
Wilverley working weekend



District Camp Badge Design Competition



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District Camp 2014





Daily Echo Reports Cub Scout Pack celebrate 100 years with time capsule



IT is one of the oldest Cub Packs in Hampshire and 100 years on it is still flying high under its original flag.

There was a Wolf Cub Pack at HighfieldSouthampton, two years before the founder Lord Baden-Powell introduced them across the worldwide Scouting movement.

Now the 14th Highfield Scout Group’s Cub Pack is celebrating its centenary by asking past and current Cubs for memories and memorabilia which will go into a time capsule.

It will be a fascinating archive of local Scouting history.

The Pack will also be saluting their proud past by creating a giant jigsaw portrait of Lord Baden-Powell.

It was in 1913 the Scouting movement’s founder Robert Baden-Powell published a first draft of a scheme for Junior Scouts.

And the following year there was a more detailed outline for Wolf Cubs or Young Scouts. Cub Scouting was officially launched in 1916.

But records have revealed that the 14th Highfield Wolf Cub Pack began as an experimental section two years earlier on January 30, 1914.

Today the 14th Cub Pack still has its original flag and this rare picture shows the Highfield Wolf Cubs in 1918.

Now the pack’s major milestone is being marked with a series of celebrations.

Throughout 2014, the current Highfield Cub Scouts will be taking part in activities focused around the history of Cub Scouting.

On Sunday, July 6, from 12pm to 4pm, the Cubs will be holding their own centenary fete, inviting local dignitaries, local residents along with any past, present and future members of the 14th Cub Scout Pack.

The 14th will be compiling a book of memories from past and present Cubs and along with other items these will be put in a time capsule and buried on July 6.

They are asking the wider community to share any memories or experiences linked to the group.

Anyone interested in being involved in the celebrations should contact Assistant Cub Scout Leader Rama (Iain Tinkler) at

For more information, please visit




About #Dare2dogood



Following a line of accidents and deaths of young people who are taking part in a Social Media alcohol drinking game called “neknominations” Scouting Ireland decided to run a counter campaign. This is not only taking Place in Ireland but indeed all over the World and we would like everyone (not just Scouts) to join in.

The Campaign

The campaign dare’s people to do good. We would see this action as a selflesspositive, and a good thing to do. We have started this Social Media campaign to negate the effect that the “neknomination” trend is having on the Young People of our country and indeed the World.

It is destructive and damaging to the health and well being of our fellow citizens. We want to show that Social Media can be a positive means for doing something good and of course every time someone does some good it is another step along the road in “Creating a Better World” for us all.

How To Get Involved

You can read up on how to get involved and Dare2DoGood here :)


District Canoe Club & Courses 2014






General Cucumber or known to others as just the land rover which has been the image of sea scouting at the 13th Southampton city scout group since 1984 when it was recognised the group needed a vehicle suitable for towing then an old transit van.  

General Cucumber was apart of the commonly Known series Land Rovers, to distinguish them from later models are off-road vehicles produced by the British manufacturer Land Rover that were inspired by the US-built Willys Jeep. In 1992, Land Rover claimed that 70% of all the vehicles they had built were still in use.

I, II, III Series models feature leaf-sprung suspension with selectable two or four-wheel drive (4WD); though the Stage 1 V8 version of the Series III featured permanent 4WD. All three models could be started with a front hand crank and had the option of a rear power takeoff for accessories.

General Cucumber went on the first scouting voyage under the new 13th Ventures Scout Leader Geoff Johnson who remembers “setting off for a fortnight trip to Scotland. I had driven it about 2 miles before we set off for Glencoe. The party included such important people as Ian and Anne Rutherford who were then only Ventures. We made it as far as Leyland when the radiator blew. It was Saturday evening and I managed to find a site where we could camp for the night. A few frantic phone calls from the nearby Pub (no mobiles then) located a place that sold Land Rover spares – open for one hour on the Sunday morning. We filled all the water carriers and any other receptacles we could find and with frequent stops managed to get to the warehouse some 12 miles away. We bought a new radiator and with Ian’s expertise fitted it. That evening we camped wild on Rannoch Moor and were eaten alive the next morning by hoards of midges. The Rad held and we had probably the most adventurous fortnight of my Scouting career. When I got back the Group moaned that I had spent £70 on buying a new radiator. For all I know it’s there to this day. There are many other stories to tell but I don’t think many beat that”. Geoff also adds “I don’t think that when they bought it would give them such good service and this was due greatly to Jim Rutherford’s determination to keep it running”.

It is was great sadness that’s after its 30 years of service to scouting and its 10 years service to The Dorset Health Authority prier joining the 13th scout group that the land rover has now been sold on but over all the Land rover has serviced both of owners so well through all the good times and bad And has always been there to assist at the majority of events even if it had to be towed out by a Vauxhall Kadet, which is a car the same size as a ford fiesta, due to being stuck actually in mud on a weekend away in North Wales.

So from the 13th Southampton City Scout Group and Southampton City District we shout B! R! A! V! O! BRAVO and Farwell to our trusted steed and know it will serve its new owner just as well as it has us.





Farewell 13th Land Rover



My fellow scouters, and scouts it is with a tinge of sadness that I announce that one of the 13th Southampton Sea Scout group will be retired from service after 30 years. She has served the group (and indeed the District) through all the good times and bad. And has always been there to assist at the majority of events. Who you might ask???  The very well-known and easily recognisable Land Rover (aka The General Cucumber) I must stress she hasn’t “GONE HOME” Just moved on bless her steel rims 😉 May she serve here new owners just as well

You can find more on General Cucumber on our sister Story CHEERS Gerneral Cucumber


Network Spring Camp





Hampshire Scout News (HSN) February 2014 edition

To open issue click cover below
