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Cross Country
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From Colin
Our group’s priority areas are: 1st – More parental and lay support on the group Exec and Strengthen the link processes between the sections. 2nd – More parental and lay support on the group Exec and Improved Exec fundraising. 7th – More Adult Leaders in all Sections especially the Beaver section, More parental and lay…
Canoe Club Poster
Course details can be found here. Course details poster and parents letter can be downloader from here.
Bronze Chief Scouts Award at 7th
They set out the chairs then sat down to await the arrival of the visitor. At 3pm over 40 parents, brothers, sisters and other family members started to arrive. The beavers showed their visitors to a seat and waited until everyone had arrived. The presentations them started, each beaver was called to the front by…
Bronze Chief Scouts Award at 7th
After all presentations the visitors were invited to have tea. They were reassured that although the sandwiches were a bit buttery on the outside and I could not say how much filling was inside. All hands were clean when they were made. The afternoon was very much enjoyed by all the visitors and the Leader.…
1st Beavers Pretend Camp
The Beavers found a slot inside our special tent & started telling stories, which was great fun. After the stories, shoes were put on again and everyone went outside to do a ‘Keep Fit’ session with our Young leader Ben. Everyone did really well with the ‘Keep Fit’ session, except the Leaders were exzausted and…
From Colin
The 26th have a new Beaver Colony. We have held the first night and Amy who is the beaver leader is being supported to get the section up and running a big thank you to everyone who has helped. The adult training team is working so much better we have to date 17 people who…
From Colin
District Development Day We have rearranged the district development day to be held on Saturday 2nd February 2013 starting at 10am to finish prompt at 4pm at the New Newlands Primary School in Millbrook.I have written to all those invited by email and please could you confirm that you able to come so we can…
Manston Court
We ended the evening with a few more Carols, finishing with ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’. We had a great evening, children did us proud again with their polite ways and kindness they showed to the residents. Eve