In Action

Why I’m Proud to be a Scout – A Message for Founder’s Day

Today is Founder’s Day – the birthday of the man who founded the worldwide Scout Movement – his name is Lord Robert Baden Powell.

You may think all I do each week is stand around in a silly uniform with a rolled triangle around my neck singing ‘ging gang goolie goolie’ with a bunch of children, nah – Scouting today is SO much more than that…

We make fire. We whittle sticks. We cook in the ground. We grow in confidence. We learn from each other. We teach others. We create memories. We as adults shape the way kids look at the world and how they interact with others. We’ve even taught them lifeguarding skills and how to use saws and drills! We camp – it’s not just a weekend away in a smelly muddy field – it’s a weekend of adventure without your family. A weekend where kids and adults alike can be themselves and try new things.

Scouting gives us skills for life: independence, teamwork, leadership and problem solving to name just a few. Who would have thought that at 9 years old a kid had never spent a night away from home before? Had never slept in a tent with their friends? Had never burnt a sausage on an open fire? I can tell you from experience that the confidence and pride it gives a kid to know they can survive a night without mum and dad at that age is incredible. These are experiences that will stay with us for the rest of our lives. Once upon a time that kid was me and I’m proud to be passing on that knowledge as a leader.

I am a Scout and I’m proud of it! 🏕

Written by Olii – Asst Scout Leader at 14th Southampton Wednesday Troop.

In Action

14th Wednesday Scouts Kick-Off #YouShape Month

14th Highfield Weds PLs spent this weekend at Lyons Copse for a PL/APL ‘training’ camp organised by County.

It was an exceptionally well organised and structured weekend where each Troop was split up into smaller groups of 7, each with a facilitator to help guide ideas etc. YLs and some of the County team ran mini workshops on developing skills in teamwork, leadership, communication, promoting positive behaviour and running activities safely. Each activity was split up into 30/40 minute chunks separated by a break/game/run around time.

Each Scout got the chance to lead on a task (for example: building a bridge out of newspaper, organising people into height order for a game, running a game etc.) The theory behind the skill/activity was presented, the kids then had a series of tasks to complete to work on that skill, for example one of the ‘teamwork’ tasks was to build a tower out of newspaper and sellotape – they had to decide if someone was going to take charge (leadership), any ideas of how to complete the task (teamwork and communication) and then do the task (again communication, teamwork and leadership). After each task, the group’s facilitator gave them structured feedback as to how they did. The kids then got the chance to review the activity and occasionally repeat it with a different leader/idea.

Saturday evening was dedicated to a PL forum with their leader (or someone from County if they came without a leader) where we talked about what problems PLs may face back in their Troops, ideas that they’d like to see implemented, how their leaders can help them and vice-versus. We also discussed 5 challenges that the PLs will be responsible for between now and next year. Some suggestions: PLs running a number of evenings; running games at the start of the evening and teaching their Patrols how to tie a friendship knot.

Overall a fabulous weekend – would 100% recommend to any leaders thinking of developing their PLs/APLs ‘soft skills’!

Have a look what we got up to!


Fun In Action


The Mannequin Challenge is sweeping the nation! Last weekend 14th Southampton Friday Scouts freeze-framed during 2 night hike across the New Forest… Take a look below at how they got on. (nobody move!!!)

Great hike today – 18km from Wilverley to Ferny Crofts (basically one side of the New Forest to the other). Mannequin challenge & various Bear Grylls documentaries on route! All back safely, eating & making fire.

Posted by Ed Jellard on Saturday, 12 November 2016

In Action

Scouts shine at activity hike

Hello Autumn! You simply can’t beat spending time in the forest at this time of year. The changing of the seasons brings about some stunning colours and wildlife. We love it and the Scouts section makes the most of it by holding many activity days in The New Forest this term, starting with Maddison Hunt.

Earlier this month, teams of Scouts aged between 10.5 and 12.5 hiked around Wilverley Inclosure. Along the way they stumbled across challenges to complete by working as a team and using their initiative and skills.

This year we made pancakes, built towers, constructed bridges and administered first-aid. The sun shined and our young people outshone themselves… Well done.

Congratulations to everyone who took part! It’s a huge achievement. This years Trophy was won by 1st Aldermoor.ctytljgwiaazbyj


What’s it like to be a Scout in Southampton?

Highfield Scouts recently made this awesome video showing what Scouting is all about.

In Action

Could you survive a weekend in the forest with just your friends?

Last weekend 8 teams of Scouts from across our district spent 2 nights away camping in the forest without any adult assistance.

Emlyn Camp takes place each year with the aim for young people aged 10.5 to 14 to survive a weekend away with their friends as a group of 4, 5 or 6.

This year we held the camp at Braggers Wood in Bransgore. On the Friday night Scouts arrived from Highfield, Milbrook, Shirley, Freemantle, Aldermoor, Portswood and Regent’s Park. Scouts had to pitch their entire site, cook for themselves and took part in some outdoor challenges to promote teamwork.

Completing Emlyn camp is a huge achievement for everyone who takes part. Not only is the camp a lot of fun, but everyone who takes part learns so much by working as a team with their peers to successfully live and cook together (and hopefully in harmony too).

Emlyn Camp also awards trophies which date back many decades. Teams were given scores throughout the weekend based on their teamwork, cooking and challenges. Well done to 29th Portswood Immaculata who took home the Overall Emlyn Trophy and well done to 1st Aldermoor who won the Scout Challenges Trophy. We also awarded a brand new Judges Choice award this year to 22nd Southamtpon for making considerable progress as a new team.

Congratulations to everyone who took part and thank you to all the adults who helped make the camp a success.




In Action

Highfield Scouts 2015: A lookback

As the year comes to an end, it’s great to take a look back at all that’s happened this year.
The 14th Scouts have put together a great video looking back at everything they have been up to over the past year, including their caving camp, survival camp, a hammocking and hiking camp and many other adventures!


Quiz Night: 14th of March

On behalf of the International 3, there will be a Quiz Evening held at the 11th Headquarters (on Kentish Road in Shirley)

The evening is being held on the 14th March between 7-10 pm with a cost of £4 for Adults, £2 for Children and £10 for a Family (2 adults, 2 children).

Tickets can be bought from any of the participants, or people can pay on the night.


Brecon Beacons Trip

Absolutely everyone had a fantastic time and the scouts were quite literally wow’ed by the scenery – watch the video on our website to see what I mean and to see what we got up to!


Scout Leader at the 14th


14th Tree Climbing

We have two trees – one huge one (about 10m – which is only marginally shorter than Ferny Crofts’ Mega Tower) and one that is slightly smaller (7m).  We strap a climbing hold system (partially made by our scouts) onto the trees, and then climb up it (wearing harnesses/helmets while being belayed by kids/leaders).  We also have a caving ladder, equipment for “prusiking” up a rope, and in the future, we hope to get some crates for crate stacking.
The whole system has been signed off by the county climbing assessor (risk assessment, setup doc, operating procedure).
If your section would like a session on it, please get in touch with me (ed AT jellard DOT – there is a hire cost as we have had to get a lot of equipment that’ll need renewing periodically.  With the two trees, we should be able to cope with any sized section in 1.5hrs – 14 can be involved across the two trees at any one time, and you can use the copse/hut to run another activity with your leaders with the ones not involved (making and using a low-ropes course is always good in the copse as an alternative activity, or fire-lighting etc).
Ed (14th SL)