
Training Modules April-June 2015

We are running a selection of training courses in the next couple of months. Please let me know if you think you would find this training useful.

Also I have added dates of the highly popular residential training weekends in the Autumn – book early to avoid disappointment!

Wed eve 15th Apr
Module 1
Essentials including SafeGuarding and Safety
19:00 – 22:00 at the 25th HQ

Fri eve 17th Apr
Module 16
Introduction to Residential Experiences
Ferny Crofts Campsite

Sat 18th – Sun 19th Apr
Module 38
Skills for Residential Experiences
Ferny Crofts Campsite

Sat 25th Apr
Module 25
Assessing Learning

Tue eve 28th Apr
Module 3
Tools for the Job

Tue eve 12th May
Module 5
Fundamental Values of Scouting
Cricket Campsite

Tue eve 9th Jun
Module 1
Essentials including SafeGuarding and Safety

Wed eve 8th Jul
Module 7
Scouting for All
Cricket Campsite

Sat 3rd Sun 5th Oct
Modules 11, 13, 14, 15, 17 & 18
Residential Weekend
Ferny Crofts Campsite

Sat 21st Oct – Sun 2nd Nov
Modules 5, 7, 8, 9, 12a/b & 16
Residential Weekend
Ferny Crofts Campsite

Nico Chart
Local Training Manager
Southampton City Scouts


Hampshire Scouts Present

large-logo.pngHampshire Scouts Present is a one night production featuring Roverang, Hedge End Gangshow, Odiham District Scout Show and Basingstoke Gangshow takes place at 6pm on 18th October in the heart of our County, the Guildhall in Winchester. 

Tickets are on sale via please share with your District as it would be wonderful to have representatives from across the County present and supporting the creative elements of Hampshire Scouting.

Find out more at their website,

Events Uncategorized

Southampton SSAGO (Student Scout and Guide Organisation) Ball on a Boat

Each year SSAGO (Student Scout and Guide Organisation) clubs from across the UK gather for the annual ball. This year it was Southampton SSAGO’s chance to host this event. So, on a rather blustery Saturday night SSAGO members flocked to Southampton, donned their finest clothes and joined us for a night to remember: SSAGO’s first ever Ball on a Boat!

During the evening SSAGO was treated to a tasty three course meal upon the Ocean Scene while journeying around the Solent. We were lucky to be joined by John May who gave a fantastic speech about his time in SSAGO and the work he does with the International Duke of Edinburgh Award! After that we partied the night away while enjoying the skills of the University’s Photography Society and a nautically themed prop box!

Over the weekend SSAGO also ran a whole bunch of activities to entertain everyone including a walk in the New Forest, a highly competitive game of mini golf and a wander around the city walls. A lot even topped the weekend off with a much anticipated trip to Sprinkles!

All in all everyone had a great time. Ball is always a wonderful chance to catch up with friends from across the UK and is definitely an enjoyable change from the usual muddy field setting of the national rally camps! Southampton SSAGO are hosting a dinosaur themed rally in June 2016 so no doubt everyone will enjoy a return trip to the city!

Southampton SSAGO10661983_745020178945317_6794969412301835548_o.jpg

Events Uncategorized

District Commissioner Blog March 2015

Congratulations to Pat Davies for receiving her long Service Award, very well deserved. Also, a big well done and congratulations to Toby Parker on his Queen Scout award. This concludes the remarkable achievement of the Parker family, three Queen Scouts from the same home. Well done to Toby, Hannah and Ben and family.

I am really grateful to the 29th Southampton (Immaculata) Scout Group for the wonderful celebration event for our Founder. I am so pleased to get such positive feedback on the event and that is down to Russell GSL and his excellent team and the 29th young people, thank you.

Congratulations to the 2nd Scout Group on winning both the cub and scout district football six a side competition. Well done to every group who came and joined in the competition. A big thank you to Graham for helping set up the event and to the Students of Solent University for running the event and refereeing on the day – fantastic support.

We have a Southampton City wide adult recruitment page if you have anyone at all who would like to get involved in our scouting please refer them to that will tell them of a range of different opportunities to join us and our adventure!!

We will be launching a District Youth Council very soon. I have asked Mike Langford and Heather Porter our new District Network Commissioners to help me by leading on this initiative. They will be guided by Keiran Brackley Ben Hibbert and Taylor Watson who are all young leaders. In partnership with Stuart Ganney and Dave Bowers on behalf of the scout and explorer sections. The format will be to invite two scouts from each group and two explorers from each unit to form the District youth Council. We will be asking for nominations soon. It will be wonderful to ask the representatives to help us shape our scouting going forward. Look out for more details soon.

We are looking to recruit more adults to help us with the Tuesday morning maintenance team at Wilverley. If you know of anyone who would like to get involved please ask them to contact me or Laura Dyer the camp site Manager. We would love to hear from them.

We have a swim test evening at Regents Park swimming pool on Tuesday 24th March at 7pm. Especially arranged for those going to Wye Valley but if anyone needs a swimming permit please come along.

Wye Valley is almost here ( 1st.2nd,3rd,4th May 2015), I can’t wait. It is a highlight event for our district, so please encourage all the Scouts and Explorers and Network members to come and enjoy what will be a fantastic bank holiday weekend.

St Georges Day parade will be taking place on Sunday 26th April 2015. This year it will start at the Bargate and assembly at Hoglands Park. Further details on the website very soon.

Don’t forget you need a new DC, the process of appointing the next DC is happening now. The person of your choice will work alongside me in my final year making sure that the transition is well managed and seamless. We ask please for anyone who would like to put themselves forward to contact Graham Meering. If you would like to nominate someone who you think would be ideal for the role please check first they would like you to put them forward. And if so, then send your nomination to Graham Meering in writing.

Yours in Scouting,
Colin Floyd,
District Commissioner

Events Uncategorized

Red Nose Day

The 26th Southampton Swaythling Beaver colony held a Red Nose Day event on the 11th of March, raising around £40.


Amy O’Keefe
Beaver Scout Leader, 26th Swaythling


Learn Bushcraft Skills

Bushcraft.pngWould you like to learn Bushcraft Skills for yourself of the benefit of your scouting section?

Bushcraft refers to the range of outdoor living skills, from tools and woodcraft to fire and shelter to foraging and nature. These skills can be adapted according to the weather, season or the environment that you are in and will help you to tune into, work with and respect the natural world, leaving minimal evidence of the time you have spent in the places you are visiting or passing through

The HEAT Bushcraft & Survival Scouting Active Support Unit are an experienced, qualified team of Scouts and are offering 7 units which can be undertaken, including:

  • Bushcraft Tools and Woodcraft
  • Fire
  • Shelter
  • Wild Forage
  • Campfire Cooking
  • Nature Awareness
  • Camp Tools and Intermediate Woodcraft

You can attend as few or as many units as you wish. The individual units run every other Monday from 7pm to 9:30pm during term time, in Hambledon in Hampshire, for a donation of £5 per person per unit. There is also a self-catered weekend option for £35 which covers all the units.

If you are interested, just contact


Quiz Night: 14th of March

On behalf of the International 3, there will be a Quiz Evening held at the 11th Headquarters (on Kentish Road in Shirley)

The evening is being held on the 14th March between 7-10 pm with a cost of £4 for Adults, £2 for Children and £10 for a Family (2 adults, 2 children).

Tickets can be bought from any of the participants, or people can pay on the night.


Southampton City District Canoe Club Courses

The 2015 Canoe Season is starting with Southampton City District Canoe Club, with courses running in April and May. Courses available include the Paddle Power Start, Passport, Discovery and Touring courses. With courses from beginners who want to try out the sport to those wanting to gain advanced skills, there’s courses for everyone.



This award is for any beginners who wish to try the sport in one session.

A BCU certificate will be awarded on completion of this session.

Tue & Wed 18:30 to 20:30, commence in May.


This course will contain the basic skills of KAYAKING and a short evening trip.          

SCOUTS who achieve this award will qualify for the PADDLESPORT ACTIVITY BADGE


Mon, Tue & Wed 18:30 to 20:30, commence mid April.

Duration – 6 weeks.  Later courses may commence June, subject to demand.


Suitable for Scouts and Explorers who have 1STAR/PADDLEPOWER PASSPORT

This course will contain paddle skill elements for both KAYAK and CANOE,

with rescue and safety work included.  It will also involve two separate days

or half day trips to be run on a weekend.

EXPLORERS who achieve this award will qualify for the PADDLE SPORT ACTIVITY BADGE

Cost to cover transport on trips will be in additional to session fee

Tues & Wed 18:30 to 20:30, commence mid April. Duration – 10 -12 weeks    

3 STAR TOURING (For Advanced)            (AGE 14+)

This course will provide the advance skills to handle a KAYAK or a CANOE

It includes support strokes, rescue techniques & weekend Day trips.

Tues 18:30 to 20:30, commence in April. Duration 10 weeks (min) plus a test



£3.00 – FOR MEMBER GROUPS    (1st, 2nd, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 22nd, 25th & City District Explorers).

£6.00 – FOR NON MEMBER GROUPS. (Scouts or Guides only)

BCU Paddle Power progress cards & Star Test certificates are available for each course at additional cost.

Personal Kit Required: Old trainers, nylon lightweight anorak, swim wear, t-shirt, shorts, jumper & towel.

                                          Wet suit & waterproof trousers are optional

Applicants who previously attended  a course, but did not complete, should book on the appropriate course to finish their training.

Parents and leaders are welcome to book on these courses, subject to availability.

Bookings can only be accepted with the attached parent consent form.




Cub and Scout Six a Side Football Competition

Football.pngThe Southampton City Scout District Cub and Scout Six a Side Football Competition will be held at Test Park Sports Ground on Lower Brownhill Road starting at 1.15pm on Sunday the 14th of March. Please ensure that suitable footwear is worn.

View the RulesFind out more information about footwear, and Complete the Team Registration form



Visit to the Chinese New Year Parade

Beavers from the 1st had a great day out watching the Chinese Celebrations in West Quay, we took our Dragon along as well as lanterns and masks we made a week or so ago.

We had a long chat with the Mayor of Southampton as well as the President of the Chinese groups, we came away with Fortune Cookies and a chocolate coin in a special envelope.

Very proud of our Beavers for being very well behaved throughout the whole day.

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