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Endeavour Explorers: Summer Camp 2014

The Triumph of the Few

In January 12 explorers said they wanted to go and the Site was booked. Various reminders were sent out and deadlines were set, but with weeks to go there was little response. It seemed that late booked holidays and other organised activities had scuppered us. To go or not to go – well, we had paid a deposit which we would lose – and the few still wanted to go.


In the event: 4 explorers; Rozy, Kieran, Faye and Joe; Jake, just about to become a trainee Leader at Ferny Crofts and Amanda, Matt, Geoff and Lin together with Corbin a Beaver Scout, were the ten that went along to Bowling Green Wood in Dorset from the 9th to the 16th August.

The Saturday load up needed some changes in our equipment as we had just heard that the fringes of hurricane Bertha would hit the South Coast that night. The heavy mess tent was preferred.

Lin and I had been there before but everyone else was impressed by the fact that this great campsite would be ours for a week. Thought was given to the layout of the tents given the high westerly winds that were forecast. The site is bounded by woodland which would give shelter but there was evidence that the trees could be blown down in the wind.

Sitting round the fire after a good supper the wind picked up as forecast and we went off to our Tents. It was a wet and windy night but we had good tents well pitched and we didn’t lose any sleep. 


The morning was windy and rainy but a visit from the resident peacock put us in a good mood. We decided immediately to put the bad weather fall back into action and went to Splashdown at Poole, “fluming” marvellous for the young, but two hours sipping indifferent coffee for the old and responsible. On the way back over Whiteway Hill we stopped at the high view point and saw the Jurassic coast spread before us all the way to Portland Bill. Amanda and Rozy did aerobics on stumps and Joe sat and contemplated.


Monday was better. Lin and Corbin were arriving and we arranged to meet them at Worth Matravers. I hadn’t said much about where we were going but the reaction when the others saw the big quarry caves cut into the cliff face was amazing. It was a time and a place to explore and they all did. Sitting above a sea still under the influence of hurricane Bertha was awesome. The hunt for ammonite fossils as big as car tyres was great as they clambered over the cliffs and rocky shelves. 


Tuesday we split: The Macho Brigade went to the Tank Museum while the Primeval went to Monkey World. Both Parties enjoyed their days but it was good to get back to our home at Bowling Green and compare notes whilst we prepared Dinner.


On Wednesday it was time to hit the beach at Lulworth Cove where most went swimming and all sunbathed. To live up to the English tradition the clouds came over, it started to rain and we became part of the mass exodus from the beach. After lunch some of us returned to visit the Fossil Forest to the east of the Cove.


That evening we cooked Pizzas on our own recently invented Camp Pizza Oven.


Thursday and Climbing was on the bill: We chose Hedbury Quarry as it was above the sea which was still a bit frisky. All the climbs there are bolted and most of a high grade but luckily our spot was available right on the edge overlooking the sea and the right grade for our novices. Matt and Jake have recently passed their Walls and Towers and this was a chance for them to extend their experience under my M form. Everyone had a go and some good climbing was done. It was good weather and a good place to be. After the long uphill path back to the Cars we decided everyone needed a treat and headed off to Swanage for a group meal in a Fish and Chip Restaurant.



Friday, our last full day and it had to be done – Durdle D’or and the swim through the Arch:


With Kieran our lifeguard in attendance the unit made a Unit swim through and around the arch and then enjoyed a laze and mud bath! on the beach. Meanwhile Joe made friends with a homing pigeon and gave it something to eat and drink.


That night Jake suggested we cook Hobo style – We prepared our own mix of meat and chopped vegetables seasoned and sauced, wrapped in foil and cooked in the embers. It was delicious.


The next morning we broke Camp and loaded the cars and trailer. Tidied the site and at a final parade were presented with the Campsite badge by the Warden, our flags were lowered and we left. What a memory!

From the Four: Rozi, Faye, Kieran and Joe: also Jake, Amanda, Matt, Geoff, Lin and “I just can’t wait to be an Explorer” Corbin.

One of the successes of the Camp were the Swedish Candles which Amanda had brought along as prepared logs with slots cut down into them. With a few embers dropped on the top they caught light and burnt down into the log for an hour or two. We cooked on them and also boiled a few Kettles. Thanks to Scouting Magazines Get Active Booklet.


Fundraising Halloween Explorer Party

We  are happy to have money on the door, but if we could have some indication of number this would be very helpful.

All proceeds will go to the International trip fund:
Rozy – Japan
Keiren – Tanzania
Owen – Iceland


County Archery Camp

Fantastic weekend at County Archery 2014 for Southampton City District. We took
11 Cubs and Scouts from various packs / troops (1st, 2nd, 22nd, 29th) who were the
winners from the District competitions held in May.
Results are
Target Supplied
Charlie Palmer   1st   237
Ben Cowan         3rd  200
Finbar O’keefe   185             
Sam  Newman   168
Target Supplied
Ellie Bugbee       3rd   230
Peter Rahlff     227
O18 Supplied
Chris Buckland    1st    269
Lewis Gallacher   3rd   245
Sam Newman   1st
Adam Hedges   2nd
Chris Buckland 2nd
Shaun Cassidy  3rd
Sam Newman   1st
Charlie Palmer  2nd
Ellie Bugbee    3rd
Ant Wilkinson  2nd




Young Leaders Going Strong

Young Leaders are still going strong, and we’ve had an influx of new members with the new term. It’s been lovely to welcome all the new faces, but we’re aware there are more out there. Just a reminder that everyone of explorer age (14-18) helping with a section, whether for DoE or scouting, needs to be registered with the Young Leader unit (contact me below) and complete their basic training (just like adult leaders). To get in touch with Iain (ESL(YL)), please drop an email to:

Young Leaders will continue to run on the second thursday of every month at the 1st Headquarters, and we encourage you to send your young leaders along so that we can train then up for you! If you would like a Young Leader, or are just interested in how it works to decide if you could accomodate one, please get in touch with Iain also.

There are plenty of resources for adult leaders who have a young leader in their section, available from Iain or the Scouts website here.

I’ve just revamped the Young Leader page of the District website, with useful info for prospective members. If there is information you would like to see on there, please drop me a line.

If you want to discuss how to stretch your Young Leader, or what they might be capable of (or to discuss any queries or problems, or even how they should show in Compass when it launches), please drop me a line or give me a call – email above, phone details in the District Directory.

Iain Redmill
Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders)

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Volunteers Needed – 12th October

On Sunday the 12th of October, Graham Meering is coordinating a County event at Ferny Crofts for approximately 80 young carers from thoughout Hampshire. He is looking for leaders to run planned bases, people to help as greeters/guides and young leaders/Network or explorers to act as mentors working with the youngsters on the activities.

Are you free on the day and willing to help? He is looking for leaders to run planned bases, people to help as greeters/guides, young Leaders/Network or explorers to act as mentors working with the youngsters on the activities.

The day will run 10 am to 3.30 pm but it would be helpful to be there at 9.30. If you are interested, please contact


Upcoming Training


Getting Started Training

We are running “Getting Started” training this month for all leaders who need to do Modules 1-3. “Getting Started” consists of:

  • Module One (09:00-10:30) “Essentials” – including important messages about Safety and SafeGuarding. Module One is compulsory for everyone.
  • Module Two “Personal Learning Plan” – discuss your individual training requirements with a training adviser.
  • Module Three (10:30-13:30) “Tools for the Job” – how to run weekly section meetings. Ideal for new leaders.

Date: Sat 18th Oct 2014, from 09:00 to 13:30 approx.

Venue: The HQ of the 1st Southampton City. Next door to the Bradbury Centre (“Rose Road”) 300 Aldermoor Road, SO16 5NA.

There is no charge to you for this training.

To register, please email Nico

First Aid Training

“First Response” is valid for three years and is the recommended minimum First Aid training for all active leaders and assistant leaders in Scouting. We are running First Response training in Southampton on Sat 1st Nov 2014 at the HQ of the 22nd Southampton City (Whitehouse Gardens, SO15 0SB). The training runs from 9.30am to 3pm. Please let me know if you would like to attend.

Training Validation Evenings

Already know your onions? If you have done some training or gained some experience then you can Validate your learning at one of our validation evenings coming up:

Follow the links to the checklists to see if you are ready to validate. The module validation evenings will run from 7.30pm until 9pm (approx) and will take place at the HQ of the 29th Southampton City in Portswood: 44-50 Brickfield Road, SO17 3AE. Please let me know which evenings to expect you.

Nico Chart
Local Training Manager

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District Commissioner Blog September 2014

Congratulations to the 1st Stags for winning the County Emlyn scouting skills competition. Well done and congratulations to Andy and his team of Leaders at the 1st Scout Troop. “Be very proud”.


Let’s all shout load how good we are!!

We have a lot to be proud of in our scouting, having been in post for three years it is timely to note the achievements we have all made together.

In no particular order:

  • Very supportive District Executive Council
  • Adult recruitment on the up.
  • Over 800 members in Southampton a record high.
  • Wilverley camp site greatly improved
  • Adult Training Greatly improved.
  • Support to Groups greatly improved.
  • All groups are full, thriving and looking forward with enthusiasm.
  • A much improved media, communication and district web site.
  • All district events and camps have improved.
  • Our young Leader trainees continue to support our scouting well.
  • A great number of bronze, silver and gold Chief Scout award winners. Quality scouting.
  • Growing help & support from our Active Support Unit.
  • Lots of additional adventurous activities taking place.

Scout Association Compass Membership System Data.

I spoke of this last month but for those that did not read it then, please note the launch of the new scout data base has been delayed for a few weeks whilst they fine tune the system. It will be opened for business very soon. When that happens we will have to major task of making sure all our young people are safely and accurately recorded on the system. You are being asked by Graham to tell him how you presently keep those confidential records. Further updates will be given out over the next few weeks.

If you keep your records on OSM there will be a day when that information will be transferred to compass so please make sure what records you have in OSM are correct.

Going forward it will be each group and section leader’s responsibility to make sure that the Compass data is up to date. That is a big job so groups may look to assign someone to take on that work on all the section leader’s behalf. It is your decision. I will be talking more to Group Scout Leaders at our next meeting which is being held on Wednesday 8th October at Bevious Town School at 7.30pm.

I Challenge you all. I would like many more Parents to be asked to get involved the more we have the more fun it would be for us. I challenge all of you to ask one person to get involved. I often get told that Parents would help if they were asked.

District Sports Swimming Gala

The District are holding its annual swimming gala at the Quays on Saturday 15th November so for those of you that are sports representatives please get in touch with me or Graham Meering and offer to get involved.

District Directory September 2014

We will be updating our district directory very soon so if you have any changes in your group please make sure Graham is aware of those so that your group information is up to date.

If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

Yours in Scouting,

Colin Floyd,
District Commissioner,
Mob Tel 07770364711 or



Wilverley Needs You!

Come and join us in some maintenance at the Southampton City District camp site at Wilverley.

  • General facility tidy and clean.
  • old flag pole to come down and new one to go up.
  • Loft boarding to be laid.
  • Chainsaw work (qualified persons required)
  • Hedges to be topped and trimmed.
  • Urinals to be replaced (man labor and plumbing.)

Free camping and facilities for the Saturday night working parties, or just come and join us for the day. Wear old clothes, bring work gloves.

If you have petrol equipment such as strimmers, chainsaws if qualified or just cutters, hedge trimmer or something you feel would help – please bring it along.

Please call to tell Laura Dyer you are coming on 07980 114208 or email

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S.S. “Shieldhall” – Autumn Training Day (Alongside) for Hampshire Scouts – Saturday 11th October 2014

There are places available for Hampshire scouts…

The day will follow the now well established format of starting with a colour ceremony on the boat-deck aft at 10.00 followed by six training modules set about different parts of the ship which all participants will experience during the course of the day finishing with the lowering of the colours at 16.00. The six training modules referred to willl cover a) the bridge scenario, how a ship is navigated / steered, compass, radar, signals, etc., b) introduction to an Admiralty chart, how to plot a course., c) working with heavy ropes on the forward deck, heave a line, a few useful knots, etc., d) the rescue RIB on the water, boat / water safety, steer a Fig 8 course etc., e) the fire scenario, hazards, extinguishers, B.A. equipment, run out hoses, etc., f) tour of the machinery spaces, learn how steam is raised and the ship is propelled / steered. In the event of inclement weather wet weather gear will be req’d for activities about the deck – participants wil also need a packed lunch., drinks, cocolate bars, crisps, ice cream and the like are available to purchase and our shop will be open over the 45 min. lunch time period.

Quite amazingly the cost is just £17.50 / young participant with no charge made for accompanying adults / leaders who may like to sit in on the training modules and to make things easy places may be reserved by the simple expedient of an e-mail to myself with payment by cash or cheque (not credit card) at the top of the gangway when coming aboard on the day. More information and a good selection of pictures from previous training days are availabe on our web-site which is If any further information is req’d then please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks in anticipation of your usual full and kind support,

Yours “aye”

Richard Jarvis


Pro-Badge 2014/2015

Pro-badge training weekends for cubs and scouts are run at Lyons Copse (where we had District Camp this year) throughout the winter. You might like to take a group of cubs or scouts there for a weekend to cover some of the badge work that can’t be done so easily at the usual meetings. Here are all the details: