watching the Chinese Celebrations in West Quay, we took our Dragon along as well as lanterns and masks we made a week or so ago.

We had a long chat with the Mayor of Southampton as well as the President of the Chinese groups, we came away with Fortune Cookies and a chocolate coin in a special envelope.

Very proud of our Beavers for being very well behaved throughout the whole day.

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Events Uncategorized

Cross-Country Event 2015

runner.pngThe Cross-Country Event is a district-wide fun sport challenge event open to all sections, including Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Network. 

The event will be held at the Southampton Sport Centre on the 1st of March 2015, with the race starting at 10:00am, so please arrive in advance with competitors booking in with their groups on arrival. Competitors should bring along a drink and their necker for the competition.

Events Uncategorized

Swimming Gala 2014

What a start, with the entrance to the car park blocked off and then when the temporary entrance was found due to building work many parking spaces were missing and most of the others were in use.   

Despite this we saw the biggest involvement in the gala since the District was formed with 29 Beavers, 7 Cub packs and 8 Scout Troops.  It meant that we had to run heats for all the races and with me increasing the number of events for Cubs, bringing them to the same level as the Scouts, we ran out of time to carry out a presentation.  I was under strict rules from the pool booking officer that we had to be clear the pool by 9.30.  I am in the process of visiting Packs and Troops to hand out the medals, certificates and Trophies.

May I thank all the officials, helpers and the adult support team for all the assistance on the night.  
