Tag: 11th

  • District Camp From The Sky

    Watch this incedible birds-eye video from this year’s District Camp. Drone footage of Lyons Copse Camp Site and Kayaking. Can you spot yourself?

  • Scouts shine at activity hike

    Scouts shine at activity hike

    Hello Autumn! You simply can’t beat spending time in the forest at this time of year. The changing of the seasons brings about some stunning colours and wildlife. We love it and the Scouts section makes the most of it by holding many activity days in The New Forest this term, starting with Maddison Hunt. Earlier…

  • Scouts DIY Raft Race

    Scouts DIY Raft Race

    Teams from across Southampton jointed together at Testwood Lakes for the annual Scout Raft Race. Using a combination of pioneering, paddling and perseverance groups took their craft to the the water and battled against each other. Well done to everyone who took part and those who enjoyed cheering from the waterside. It was a really fun day.…

  • Could you survive a weekend in the forest with just your friends?

    Could you survive a weekend in the forest with just your friends?

    Last weekend 8 teams of Scouts from across our district spent 2 nights away camping in the forest without any adult assistance. Emlyn Camp takes place each year with the aim for young people aged 10.5 to 14 to survive a weekend away with their friends as a group of 4, 5 or 6. This year…

  • Quiz Night: 14th of March

    On behalf of the International 3, there will be a Quiz Evening held at the 11th Headquarters (on Kentish Road in Shirley) The evening is being held on the 14th March between 7-10 pm with a cost of £4 for Adults, £2 for Children and £10 for a Family (2 adults, 2 children). Tickets can…

  • Wilverley Working Weekend

    The 9th had decided to do a group ‘team building’ weekend at Wilverley and the 1st came in numbers enough to make a great team. The 9th also brought with them a giant box of brushes and rollers very kindly donated by Tool Bank. Many thanks to Neil Webb for that. With 15 people present…

  • From our Badge Secretary

    Just a couple of notices…. On the new order forms you will see that the postage costs have changed. This is in line with Royal Mails increases. You will now also have the option of choosing 1st class or 2nd class delivery depending on the urgency of your order. New prices come in to effect…

  • About Doreen

    For more than 40 years Doreen Old, who has died at the age of 91, was in the Scouting frontline. Thousands of city youngsters have benefited from her inspiring leadership. And her sterling service brought her the Movement’s highest accolades. Right to the end she was an active member of the Southampton West/City District and…