
All aboard SS Shieldhall

All aboard SS Shieldhall

7 June 2014—Hampshire Scouts Annual Training Day. We are pleased to advise that we will again be running a special training day for Hampshire Scouts onboard the pre-served historic steam ship Shieldhall located in South-ampton Docks. The day is open to all Scouts and Ex-plorers irrespective of whether or not their Group normally involves itself in water based activities.



The day will start at 10.00 with “colours” on the boat deck followed by the Cap-tain’s welcome and safety and organizational briefs. Thereafter, during the day there will be six instruc-tional sessions (three be-fore and three after a lunch break) which will provide theoretical and practical training for groups of up to eight scouts. The level of instruction will be adjusted in accordance with the age and experience of the group. The day is planned to finish at 16.00 or shortly thereafter.

On 5 July 2014 there will be the Training Cruise day. The day is principally designed to give young people and especially those who have already undertaken one of the Shieldhall Training Days (but not restricted to), the opportunity of undertaking a short sea voyage on a large ocean going ship and learning just a little bit more about the many special skills and disciplines necessary to safely operate and navigate such a vessel.  The day will also have the guest speaker of Captain Colin Darch who had his ship captured by armed pirates.

11 October 2014—Another opportunity to take part in Training Day alongside. Same format at June day.

Cost is £30 per person to participant in both the Training Cruise & one of the Training Days alongside. No charge to leaders based on a 1:6 ratio.

For full details and booking, please visit



Hampshire Scout News (HSN) May 2014 edition


Field Trip to an Apple Store


Find more here:


Our Store. Their time to shine.

Take your students — or your fellow teachers — on a Field Trip toan Apple Store for an unforgettable learning experience. On their Field Trip, students can create something amazing right on the spot. Or they can bring in projects they’ve already created and turn our store into a theatre, sharing their achievements with parents, teachers and friends. No matter which option you choose, everyone will have a great time.

Not just for students.

We’ve opened up our Field Trip programme to teachers. So grab your peers and sign up for a Field Trip of your own. We’ll show you how Apple products make great tools for teaching and learning, and you’ll have a great time in the process.

Create amazing projects.

Your students can use the Mac computers in our store to create photo albums in iPhoto, edit video in iMovie, make Keynote presentations, or even compose their own songs in GarageBand.

Showcase their work.

If your students have already created their own projects on a Mac or a PC in school or at home, they can share them with others in our store and get the recognition they deserve for their talent and work.

Bring your enthusiasm. We’ll supply the rest.

Whether your students create projects from scratch or come to showcase the remarkable work they’ve already created, we provide all the hardware and software they need. Trainers and Specialists will be there to answer questions and give expert, on-the-spot advice. Every participating student and teacher gets a free T-shirt. We even supply personalised email invitations for parents, teachers and friends. And just wait till you see the smiles they take home.

Find more here:


Leader’s Training Courses in Southampton – May 2014

Spaces still available on these two dates:


May 10th 2014

Module 14 – Challenging Behaviour

Module 15 – Young People Today

Module 19 – International


May 18th 2014

Module 17 – Activities Out of Doors

Module 18 – Practical Skills


Best Regards,


Local Training Manager

Southampton City Scouts


Mobile: 07776 207187



Documentary filming from Southampton Solent

Thank you to Kimberley Meynell, James Christmas, Will MacMaster and Katie Langdon-Shreeve of Southampton Solent University for this Video


Southampton General Hospital Scout Group


In collaboration with Romsey District and potentially other scout districts we are meeting to discuss how we may help a new scout group that supports Southampton General Hospital Children’s Ward.

We have met with the Play Therapy department on G ward at Southampton.  It was a very positive meeting. The manager has worked at Great Ormond Street and knows how good it can be.  They will store equipment for us as well.

We would like to get all interested people together to update them and start it moving on the volunteer front.

We are holding a meeting at the Community Room at Bevious Town Primary School Cedar Road Southampton SO14 6RU on Monday28th April starting at 7pm –  If you are at all interested in helping please do come along to this first meeting. Would you please e.mail me if you are going to attend.

Many Thanks, 



Scout Wings Presentation



Back row: Amanda AESL, Keiron, Joe, Chantelle, Jake, Tony ESL & Air Activities Advisor, Dave DESC, Geoff ESL.  Front: Andy SL, Rozy, Abi, Faye, Ellie, Amy.

The Endeavour Explorer Unit of Southampton was joined by members of Odium District Air Explorers for the presentation of the Scout Wings to Jake at the Solent Sky Museum in Southampton.     Jake has been gliding at Lasham for the past 2 years and has completed many hours of training on the airfield and in a K13 glider; he flew his third successful solo glider flight in March 2014 to gain The Scout Wings.   Jake hope to continue gliding and increasing the distances he can travel and the time that he can stay in the sky by using the lift from thermals.

The presentation was made by Tony in the cockpit of The Sandringham flying boat followed by celebration cake and a full tour of the museum and all its aircrafts.   Everyone had a wonderful evening hosted by the manager, Steven, who welcomes bookings from all scouting sections to the museum on a Thursday night,




St George’s Day 2014

Last Year’s St Georges Day parade unfortunately had to be cancelled at the last moment because St Mary’s Street had a major incident that required the attention of the Police. Having discussed this year’s service with the District Commissioner’s of Itchen North and South we have decided to try something new.

We would like our parade to be in the centre of the city not hiding down in St Mary’s Street. So we are holding this year’s event outside in Guildhall Square. We think it will be a great opportunity to shout load about Scouting in the City and act as a potential opportunity to promote the good work that we do, We have invited the Mayor of Southampton to join us.


Sunday 27th April 2014
Assembly: 1.30pm
By The Cenotaph 
Parade: 2pm 
Dismissal: 3pm from One Guildhall Square



2nd Scouts hit this month’s UK Scouting magazine TWICE!

Look out for the 2nd Southampton City Scouts in the April/May Scouting Magazine.

Who are showing the rest of the UK how to use Hula Hoops and sharing the fun of the SkyRide cycling events.




Job Vacancy: County Bookkeeper 20 Hrs pw


Hampshire County Scout Council are looking for a book keeper, based at our County Office based at Ferny Crofts Activity Centre in the New Forest. The full role and person specification and an application form is attached. Please  email completed applications to

Job Description      Job Application