Category: Uncategorized

  • Grey Owl’s Report

    We had a BLC on 30th January to discuss the programme for 2012. Lots to look forward to: especially District Camp and the sleepover, which should be a great event with the Beaver Scouts joining in with their Group and finding out what Scouting has in store for them in the future! Also discussed were…

  • From Colin  The web site is now being well used by a substantial amount of our Leaders in the District. The site has also encouraged a number of adults to come forward and offer us some help as a leader. It is doing what we intended and that is to SHOUT LOUD how good we are…

  • 11th Beavers Day Out

    It was a full day out, 9am – 7pm, with the twelve Beavers who made the most of it. There were activities organised for the Beavers throughout the day, including climbing, a scavenger hunt, cake baking and decorating, t-shirt designs and an indoor campfire due to the weather. The activities were marvellous and we would…

  • Invitation

    Southampton City DistrictFounders Day Parade Highfield ChurchHighfield LaneSouthamptonSO17 1RL Friday 24th February 2012Assembly: Meet at 6.15 pm We would like a full attendance at this year’s parade. Please make sure that you are smart and in full uniform. All parents, friends and families are invited to attend.

  • Young Leader Belts

    Aaron and Steven, working together managed to run indoor activities with the Cubs, planned and ran a cycling camp, as well as the other clauses above.  They have also been active members of the Young Leader Unit, leaving Cubs to rush across Southampton once a month to attend Young Leader training, and more recently, helping…

  • Scout Soapbox

    In February we will again be running the Patrol Leader Training weekend.  It will be a bit different this year as we are trying some new ideas for the training, but please think who in your Troops you would like to send on this training to learn skills in both practical areas and in the…

  • Cub Corner

    We also said goodbye to Carol Gilbert, CSL at the 1st, as she was moving from Southampton to be closer to her family in Manchester.  Carol had been at the 1st for many years from the time her sons started but carrying on once they had left.  Thanks to Eve and her band of helpers…

  • From Colin

    What does the website have that is new? The new website is designed to enable us to tell everyone our good news immediately so please don’t wait until the end of the month to send us your stories just write a few words and take a good photo and send them to Tony Kench who…

  • A New Volunteer

    Flexible volunteering The announcement comes as a great endorsement of Scouting’s commitment to allow adults to volunteer their time on a flexible basis. The Duchess will help run a variety of activities relevant to her skills and interests. This could include running games, teaching first aid or cooking on campfires. Chief Scout Bear Grylls gave…

  • New Year Message

    As a unit we participated in all of our usual things during December. We helped out in a packed St. James Church for the Beaver Christingle service and again at a packed St. Andrews Church for the Cub Carol service.  The 13th. did a great job with their Seniors party. All of our members who…