DC's Notes Wilverley

Wilverley Building Oficially Re-opens

The District held its AGM at Wiverley today so celibrate the great work done by all the teams out there over the years,
The site looked great in the sunshine with the new District Section flags.
Arthur Ashton officially re-opened the Challes Allen Buillding that had had so much work done on it over the last year.
He also unvailed the new Roll Of Honour board in the Cottage celibrating all those that have helped on the site.
Thanks to all involved with this great District asset. It’s down to the District  to get out and use it as much as we can.
David Bowers (DC)
DC's Notes In Action Wilverley

DC’s Diary: Network’s Christmas Camp at Wilverley

Last weekend Southampton City Network along with members from Southampton and Solent SSAGO’s had a festive weekend at our district campsite. Activities included a fire (of course), a Christmas Dinner with all the works and other games. They even found time to help keep the site looking great. Thanks to all who took some time out to work onsite, fixing the gate post to the enclosure and clearing up the site.


Wilverley Campsite Maintenace Weekend: Sept 23-24

We are having a Wilverley working Party Weekend on September 23rd-24th. It is always great fun so please do your best to come along and please ask anyone in your group to come and give us a hand.
If you would like to stay over on Saturday night you will be very welcome.
Full details below. Please let me now numbers well in advance for catering arrangements.


Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th September 2017

9.00am to 4.00pm

Please come and join us in some basic maintenance at Wilverley. We have a list of jobs that are in need of doing before the Autumn. Please come for the weekend or just for either of the days. It will be great to see you all.

Did you know we have a reward scheme?
Helping at a Working weekend means you can earn points towards camping for your group.

How does it work? 
It’s simple, for every half day you volunteer on a working weekend you earn a point. Each point is equal to 1 person’s overnight camp on the field.  So if you come with 3 others or even send a family of 4 for a day to represent your group they can earn you 8 points.

These points can be saved, added together from other working party weekends and used when wanted.

Please contact Colin Floyd if you are coming so we can arrange refreshments and lunch on 07770364711 or email

Colin Floyd
Southampton City District Camp Site Manager Wilverley
Announcements Events Wilverley

Wilverley Working Party

Please come and join us in some basic maintenance at Wilverley. We have a list of jobs that are in need of doing before the Spring mostly indoors in the warm but some outside jobs for those who don’t feel the cold.

Left Handshake Wilverley

New for 2016 at Wilverley: Fully Equipped Kitchen for your Camp

We are always looking for ways we can help you by providing improved facilities at Wilverley.

If you are holding a group camp at Wilverley and you don’t want to bring your mess tent and kitchen and tables and chairs.

Why don’t you hire our activity centre and fully equipped kitchen. It has all the tables and chairs you need and a fully equipped kitchen with two gas cookers and ovens and a fridge.

The cost per day for these splendid facilities is only £45.00 a day. This includes the gas you use.

The activity centre can also be used for activities if the weather is rather inclement.

See the full inventory of the Activity Centre and Kitchen!

Events Wilverley

Wilverley Working Party: 5th March 2016

There is a Wilverley Working Party weekend on Saturday the 5th of March 2016 from 9am to 5pm.

Come and join us in some basic maintenance at the Southampton City District camp site at Wilverley. Free camping and facilities for the Saturday night, or just come and join us for the day! Wear old clothes and bring work gloves.

Please call to tell Colin Floyd if you are coming so we can arrange refreshments and lunch on 07770364711 or email