
About Doreen

For more than 40 years Doreen Old, who has died at the age of 91, was in the Scouting frontline. Thousands of city youngsters have benefited from her inspiring leadership. And her sterling service brought her the Movement’s highest accolades. Right to the end she was an active member of the Southampton West/City District and was a long standing member of the Active Support Movement.

St James Church, Shirley, Southampton was packed  when all sections of the city’s scouting fraternity paid their last respects and formed a guard of honour. Netley born Doreen’s links with the 11 th Southampton City Scout Group, now based in Kentish Road, Shirley, stretched back to 1971 where she was Akela of Woden Pack. Her other roles with the group included Group Scout Leader, treasurer and president. She was also a member of the District Fellowship/Active Support Unit for the Southampton West/City district and chaired the district sports committee. For her services to Scouting Doreen was awarded The Medal of Merit and The Silver Acorn (one of the highest awards in Scouting).

Her daughter Pat Rea followed in her mother’s Scouting footsteps and is Assistant District Commissioner for Cubs in Southampton City District formerly Southampton West. Like her mum she has been being working in the Cub Section for more than 40 years. Pat described her mum as an amazing lady who was always there to help others. She said: “She was always on hand to help when and where needed. “She thoroughly enjoyed working with the Cubs which is why when she had to retire as Akela she joined what was then Fellowship, now Active Support, so that she could continue to help out.”

After the funeral service a wide cross section of the Scouting community gathered at the 11th Southampton’s Kentish Road headquarters to share memories of Doreen. As well as a daughter and son, Doreen leaves two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Duncan Eaton


Sports Award For Doreen

mini-doreen_old.jpgHampshire and Isle of Wight Sports Council organised the ceremony. Doreen was nominated out of a short list of four to receive the award “For over 60yrs service to sport” in Hampshire. Her involvement with sport in Scouting was mentioned at the ceremony. Doreen has been Chairperson of our District Sports Committee for many years. Doreen is also a long standing member of our Active Support Unit. I’m sure the whole District will join me in offering our congratulations to Doreen on this well deserved award. Well Done.

George Longhurst


New Year Message

As a unit we participated in all of our usual things during December. We helped out in a packed St. James Church for the Beaver Christingle service and again at a packed St. Andrews Church for the Cub Carol service.  The 13th. did a great job with their Seniors party. All of our members who attended had a great time. Well done to Lee and Sue, especially as it was the day of their 40th Wedding Anniversary, and their team. There’s dedication for you!! Congratulations to you both. Finally on the 21st December, we held our own Christmas Party. It was great to see so many friends and Scouters from around the District joining us for the evening. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Before I close I would like to thank all of my team in The Active Support Unit for their support during the past year. No matter what I ask of them, even at short notice, they are always there. Thank you all.
A Happy New Year to everyone in Southampton City District. 

PS. I have just been notified by The Southampton Branch of The Royal British Legion that members of The Active Support Unit who collected at both local branches of Sainsburys,for The Poppy Appeal collected £692.36.This is a fantastic amount thank you and well done to those of my members who were involved.
George Longhurst.