
District Campsite Visit

All leaders in Southampton City District are invited to join us for the official Site Visit relating to our 2014 District Camp. The Site Visit will take place at Lyons Copse Campsite on Sunday 26th Jan 2014 at 10.00am. Look for Ian Budd when you arrive.

Address: Solent Scout Training Centre, Lyons Copse, Sandy Lane, Shedfield, Hampshire, SO32 2HQ.

Map reference: Lyons Copse and surrounding area can be found on O.S Landranger sheet 196. Reference SU 551 142.

Directions: From the M27 junction 7 take the A334 signposted to Botley. Continue through Botley following signs for Wickham. Sandy Lane is to be found two miles after Botley on your left after Wickham Vineyard. (Note: also in Sandy Lane is the Marriott Meon Valley Hotel and Country Club.) Lyons Copse is half a mile down Sandy Lane (past the golf course and country club) and is on the left by a sharp right hand bend.


Getting a Nights Away permit

Talk to our Nights Away Adviser, Graham Meering, if you want to get a Nights Away permit. Also, this note from Mark Dolton is about a chance to be assessed for Nights Away by County, coming up in April:

Nights Away Permit Assessment Opportunity – 19-21 April 2014

Indoor Category Assessment

If you wish to be assessed for the indoor NA permit then please contact Mark Dolton, County Nights Away Adviser on 07725 723896 or email (For indoor NA permit, please do not contact Ferny Crofts directly.) Payment for the accommodation will need to be made to Mark Dolton prior to the event.

Campsite/Greenfield/Lightweight Expedition Assessment

If you wish to be assessed for either campsite, greenfield or lightweight expedition then please make a campsite booking directly with Ferny Crofts (023 8084 5092), advise them that you are participating in the NA assessment weekend. Then advise Mark Dolton, County Nights Away Adviser on 07725 723896 or email Payment will need to be made directly with Ferny Crofts. 

Bookings to be made by 1 February 2014.

Many thanks,


From Colin

A very big thank you and well done goes to Lyn Johnson who has retired from her role as ADC Beavers after many years of service. I am sure you will join me in saying thank you to Lyn. She is joining our active support unit so she will continue to support us with our scouting.

The Beaver section is now being overseen by a task force of Leaders; Thelma Young will be heading that section up with the help and support of Gail Langton, Elaine Buckland and Eve Willett. They I am sure will take the section forward with great enthusiasm.

Congratulations to George Longhurst, who has received a service award for 50 years. A very big well done and congratulations from us all.

Thank you to all of those that went to the Remembrance Service at Southampton Cenotaph. And well done to all those groups that attended local parades. It was a great way for us to remember those that gave their lives for us. We gave just two hours of our time to remember them.

Our aim was for you to send a beaver and a cub and a scout to join us at Southampton Cenotaph with a representative from the Explorers and the active support unit. That would have given us a much larger contingent with representation from all of our groups rather than just some. A big thank you to George and Harry Price from the 2nd Cubs who laid the wreath on our behalf

Thank you to you all for joining us for our annual swimming gala a big thank you to Graham Meering who organised the event and to all of those that helped out on the day with marshalling and scoring the competition. I hope you and the young people enjoyed yourself.

Wilverley District Camp Site New Generator

A very big thank you to Tony Bradley who project managed the work of providing the new LPG generator at Wilverley and to the service team and the contractors involved for their help during the project.  It is just so easy to use and clean and safe. Just flick the switch to turn it on.

Compass and this year’s Annual Census

The Scout Association will be introducing this year a new date base for recording the membership details of all adults and more importantly all young people.  You can find information about Compass here.

Richard has sent out requests for the Census information; as part of this process, and to “clean-up” data for the move to the new Compass system, If anyone needs a reminder, it is a legal requirement under the Data Protection Act to keep personal data up to date!  This includes keeping contact details, including email addresses, up to date. As part of this check, please ensure that all Executive Members, including any leaders who are voting members, have that Executive role included on their membership record.  Similarly Districts should ensure that membership of Appointments Advisory Committees is included in members records. To help us it is best that we start to prepare for the big switch over now. We are asking you to forward to Richard an up to date list of all your young people giving the main details of name, address postal code and date of births and contact details of the Parents and Guardians. We will then enter that information for you into the present scout data base so it is transferred to the Compass system later on in the year. This will of course need to be updated just prior to the switch over but will get most of our information in a good place and recorded well in advance. For those groups and sections that use OSM please check your details are up to date and notify me please that you have completed that task.  Please remember that OSM has lots of ways that it can help you manage your sections information and is free to Southampton Groups.

District Web Site

Please rember to tell everyone about your good news, if you have been to camp recently or are planning a event SHOUT LOUD about it. The web site is a great way to promote our district and tell everyone how good we are. Everyone loves a good news story. Please send all your articles to Tony and Val Kench by the 25th of every month.


The district now has two district permits these are held by me. Every group that uses a minibus from time to time must get the “section 19” permit from HQ. One certificate for each minibus being used. Information here.

I Challenge you all

All of us in Southampton Scouting are working far too hard and we need to share the load much more. Notionally 47% of adult members are Parents. Please ask your self what is your group’s average is it at that level? In Winchester District they have just recruited 60 new parents to help them expand the beaver scout sections in all of their groups. If they can do that so can we.

I would like many more Parents to be asked to get involved the more we have the more fun it would be for us. I challenge all of you to ask one person to get involved. I often get told that Parents would help if they were asked. So lets make this our new Years pledge to ask more Parents to join our leadership teams and just as important to join the groups executive supporting committee. Far too many groups are light on the supporting side of the group and we still have a number of key uniformed vacancies in all our groups. I suggest you all agree between yourselves who you would like to invite to get more involved. Scouting has a job for everyone and it can easily fit around all of the other commitments that Parents have, and as we have ourselves.

District Diary and Directory 2014

Graham has completed the task of producing this year’s diary which is now available in hard copy and also on the district web site. The district directory is also on the district website in the member’s area. Please make sure you notify Graham of any changes to your details such as a move of house and changes to your contact numbers and email addresses.

District Camp 2014

The plans for District camp are ongoing and we hope to set up a camp which will be the best one yet. A big ask but we can do it. Ian Budd is the main contact for the camp so if you have a queries please contact him.  We will be holding a Site Visit to Lyons Copse on Sunday 26th January 2014 at 10am to look at the site and what it offers and allocating camp sites to groups. Please tell Ian if you have any special requests with the site allocations. Don’t forget the theme is “space” Please get this message out to the groups Leaders and encourage them to think about how to they might exploit this theme. All sections are asked if they can come up with some cool and exciting ideas for activities that we might buy in for the camp. And of course ideas for activities for the groups to run themselves. There will be a camp badge competition. Ian will provide info. We are organising just one blue-card swimming sessions in advance of camp, to give cubs and scouts the chance to participate in water activities further details to follow.

Adult Training

This District has a great record of improving its training management and support to its leaders. A special mention is due to Nico for taking this work forward and greatly improving the training scheme with some wonderful work by the training advisers. And some great commitment from our leaders.  If you have now completed your Wood Badge well done but how about this year looking for opportunities to strengthen your knowledge with some on going training? For those of you that are close to finishing your training requirements lets get the job done this year.

Scheduled training courses for the spring term 2014 can be found here.

New Alternative Promise Wording

With effect from now you may wish to use an alternative scout promise the alternative wording for the promise, gives YOU an alternative to saying duty to God. Please note: It is your personal choice

The existing Scout Promise:

On my honour, I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and to the Queen,
To help other people
And to keep the Scout Law.

New alternative wording of the Promise:

On my honour, I promise that I will do my best
To uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to the Queen,
To help other people
And to keep the Scout Law.

For Cub Scout section (ages 8 to 10½):

I promise that I will do my best
To uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to the Queen,
To help other people
And to keep the Cub Scout Law.
For Beaver Scout section (ages 6 to 8):
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful and to love our world.

It has been a very busy Scouting build up to Christmas, I have been to the following events.

•    Visit to the 7th Scouts
•    Remembrance Day at Southampton Cenotaph
•    Meet with SSAGO
•    Meeting with Dc’s of Itchen North
•    Visit Appointments Committee Meeting
•    Pre Visit to Lyons Copse
•    District Swimming Gala at the Quays
•    Visit to the 22nd Exec Committee Meeting
•    Visit Training session Module 1
•    Turn on Wilverley Generator!!
•    Visit to 7th Cub Camp
•    13th Senior Citizens Party
•    Cub Carol Service
•    Visit 11th Scouts
•    Beaver Christingle
•    ADC GSL Christmas Gathering

If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

Yours in Scouting, Colin Floyd, District Commissioner,

Mob Tel 07770364711 or  

please visit our district web site:


St George’s Day

Enter the rest of the article here. This shows on the page for the news item only, and not on the main news page. (clear this text if you don’t need anything other than the summary section above.


Leader Training Spring 2014

Please contact me for further details.

Nico Chart
Local Training Manager


Practical Skills Courses

Practical Skills Camp Craft Course:

Woodhouse Park Activity Centre, Bristol, 12 – 13 April 2014.
This course is based on useful skills on camp, including: axes and saws; tent pitching and care; knots and lashings; pioneering and camp gadgets; backwards cooking; and bushcraft.

The cost of the course is £40 per person, including food and accommodation.

Practical Skills Field Craft Course:

Great Tower Activity Centre, Cumbria, 26 – 27 April 2014.
This course is based on useful skills on an expedition, including: navigation and map skills; expedition kit (tents, stoves and first aid kits); survival skills; and remote first aid.

The cost of the course is £40 per person, including food and accommodation.

Both courses focus on practical skills in Scouting, ideal for new Leaders and those wanting to gain more confidence. Further information about both of these courses can be found here, and details on how to register can be found here.

Best Regards,


Nicholas Chart

Local Training Manager

Southampton City Scouts



From George

Poppy Collection

Thank you to all the members of Active Support who gave up their time during the past week selling poppies for the British Legion appeal. Thanks also to members of the District Team some of whom are not members of Active Support, who helped sell poppies. They are Lyn and Geoff Johnson,Pat and Don Rea, Patsy Osborne, Paul Renouf, and Scouts from the 13th Group. Not forgetting Lesley Travis the daughter of one of our late members who sold poppies on our behalf. Please forgive me if I have missed anyone out. I am grateful to you all.I will publish the total amount collected by us when the British Legion informs me.

George Longhurst


From Colin

Congratulations to Rozy Toomer who has been selected to go to Japan for the Jamboree in 2015. This is very well deserved. The other three who applied are hopeful of attending another international experience.

Well done for both Ben Parker D of E Gold & QSA awards a huge achievement as he did the double at just turned 18.

Congratulations to JJ and Jake for gaining their D of E Bronze award well done to you both. And Simon Pickering on gaining his Young Leader belt

Well Done to Kris Partridge of the 11th and Kay Wilkinson of the 2nd for five years service. Congratulations to Lin Johnson for her 25 years service award. Lin will be retiring from her role as ADC Beavers at Christmas. Thelma as ADC group Support and Eve Willett and Elaine Buckland and Gail Langton will be heading up the District Beaver section in 2014

Well done to the 22nd Regents Park for the group’s 75th Birthday celebration. It was a lovely day which the Mayor and Mayoress thoroughly enjoyed.

Well done to the Canoe Club they had 36 through courses this year. Three beginners courses, two intermediate courses, one three-star course. More representatives from more groups would of course have been welcome.  Several groups have done training sessions too.

Congratulations to the 13th Millbrook who came second in the Solent regatta.

Also well done to the Scout Patrol from the 1st who were runners up in the County Emlyn competition.

Well done to all the Explorer scouts and older scouts who went to North Wales walking last weekend.

Remembrance Service

Some groups are attending a service at their local churches which is wonderful, for all the other nine groups please come along with a beaver cub and a scout to Guildhall Square at 10am foe the main City Parade. George Longhurst has sent you all the details and I look forward to seeing you and having a good turn out.

Swimming Gala

The arrangements for the District Swimming Gala are in hand. It is being held on Saturday 23rd November at 5.30pm. The aim is now to get the group sports reps much more involved in organizing and running the activities and we fully intend to continue with all our annual sports events.  You should all have the entry forms for the gala so please return them to Graham by the said date.

District Web Site

Please rember to tell everyone about your good news, if you have been to camp recently or are planning a event SHOUT LOUD about it. The web site is a great way to promote our district and tell everyone how good we are. Everyone loves a good news story. Please send all your articles to Tony and Val Kench by the 25th of every month.

Wilverley District Camp Site

A big thank you to everyone who came to the Wilverley Maintenance Weekend at the end of August. It was great to have such a good response from you all and we got such a lot done. Wilverley is now setting up a reward system for groups that help with Maintenance so you can still earn yourself points by coming out and doing some more of the jobs that we still have in hand.

The replacement generator project is going well and hopefully will be completed and up and running by the 15th November. It will just be a flick of a switch to turn it on.

New Alternative Promise Wording

The new alternative wording for the promise, gives YOU an alternative to saying duty to God. This takes effect from the 1st January 2014. You may if you wish say instead to uphold the values of scouting. It is your choice.

District Diary and Directory 2014

Graham has updated next year’s diary and the directory both of which are on the district website.


The Scout Association will be introducing next year a new date base for recording the membership details of all adults and more importantly all young people.

You can find information about Compass here.

If you have computer generated records either on OSM or in your personal records will you please keep them up to date so the switch over will be easier later next year.


The district now has two district permits these are held by me. Every group that uses a minibus from time to time must get the “section 19” permit from HQ. One certificate for each minibus being used. Information here.

Grow your Own Scout Group, Offer the Big Adventure

Thank you to you all for attending the meetings with Thelma to discuss how you can grow your own group. It is clear that every group has a lot to do to enhance what we do and share the load. All will add is Please point out to all your Parents your opportunity boards and the notices that your showing. Notionally 47% of adult members are Parents. Please ask your self what is your group’s average is it at that level?

District Camp 2014

The theme is “space” (thanks to the cub leaders for this suggestion, sorry we didn’t consult everyone about the theme.) Please get this message out to the groups and encourage them to think about how to they might exploit this theme.

All sections are asked if they can come up with some cool and exciting ideas for activities that we might buy in for the camp. And of course ideas for activities for the groups to run themselves. There will be a camp badge competition. Ian will provide info.

We will organise a campsite visit in the New Year. More info on 8th Jan GSL’s meeting. We are organising some blue-card swimming sessions in advance of camp, to give cubs and scouts the chance to participate in water activities.

This has been a very summer for us all. I have been to the following events.
•    2nd Shirley Joint Cub and Beaver Camp at Fernycroft.
•    26th Swaythling Cub Campers badge weekend at Ferny Croft
•    13th Millbrook Summer Fayre
•    11th Freemantle Cub Camp at Wilverley
•    25th and 14th Joint Beaver and Cub Camp at Wilverley
•    Network camp at Wilverley
•    District Emlyn Competition at Braggers Wood (well done every one who participated and congratulations to the 1st Aldermoor for coming out as the district winning patrol.)
•    Cubs David’s Challenge at Wilverley
•    The Race for Life in support of cancer research.
•    Beaver Logger Head Competition at Wilverley
•    Cub Survival camp
•    Portswood Fete
•    Beaver Fun Day
•    1st Beaver Trip to Moors Valley
•    29th Scout Group Fete
•    County Conference
•    1st Beaver Sleepover
•    1st Scout and Cub camp at Wilverley
•    Scout Maddison Hunt
•    Gilwell DC Open Day
•    Scout Raft Race
•    9th Shirley Warren 60th Birthday Camp
•    First Response Training
•    Recruitment evening which gave us three more student volunteers.

If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

Yours in Scouting,
Colin Floyd, District Commissioner


Leader Training

Another very popular course is the Skills for Residential Experiences weekend (i.e. how to run a camp) which is 26/27 Apr 2014 – Unfortunately this is only one week before our District Camp which runs over the May bank holiday weekend.
Other courses will individual modules offered mainly on Sat/Sun mornings or afternoons throughout 2014. I’ll keep you posted.
You can book here. This training is provided free to you (but there is a bill to pay if you cancel at the last minute or if you don’t show up – so don’t do that please!)

Wilverley Working Weekend

The 9th had decided to do a group ‘team building’ weekend at Wilverley and the 1st came in numbers enough to make a great team. The 9th also brought with them a giant box of brushes and rollers very kindly donated by Tool Bank. Many thanks to Neil Webb for that.

With 15 people present by 9am on Saturday morning we were good to go. With teams keen to grab the brushes and crack on we were soon getting the cottage coated in Sadolin for the winter. The fences, weather shelter and Charles Alan building all getting a coat of creosote to protect them in the coming months. A shoe shelf and some running repairs were done too. The chainsaw gang were motoring away together to get the giant hedgerow between two pitches to a reasonable height, by lunch it was down to 6 feet and 3 lovely trees were now clearly visible. 2 birch saplings were donated and planted in on Sunday.  Fallen trees were chopped up and stowed in the log store.

By the end of Saturday an amazing job had been done by all. With some taking up the offer of “free site facilities on working weekends”, there were some staying behind.

Sunday we were back into it with finishing touches the last of the fences and indeed the creosote were finished. The outside toilet painted, a few bedrooms painted and the cottage floors scrubbed till shiny clean. They are now pink, who would have known. Verges strimmed, site tidied and everyone ready for a final sit down to recover enough to leave.

The Wilverley committee would like to thank the 21 people who turned up over the weekend, giving a combination of ½, 1 and 2 days of their time.

Wilverley points scheme.

Do you feel like you have now missed out? Did you know that you can get more than just satisfaction from helping at a working weekend? Did you know we have a reward scheme?

Helping at a Working weekend means you can earn point towards camping.

How does it work?  It’s simple, for every half day you volunteer on a working weekend you earn a point. Each point is equal to 1 person’s overnight camp on the field.  So if you come with 3 others or even send a family of 4 for a day to represent your group they can earn you 8 points.
These points can be saved, added together from other working party weekends and used when wanted.
When is the next weekend you can come and join the scheme? Well there are 3 weekends next year
February 22/23   July 5/6 September 27/28 and don’t forget you can have free use of the facilities overnight on the Saturday night. And lunch is provided on both days.

Group points so far –
9th – 21 points , 13th – 16 points  , 1st – 2 points , 11th – 1 point , Network – 4 points
We will see you there.

Laura Dyer,
Wilverley Committee Chair