In Action

Beaver Founder’s Day Celebrations

This year we had a beavers only celebration for our founder Robert Baden-Powell’s birthday.  Over 120 beavers and leaders from seven colonies came together to learn about BP through games and crafts.  We finished off with a sing-song around the campfire and cake.


Christmas Camps

We’ve noticed plenty of festive events going on around our district this holiday season. Here’s a taste at what’s going on…
Please get in touch if you have something to add

13th Beavers Christmas Sleepover:

Explorers’ Christmas Camp


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Ice skating ⛸

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14th Scouts (Wednesday Troop) Christmas Camp

Network Christmas Camp


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The crackers have been pulled and Christmas Dinner, with all the trimmings, is served!

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Explorers’ Christmas Cracker Challenge


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Christmas Cracker Challenge

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Cubs Carol Service


Do you like to sing, dance or act? Sign up now for Roverang 2019

What is it?

Roverang is a Scout and Guide show that is focused on having fun whilst putting on a stage show in a professional theatre. It gives young people the opportunity to sing, dance and act on stage of a professional theatre. There are NO AUDITIONS, we want everyone to have the opportunity. We want young people to have fun, make friends and enjoy the magic of the theatre.


Roverang is open to all members of the Scout and Guide movements from Beavers and Rainbows up to Network and Rangers (Up to 25 years old)


Rehearsals take place every Sunday at St Marys Independent School, Midanbury Lane, SO184DJ

Adults, Juniors and Kids rehearsals are 4pm – 6:30pm. Miniz (Rainbows and Beavers) rehearsal times will be set a little later but will be about an hour long at some time between these times.


We charge a one off subscription fee of £45 for cast members except for the miniz who pay £25. This covers the cost of the rehearsal venue, costumes etc.

Sign me up!

The sign up day is Sunday 14th Oct 4pm  at the school. Adults, Juniors and Kids cast will stay until 6.30pm for their first rehearsal. Miniz cast will start rehearsals a couple of months later.

It’s a great opportunity to experience something that most youngsters don’t have the opportunity to take part in. if you’re not sure if it’s for you, come along for a few weeks and see what you think.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Stuart & Sami

Roverang 2019 Producers



Beavers Wacky Races

On a lovely sunny lunchtime in June the beaver section held its annual Wacky Races and Picnic – an opportunity for the beavers and their families from across the district to get together for some fun and to help the community by raising funds for the district charity – PICU.

44 young people from 7 groups took the time to make their cars and race them.  There were 7 categories of races for all ages.  After the races the families had their picnics and the young people played games.

Thanks to the district beaver team for all your hard work planning and running the event, to all the families and leaders for attending and to the 13th Group for providing the refreshments.

You raised a massive £127.97p.  Let’s hope we have more young people and all the groups taking part next year and we can raise even more money for charity.


District Camp From The Sky

Watch this incedible birds-eye video from this year’s District Camp. Drone footage of Lyons Copse Camp Site and Kayaking.

Can you spot yourself?


Beavers Christingle Service 2017

DC’s Diary

Well done to Eve, Elaine and the Beaver team for the Christingle service at St James’ Church.

All the Beavers really enjoyed the songs and their Christingle messages.

Thanks to all those who passed on gifts to John Stevens from Hampshire Hospital Scouting as well.
Very well received.

DC's Notes

DC’s Notes: Beavers Loggerheads, Cubs Challenge and Scouts Emlyn

Congratulations to the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers for taking part in their section competitions over the last two weekends. I was pleased to be able to get to these events as DC.

  • Beavers at Loggerheads
  • Cubs at Davids Challenge
  • Scouts at District Emlyn

I was really impressed with the way the teams at all three events showed teamwork and developed leadership in their challenges. With everyone having great fun along the way.

Thanks also to the leader teams in each section for their hard work in making these competitions happen.

It’s great to see the levels of challenge that go with the progression up through the sections.

Well done all who took part and thanks to all who supported these great events.

David, DC

Beavers Loggerheads 2017
Beavers Loggerheads 2017

Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017
Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017

In Action

30 Years of Beaver Scouting

Did you know that last year (2016) saw the Beavers celebrating their 30th Birthday?  Southampton City District spend the year having loads of fun – a few things they got up to included:

  • Birthday party
  • Trip to Gilwell Fun Days
  • Completed the County 30 Challenges
  • Campfire with Birthday cake

To finish the year we put all that fun in a Time Capsule and had it buried at Wilverley, our district campsite in the New Forest.  Many thanks to the Network Scouts for the burying.

In Action

Paralympic Athlete Aaron Phipps Comes to Visit

For the Disability Awareness Badge we had an amazing evening with Aaron Phipps. A truly inspirational person!
We had over 75 young people come along from Beavers and Cubs. What an amazingly positive person he is, certainly an inspiration! The beavers especially liked watching Aaron flip an opponent out of his wheelchair in the 2012 London Para Olympics! The young people were so well behaved. Big thanks to Amanda Wallace for organising this event.
In Action

Beavers Wacky Races

And they’re off!!! Last week the Beavers section have held their annual Wacky Races and Picnic on Southampton Common. Over 40 young people from 5 colonies created their own cardboard cars and raced them.
We raised a whopping £163.85 for the district charity – PICU, helping children in intensive care at Southampton General Hospital. Congratulations to all the young people who took part and thanks to the leaders that helped organise & run the event.