
Grey Owl’s Report

We had a BLC on 30th January to discuss the programme for 2012. Lots to look forward to: especially District Camp and the sleepover, which should be a great event with the Beaver Scouts joining in with their Group and finding out what Scouting has in store for them in the future! Also discussed were the need to keep both First Response and Safeguarding up to date.

At the beginning of February, 6.30pm, there was a ring at my doorbell and I was confronted with the 9th Colony on a night hike. 15 happy and excited faces’ and that included the Leaders, well wrapped up in woolly hats and gloves and shining their torches all around. Luckily Grey Owl had had a whisper this may happen and was able to send them on their way with a bag of sweets!!

Founders Day at Highfield Church was a good evening and although there were not many Beaver Scouts I think most Colonies were represented. Thank you to all those who attended the service. To me the highlight of the evening was the presentation of a certificate and well done badge to Luke D’Bell of the 1st Colony who has managed to attain every badge possible for a Beaver Scout. Luke counted all the badges on his uniform and the total was 33!!

All that remains for me to say is welcome to all new leaders young and not so young and thank you for giving your time.

Lin Johnson, ADC Beaver Scouts


From Colin 

The web site is now being well used by a substantial amount of our Leaders in the District. The site has also encouraged a number of adults to come forward and offer us some help as a leader.

It is doing what we intended and that is to SHOUT LOUD how good we are in Southampton City. When you hold any event in the future please take a photo and write a few words so we can put this on the web site. If you have any children that cannot have their photo taken please make sure they are not in the picture.

We are working on improving the District Diary in the Member’s area so keep your eye out for those developments.

We would also encourage Groups to use the launch of our District web site as a pointer to reviewing your own Group web sites. It is important that web site information is up to date and live. We would also ask that you send us some Group promotional material so we can develop your pages on the site. We have set up an introductory page but it would be good to develop this more fully.

The Southampton City District Camp

The planning for the District Camp continues and we hope that you are all busy planning your on site activities.  It would be great if we all had lots for the young people to do.

We want this camp to be a huge success for everyone from Beavers to Leaders. That is a huge objective but I am sure we can do it.

For those children wishing to go canoeing at the camp they will need to make sure that they have a District Swimming Certificate. (blue card) If a child does not have a blue card they still have a opportunity to go to Red lodge swimming pool on a Wednesday evening and take the required swimming test. Many thanks to Laura Dyer and Rex Budd for making sure these test evenings continue in Lee Budd’s absence.
If you have any queries regarding the camp could you please either speak to me George or Mike or the following section representatives. Beavers – Lin Johnson. Cubs – Patsy Osborne – Scouts – Andy Clasby – Explorers and Young Leaders and Network – Dave Bowers.

Adult Leader Reviews

Some Adult Leaders are due a review and you may be asked by your GSL or line manager for you to meet with them. Can I remind those GSL that these must be done by the middle of March please.

Leader Training

We have increased the amount of Training Advisers that we have in the District and over the next few months we will be having a big push. Those of you that generally need help you get your Training organised will have a opportunity to attend a Training Breakfast at the 29th HQ on Saturday 3rd March at 8.30am. It will be good to see you.

Those of you that do not have a Training Adviser will be assigned one very soon.


It has now been decided that we will continue to use the same vehicle route via the Wilverley Inclosure car park. We are talking to the forestry about improving the signage to the site so that parents don’t get so lost!!

We continue to raise funds for the electrical supply to the buildings and have been awarded two grants totalling to £2,000 to help us meet our fund raising target.

Group RAG reviews

Veronica Radford, the District Chair, and I have now met with three Groups to help them establish their Group Development Plans. This is a great way of looking at what works well in your Group and forward planning how we could develop and improve our Scouting. Those Groups that have not come back to me with an appointment for us to meet with you please do so. We would like to meet with all the groups before the District AGM at the end of June.

Scout Group HQ Leases

We have held another meeting with the City Council and our fellow Southampton Scout Districts to agree a generic Scout HQ lease which will offer us some long term commitment to scouting in recognition for what we offer the cities young people. Once those leases are concluded we will be presenting them to groups and asking for each group’s approval.

This month has been busy with lots happening!!

Sarah Milstead and I visited St Johns School to attend the school assembly to find us some more Beavers and Cubs for the 25th Sea Scout Group. This was a great success and a very worthwhile exercise. If any other Groups would like me to organise a similar event at your local school please get in touch and I would be pleased to help you.

I had a lovely day joining the Explorers on a Monopoly Run around London. It was a great day and greatly enjoyed by the Explorers and myself. Thanks go to Darren Russell for organising this event.

I attended the County Cluster meeting and from this I would remind everyone that Scouting and Guiding are supposed to join forces to organise an activity to benefit the community. Please start to think how you will do this. If you want to make contact with your local Guide Unit but are not sure how to do that please speak with Sarah Milstead who I am sure will be able to help you.

I visited the 11th Scout Group who were holding a Group camp at Ferny Croft. The £1,000 that was awarded to the Group funded the majority of the cost of this camp. What a super use of that money. That reminds me that those Groups who have not decided how to spend their award please do so before the 2012 District AGM as we will need to report how those awards have benefited Groups.

I also visited the 25th Cubs who were holding a weekend at Foxlease Guide Activity Headquarters. They hired The Barn which is super indoor dormitory accommodation. I would recommend it to you. They were having a great time.

Finally, thank you to everyone who attended the Founders Day Service at Highfield Church. Thanks go to Chris Davis our District Chaplain and to Russell Andrews and the 29th Scouts for helping us with the service. I thoroughly enjoyed the event.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Mob Tel 07770364711 or

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner
Southampton City Scout District


11th Beavers Day Out

It was a full day out, 9am – 7pm, with the twelve Beavers who made the most of it. There were activities organised for the Beavers throughout the day, including climbing, a scavenger hunt, cake baking and decorating, t-shirt designs and an indoor campfire due to the weather.

The activities were marvellous and we would like to thank the Cub and Scout Leaders for organising the day and providing us with lunch and dinner.

Below you can see what damage Beavers can do to trees!

Robin (Denise)




Southampton City District
Founders Day Parade
Highfield Church
Highfield Lane
SO17 1RL

Friday 24th February 2012
Assembly: Meet at 6.15 pm

We would like a full attendance at this year’s parade. Please make sure that you are smart and in full uniform.

All parents, friends and families are invited to attend.


Young Leader Belts


Aaron and Steven, working together managed to run indoor activities with the Cubs, planned and ran a cycling camp, as well as the other clauses above.  They have also been active members of the Young Leader Unit, leaving Cubs to rush across Southampton once a month to attend Young Leader training, and more recently, helping me to run the training programme.

We were pleased to welcome a good number of Leaders from the 13th Scout Group and Southampton City District to congratulate them both, as well as the new Assistant County Commissioner (Young Leader Training), who added her congratulations for the awards.

We look forward to welcoming them both to Adult Roles in Scouting as they turn 18.

Iain Redmill – Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders); Southampton City District Scout Council


Scout Soapbox

In February we will again be running the Patrol Leader Training weekend.  It will be a bit different this year as we are trying some new ideas for the training, but please think who in your Troops you would like to send on this training to learn skills in both practical areas and in the mystery of “how to lead other people”.

At the end of March we are running a hill-walking weekend for Scouts in the Brecon Beacons.  I will be sending out details to Troops soon so you can promote this to keen outdoor Scouts in your Troops.  All of these three events are coming together thanks to the unselfish offers of time from Leaders across the District, using their time and skills to benefit Scouts from all Troops.  This is what makes the District work well, so thanks to all who are volunteering to make them happen.

Finally, I am sure that all Leaders are making plans for their activities at District Camp (when of course it will no longer be cold).  I am very keen that between us we should put on the best set of activities we possibly can so that the Scouts will have a brilliant time and enjoy the whole event.  If you need some help from the District in making your activities the best they can be – call your ADC today and let’s see how we can work together to do it.

Looking forward to getting “out there” and enjoying this new year of Scouting,




Cub Corner

We also said goodbye to Carol Gilbert, CSL at the 1st, as she was moving from Southampton to be closer to her family in Manchester.  Carol had been at the 1st for many years from the time her sons started but carrying on once they had left.  Thanks to Eve and her band of helpers for the delicious spread that was put on for Carol’s ‘leaving’ tea (thanks also for giving up your Christmas cake!)  Once settled I know Carol will again become involved in Scouting ‘up North’.    

The Cub Section held their annual Carol Service at Avenue St Andrews Church back in December which was a very lively service organised and run by Laura, Cub Leader at the 13th, together with Chris Davis, our District Chaplain, and with assistance from two Young Leaders, Aaron and Steven and four Cub Leaders (who I think in their own best interests shall remain nameless).  Instead of Packs donating food hampers for use by SCRATCH, Cubs and Leaders were requested to donate toys for the Christmas Complete appeal run by SCRATCH which means that every child in Southampton whose parents are not in a position to buy Christmas presents, would have a present to open on Christmas morning. The response was phenomenal, there was a mountain of toys around the Christmas Tree and it really made you feel quite humble but also that the spirit of Christmas was alive. The Cubs really fulfilled their ‘helping other people’ part of their Promise.  The evening was rounded off by games and food for the Cubs in the hall (okay so I’m no good at maths not knowing what number comes between 1st and 7th or maybe that Pack was so quiet I didn’t realise they were there – no I don’t think so either!)  Parents who stayed were able to have a cup of tea and biscuit by making a donation. The monies collected will go to SCRATCH as the District’s chosen charity for the year.  Definitely a successful evening and my thanks to all those who made it possible – it was nice to be able to be part of the congregation and enjoy the service.

January is generally an ‘easing back’ month so apart from meetings, no events were held but February sees us holding our annual Chess competition where two Cubs in the age groups of Under 9½ and Over 9½ compete to produce a winner in each age Group.  Usually the two winning Cubs go forward to represent the District at a County event but a County event is not being held this year.  Details of our District Chess competition will be sent to Leaders.

In March the Section will be holding their 6-a-side football competition and Ant, who has once again kindly agreed to organise this event, will be sending details to Leaders after the half term break.
Of course with District Camp being held in May everyone is starting to gear themselves up and start preparations for that.  Patsy and I were at a Pack presenting a Silver award where letters were being given out regarding District Camp, having previously also been sent by email.  One young Cub didn’t receive a letter – the reason?  His parent had already downloaded the form and sent it back that night with his deposit!  How’s that for keenness!

Patsy and I continue to attend Packs to present Silver Awards (I’ve just recently sent in the names to County Office of our last batch of awardees for inclusion in their next County Roll of Honour so watch that space) and are delighted to be asked to do so, so…keep the invites rolling in.

Until next time.

Pat Rea


From Colin

What does the website have that is new?

The new website is designed to enable us to tell everyone our good news immediately so please don’t wait until the end of the month to send us your stories just write a few words and take a good photo and send them to Tony Kench who will put it in the good news section of the site.

Of course we are aiming to increase our scouting operation in our district but this can only be done if we tell everyone that we need more adults to volunteer and that volunteering can be done in a range of different ways. The main message is that some roles can be taken up in a very flexible way to meet the needs of our other commitments. This message is clearly given in the get involved pages and the announcement that even the Duchess of Cambridge has given a commitment to help scouting locally.

The Scouting pages offer some understanding to the prospective parents and also to adult volunteers on the aims of the scouting programme for the various sections and promotes them. This information needs further work so please give us some ideas you now the individual sections better than me.

We have set up Group pages on the site if you have a better photo of your headquarters please send them to Tony and he will put them on the Group introductory page instead of the ones that I took early one morning that are a bit fuzzy. These pages are for each group to develop so send your promotional materials to Tony and he will enter it onto your page. If you have your own Group website we have linked to it but please make sure it is up to date and suitably focussed on getting out the key message of we are good at scouting in Southampton and we are looking to grow but that can only be done if the community help us and more adults come and join in the adventure!!

The site also has up to date information on our district camp site Wilverley and a calendar giving its availability. Could all ADC’s please check that the district events at Wilverley are fully booked on that Calendar?

In the Adventure pages we have information about the District run adventurous activity clubs that we have for you. These are in Archery, Climbing, Hill walking, Shooting and Water activities and the Canoe Club. Take a look at these and please promote them to the young people.

In the members area you will find all the information that you will need if you are going through the training scheme. Nico is working hard to really make a difference to this so keep an eye out for further information. We also have in the member’s area the District Directory and the District Calendar and the District Executive Committee have now entered all the minutes of their meetings over the last three years. They make good reading. In the members area we also have key notices for leaders so use these as a way of finding out the most up to date information.

The Southampton City District Camp

We want this camp to be a huge success for everyone from Beavers to Leaders. That is a huge objective but I am sure we can do it. I have asked a small team to meet with Mike Jackson, George Longhurst and myselfto help shape the Camp and try as best as we can to meet everyone’s requirements.

If you have any key requests I would ask that you tell the following people:

Beavers – Lin Johnson. Cubs – Patsy Osborne – Scouts – Andy Clasby – Explorers and Young Leaders and Network – Dave Bowers.

I am attending all the section meetings to get some understanding of what each section would like organised for you at camp and all those thoughts will be discussed further at our planning meetings and then feed back will be given.

Adult Leader Reviews

As I am sure you will be aware Scouting has a review process that we must uphold. This is a positive way for us to say thank you for all that you do, it is also a opportunity to ask what we can do to support you and do you need further ongoing training for your various roles. The review process is also a vehicle for you to tell us if your happy doing the role you have could you offer more and take a bigger role or is it time to reduce your commitment. GSL‘s and I will be sending out review invites to a few of you over the next few weeks.

Christmas Holidays!!

With Christmas I had a great rest and recharged the batteries. I have attended two main events since Christmas.

I was kindly invited to attend two Chief Scout Award presentations at the 7th Scouts. They gave a presentation to the Troop of activities they completed as part of the Award requirements. Clearly they had found the work challenging but great fun. Well done to them both and I hope they are now looking forward to moving onto Explorer Scouting.

At the last moment I stepped in to drive the mini bus to Gilwell for the Winter Camp. Nemesis Explorers went along with the 7th Scout Troop. The Gilwell Winter Camp is a huge event with over two thousand Scouts and Explorers camping. Gilwell has it very well organised and they offer central cooking which means it is just a case of turn up pitch your tent and enjoy the wide range of fun activities that they have organised. I would thoroughly recommend it to you. Stuart, perhaps the Scouts could go as a district next year?

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Mob Tel 07770364711 or

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner
Southampton City Scout District


A New Volunteer

Flexible volunteering

The announcement comes as a great endorsement of Scouting’s commitment to allow adults to volunteer their time on a flexible basis. The Duchess will help run a variety of activities relevant to her skills and interests. This could include running games, teaching first aid or cooking on campfires.

Chief Scout Bear Grylls gave a delighted reaction to the news: ‘The Duchess has an incredibly busy life, which makes it all the more inspiring that she has chosen to volunteer alongside us.

‘Over the last few years it has been our mission to make it easier for adults who volunteer with us to give as much or as little as they are able – it is how we change our society: many people doing a little bit.’

The chance to inspire

Helping give young people a taste of everyday adventure through fun and practical activities, The Duchess will have the chance to inspire the leaders of tomorrow.

Patrick, 10, a cub scout in Enfield said: ‘I have really great adventures at cubs and it’s all thanks to the leaders who help out. It’s amazing that The Duchess wants to get involved and I think she will be really good at it.’

Despite six consecutive years of growth, there is still a need for more adults to volunteer with us, to provide opportunities for over 33,500 young people who are waiting to join.

Many hands make light work

Adults of all ages are finding ways to volunteer that fit in around their lives. In Manchester, Heather Baker, 29, has found a flexible solution. ‘The demands of modern life often mean it’s harder for people to find time to volunteer,’ said Heather. ‘The role I’ve just taken on is shared between four adults to make it work.’

She added, ‘It’s great that The Duchess can find time in her schedule to help Scouting develop the lives of young people in her local community. Flexibility in volunteering is the way forward.’

Get involved

If you’d like to know more about the flexible volunteering opportunities in Scouting in this area, visit


New Year Message

As a unit we participated in all of our usual things during December. We helped out in a packed St. James Church for the Beaver Christingle service and again at a packed St. Andrews Church for the Cub Carol service.  The 13th. did a great job with their Seniors party. All of our members who attended had a great time. Well done to Lee and Sue, especially as it was the day of their 40th Wedding Anniversary, and their team. There’s dedication for you!! Congratulations to you both. Finally on the 21st December, we held our own Christmas Party. It was great to see so many friends and Scouters from around the District joining us for the evening. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Before I close I would like to thank all of my team in The Active Support Unit for their support during the past year. No matter what I ask of them, even at short notice, they are always there. Thank you all.
A Happy New Year to everyone in Southampton City District. 

PS. I have just been notified by The Southampton Branch of The Royal British Legion that members of The Active Support Unit who collected at both local branches of Sainsburys,for The Poppy Appeal collected £692.36.This is a fantastic amount thank you and well done to those of my members who were involved.
George Longhurst.