Tag: adults
District Camp From The Sky
Watch this incedible birds-eye video from this year’s District Camp. Drone footage of Lyons Copse Camp Site and Kayaking. Can you spot yourself?
4 Leaders on their way to America
Congratulations to these adults in out district who have been selected as international Service Team (IST) for the 2019 Jamboree in America Lexie Massie: 29th / SSAGO Alice Mintoff: ADC Scouts / Network James Mintoff: Youth Commissioner / 25th / Network Amanda Toomer: Explorers Good luck all….
Roll of Honour: Thelma & George
From the DC; Congratulations to two of the district team on being awarded their Silver Acorn this year. Well-earned from many years of service to Scouting in Southampton.
Wye Valley 2017
Last weekend over 150 Scouts, Explorers, Network members and leaders spent the long bank holiday weekend in glorious Wye Valley. We took part in archery, kayaking, mountain biking and hill walking. For more photos and updates from the camp, take a look at our Facebook and Instagram page. 14th Highfield (Wed Troop) made this excellent…
British Legion Poppy Collection
Thank you to everyone in the district who assisted Active Support in selling poppies for the British Legion. Special thanks to my own members of Active Support, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders plus some non- uniform members, from the 7th, 13th and 26th groups for all the help and long hours spent selling. I am pleased…
Beaver Funday
On Saturday 30 beavers from 5 colonies with 9 leaders and helpers spent the day at Ferny Crofts on a fun day. They climbed and abseiled on the small tower. Cooked bacon, dough twists and melted marshmallow over an open fire. Used to go carts and followed the picture trail around the site. In between…
Roverang Scout and Guide Show
Roverang have big plans ahead to for their 59th production in April 2016 too with a new production team with some new and exciting ideas, bringing Roverang ever closer to its 60th year!!! Cast registration details are outlined below and will be held at 3rd Itchen North HQ, Brook Road, Bitterne. Roverang cast is open…
Quiz Night: 14th of March
On behalf of the International 3, there will be a Quiz Evening held at the 11th Headquarters (on Kentish Road in Shirley) The evening is being held on the 14th March between 7-10 pm with a cost of £4 for Adults, £2 for Children and £10 for a Family (2 adults, 2 children). Tickets can…
Swimming Gala 2014
What a start, with the entrance to the car park blocked off and then when the temporary entrance was found due to building work many parking spaces were missing and most of the others were in use. Despite this we saw the biggest involvement in the gala since the District was formed with 29…
How Scouts Can Help You Find a Job
Applying for university, taking a gap year, looking for your first job or changing career? Becoming a Scout volunteer can boost your CV, your UCAS statement, your prospects and give you the edge at job interviews. In a recent independent study, 41% of employers said that if an applicant was a Scout volunteer it would…