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District Commissioner Blog January 2015

Congratulations to Graham wide for receiving his 30 year Service Award and to Richard Jacob for 25 year’s Service. Very well deserved.

Congratulations to Adam Higgins on receiving his wood badge.

A big well done and be proud message to Sophie Baldwin, Heather Porter and Thomas Bourner who have just completed and been awarded the Queens Scout Award by Adam Jollans the County Commissioner. They will now go the Palace to parade in front of the Queen. Fantastic

I am delighted to welcome Mike Langford and Heather Porter as the new Leaders of Network Scouting. With the able support of Joshua Smith as Network Chair this section I am sure will continue to grow. They have written a development plan that has a number of key objectives:

  • Get the finances sorted agree a membership fee and open there own bank account with at least three signatories.
  • To be self- sufficient for camping equipment.
  • Develop close links with Itchen North and South Networks
  • To develop close links with all our Explorers making sure that they get a taste of Network Scouting BEFORE they are 18 years old.

The district web site is presently under a thorough review and I hope the new improved site will be up and running for you all very soon. Please remember that the web site is our main vehicle for communication between us all and it acts as the face of our scouting in the community. If you have any group events or those that are held by the district please shout load about them and send some pictures and words to the media team. They look forward to receiving your good news.

The Compass data membership system is now live and we have a lot to do to get our data as it should be. We have completed a clean up operation of our adult data and everyone is working hard to get our young people data entered. Compass it is fair to say is experiencing some issues and can I just say how grateful I am to you all for your patience with the system and thank you.

We are holding our founders day on the 20th February please come along and enjoy the evening all the details are on the district website.

St Georges Day parade will take place on the 26th April starting at the Bargate and finishing in Hoglands Park further details will be available soon.

The planning and publicity for the Scout Explorer and Network Wye Valley weekend will be going out soon it is taking place on the weekend of 1st 2nd 3rd 4th May 2015 A swimming test evening has been arranged for Tuesday 24th March 2015 7 – 9pm at Regents Park School

I have met with a representative of the Forestry to start the discussions on the renewal of our licence for Wilverley this must be concluded this year.

The leaders of every group have been considering where they would like to hold our district camp in 2016 the choice was Broadlands, Cricket or Braggers Wood. The majority have plumped for Broadlands so we have confirmed our booking with Lord and Lady Romsey who have kindly agreed that we can hold our camp in their back garden!! The challenge now starts to make the camp a huge success.

Dave Bowers and I have met and having now spoken to Adam Jollans the County Commissioner we must be clear that Explorer Scouting is to remain District led. All finances and management fall under mine and Dave Bowers DESC responsibility. We will provide Explorer scouting where the demand requires and the accommodation is available and the leaders are willing to work on a day of their choosing. It would however be better if we could hold explorer scouting on different nights to give the members more choice and an opportunity if they wish to go to two or more units. If anyone has any thoughts on Explorer scouting please share them with Dave and me we would welcome your views.

My term as the DC ends on the 27th July 2016 which will be my 60th birthday in fact I see my last scouting event to be at the District camp in 2016. I would like the District to start the process of appointing the next DC now. The person of your choice will work alongside me in my final year making sure that the transition is well managed and seamless. We ask please for anyone who would like to put themselves forward to contact Graham Meering. If you would like to nominate someone who you think would be ideal for the role please check first they would like you to put them forward. And if so then send your nomination to Graham Meering in writing.

Yours in Scouting,

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner


Wye Valley 2015

Wye Valley, the all-inclusive activity weekend is back from the 1st to the 4th of May. Including white water canoeing, rock climbing, mountain biking and more, for just £75.

In 2013, more than 120 Scouts, Explorers and Leaders took part in the fun, so make sure you’re there in 2015!

For more information, watch the video of the camp from 2013


District Swim Test: Get your Blue Card



Tuesday 24th March 2014 @ Regents Park School Swimming Pool Richville Road Entrance @ 7pm sharp.

Please bring TRACK SUIT BOTTOMS and “T” Shirt to swim in.

Scouting requires you to hold a blue card swimming certificate to prove that you are a competent swimmer before you join in our wide range of water activities. If you are going to Wye Valley or any of the District Canoe Club sessions you will need to attend this test evening and get a blue card swimming cerfificate.?



Events Uncategorized

Cross-Country Event 2015

runner.pngThe Cross-Country Event is a district-wide fun sport challenge event open to all sections, including Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Network. 

The event will be held at the Southampton Sport Centre on the 1st of March 2015, with the race starting at 10:00am, so please arrive in advance with competitors booking in with their groups on arrival. Competitors should bring along a drink and their necker for the competition.


Wilverley Working Weekend


Cottage kitchen installation, general site maintenance, small repairs, cleaning, wood chopping. hedge trimming, tree cutting. Come along for just a couple of hours or the whole weekend. Free accommodation & lunch provided.  Families and friends welcome.

Earn your group their discount points for cheaper camping.

Can you bring a skill to help? We would love to see you. If you’d like to take a look at the current action plan, you can view it here.

Just let us know if you are interested in coming, contact Laura Dyer at




The 29th do the Scout Librarian Badge

14 Scouts from the 29th Immaculata Scout Group attended a local Library in order to each gain their Scout Librarian Badge. This was a Badge that some Scouts showed an interest in gaining and when it became confirmed to take place, a few more Scouts signed up too.

During our visit the Library Staff kindly planned and ran the Badge for us, so the leaders could put their feet up and read a book or two.

The Badge was separated into three parts, one was talking about the different kinds of books available in the Library to what the Scouts were interested in reading etc., another part being all about planning a journey using the reference material available and the final part was about searching for books and locating them, to doing some shelving and assisting the staff with placing books back on the shelf in the correct places which had been returned from lenders.

At the end of the day all Scouts were kindly passed by Ali and Karin who were members of staff that kindly planned and run the badge for us for free. This was a fairly simple badge to gain with very minimum preparation and planning to set up. The Library was also happy to run this as they were introducing what the Library has to offer to young people who may not normally visit a library. Showing them that a Library does not just lend books and indeed much more.

Below are a few pictures of the Scouts taking part in the various parts of their badge.

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Russ Andrews,

29th Immaculata Scout Leader


Leader Training Early 2015

There are two opportunities to do “Module 1” (Essentials – including SafeGuarding) in early Jan 2015. (Everyone must validate module one within five months of joining.) Also coming up: Module 3 and Module 10.

  • Module 1 (“Essentials”) Training – Fri 02/01/2015 – 19:00-22:00 – at the 1st HQ.
  • Getting Started Training (Module 1 “Essentials” – am, Module 3 “Leading a Section” – pm) – Sat 17/01/2015 – 09:00 – 16:00 at the 29th HQ.
  • Module 10 “First Response” – Sat 21/02/2015 – 09:30-16:30 at the 9th HQ (venue to be confirmed).

Drop me a line if you might be
interested in attending.

For other modules please see the Hampshire training calendar here: Adult Training calendar in pdf format. Use the online application form for Hampshire courses. I would particularly recommend the weekend courses in March and May – these are typically oversubscribed so book soon if you are interested. No charge for these courses (but there is a “no show” fee if you book and don’t turn up).

Best Regards,

Nico Chart,
Local Training Manager


Poppy Appeal – Total Raised


I have now heard from The British Legion with the total collected by members of Active Support and helpers from the District, for the Poppy Appeal. We collected £2,427.47p. This is a fantastic amount. My thanks go to all who were involved in this worthwhile cause.

George Longhurst
Active Support Manager


Roll of Honour: November 2014

Wood Badge


Awarded to Members on completion of their leadership training

Congratulations to Adam Higgins of the 7th Southampton on receiving his wood badge.

Chief Scout’s 30 Years Service Award 

Congratulations to Graham Wide for receiving his 30 year Service Award 

Chief Scout’s 25 Years Service Award


Congratulations to Richard Jacob for 25 years’ Service. Very well deserved

Queen Scout Award


A big well done and be proud message to Sophie Baldwin, Heather Porter and Thomas Bourner who have just completed and been awarded the Queens Scout Award by Adam Jollans the County Commissioner. They will now go the Palace to parade in front of the Queen. Fantastic.

Events Uncategorized

District Commissioner Blog November 2014

Wow this term is going fast and it will soon be 2015!!

Congratulations to Graham wide for receiving his 30 year Service Award and to Richard Jacob for 25 year’s Service. Very well deserved.

Congratulations to Adam Higgins on receiving his wood badge.

A big well done and be proud message to Sophie Baldwin, Heather Porter and Thomas Bourner who have just completed and been awarded the Queens Scout Award by Adam Jollans the County Commissioner. They will now go the Palace to parade in front of the Queen. Fantastic

I am delighted to welcome Mike Langford and Heather Porter as the new Leaders of Network Scouting. With the able support of Joshua Smith as Network Chair this section I am sure will continue to grow. They have written a development plan that has a number of key objectives:


  • Get the finances sorted, agree a membership fee and open their own bank account with at least three signatories.
  • To be self- sufficient for camping equipment.
  • Develop close links with Itchen North and South Networks
  • To develop close links with all our Explorers making sure that they get a taste of Network Scouting BEFORE they are 18 years old.


Thank you to everyone who attended the Remembrance parade at the Cenotaph, helped with the selling of poppies and to those groups who attended their local church. You did us proud.

The District swimming gala took place and the group award went to the 14th Scout Group in Highfield congratulations to them. The event was very well attended and was great fun thanks go to all the groups that took part.

The scout Walkabout competition was great fun and a big well done to the Scouts who took part and to all the leaders. The event was won by the 13th Sea Scout Troop Well done to them.

The district web site is presently under a thorough review and I hope the new improved site will be up and running for you all very soon. Please remember that the web site is our main vehicle for communication between us all and it acts as the face of our scouting in the community. If you have any group events or those that are held by the district please shout load about them and send some pictures and words to the media team. They look forward to receiving your good news.

The Compass data membership system is now live and we have a lot to do to get our data as it should be. We are doing a clean up operation of our adult data and once that is completed we will be looking to get our young person data recorded on compass. That will be a task that will need to be done by groups and I will be talking to Group Scout Leaders at our meeting on the 10th December on the time frame for that work and the support and training we will offer them. Would all Group Scout Leaders please do your best to attend this important meeting.

Don’t forget we need lots of parents to get involved have you asked one yet? If you have vacancies in your group advertise them on the red vacancy board we provided for you.

We will be updating our district directory very soon so if you have any changes in your personal details have you moved home changed your email address or telephone number? please make sure Graham is aware of those so that your information is up to date.

If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

I hope you all and your families have a wonderful Christmas and a joyous new year See you all in 2015.

Yours in Scouting,
Colin Floyd,
District Commissioner