In Action

☀️ Round Up: Summer Camps 2018

It’s been a busy Summer, with many of our young people attending various camps across the country. Here’s a round up of what happened while school was out for summer!

2nd Southampton

This year, the scout troop made their way to Chelwood near Bath for a week of activities including caving, cycling around the canels and kayaking on the river Avon – Including operating the locks

9th Scouthampton

Rather than rely on adults to get them to camp. The 9th Scouts made their own way from Southampton to Brownsea Island (Home of the first scout camp). Find out more about their adventure below:

13th Southampton Sea Scouts

The 13th Group held their Summer camp locally at our district camp site in the New Forest. There was still plenty of water, even on dry land.

14th Southampton (Wednesday Troop)

These scouts attened Jurassic International Jamboree in Purbeck. A week long camp with the chance to meet other scouts from over the world.

14th Southampton (Friday Troop)

A very adventerous week for this troop. They made it all the way to the Peak District and climbed some very impressive rock faces.

29th Immaculata Southampton

The Scouts spent their summer camp and enjoyed a swim at the pyramids, took part in archery, tunneling, climbing at Rock Up and rafting. Along with a few visits out and taking on an assault course. The usual Scouting skills and hiking were also included. Here’s a few photos for you…

SSAGO (Student Scouts and Guides)

The Southampton Student Scout and Guide Organisation take to the Lake District for their week-long summer camp!

Explorers (Apollo, Enterprise, Endeavour and Nemesis Units)

Our 4 Explorer units spent 5 days camping out at Walhampton School in the New Forest. Durin their stay they took a trip to the Isle of White for some coasteering, visited Lymington Water Park and powerboated to the Needles.

Have we missed you out? Send us an email to and we’ll add your story.


District Camp From The Sky

Watch this incedible birds-eye video from this year’s District Camp. Drone footage of Lyons Copse Camp Site and Kayaking.

Can you spot yourself?

In Action

Paralympic Athlete Aaron Phipps Comes to Visit

For the Disability Awareness Badge we had an amazing evening with Aaron Phipps. A truly inspirational person!
We had over 75 young people come along from Beavers and Cubs. What an amazingly positive person he is, certainly an inspiration! The beavers especially liked watching Aaron flip an opponent out of his wheelchair in the 2012 London Para Olympics! The young people were so well behaved. Big thanks to Amanda Wallace for organising this event.

Quiz Night: 14th of March

On behalf of the International 3, there will be a Quiz Evening held at the 11th Headquarters (on Kentish Road in Shirley)

The evening is being held on the 14th March between 7-10 pm with a cost of £4 for Adults, £2 for Children and £10 for a Family (2 adults, 2 children).

Tickets can be bought from any of the participants, or people can pay on the night.


Daily Echo Reports: Scout group celebrates 60 years

mcscoutsbirthday03.JPGScouts of all ages celebrate the anniversary.


FOR six decades they have been teaching children to be prepared.

Now, the 9th Southampton City Scout Group has celebrated its 60-year anniversary in style at their headquarters in Shirley Warren.

More than 60 people, including both past members and the current generation, enjoyed the anniversary held at the Scout hut in Bindon Road.

It was in 1953, that Reverend Milne of St Jude’s church in Shirley Warren recognised the need for a Cub pack in the area.

They were officially recognised by the Scout Association a year later and moved to its current base in Bindon Road in 1967.

Since then hundreds of children have been taught the Scout values, learnt survival skills away on camping trips and earned various badges.

Group Leader Neil Webb, said: “There has been huge amount of hard work from the leaders.

“It is fantastic to have people that have come through the Scouts here today. We would not be here now if they had not done their bit.”

He added: “A lot of the young people have games and things that keep them inside, but our group gives them the chance to do more adventures and take part in activities like camping.”

Among those celebrating was Myrna Russell, 71, retired from Merryoak, a leader of the 60’s. She said: “I like the friendly co-operation and how well structured it is and how we learn useful things.”

Also there was Gordon Bailey, 70, from Dibden Purlieu who was leader from 1961 to 1965. He said: “I think the best thing about the Scouts is the character building.

“There’s a saying, once a Scout always a Scout.”