Left Handshake Wilverley

New for 2016 at Wilverley: Fully Equipped Kitchen for your Camp

We are always looking for ways we can help you by providing improved facilities at Wilverley.

If you are holding a group camp at Wilverley and you don’t want to bring your mess tent and kitchen and tables and chairs.

Why don’t you hire our activity centre and fully equipped kitchen. It has all the tables and chairs you need and a fully equipped kitchen with two gas cookers and ovens and a fridge.

The cost per day for these splendid facilities is only £45.00 a day. This includes the gas you use.

The activity centre can also be used for activities if the weather is rather inclement.

See the full inventory of the Activity Centre and Kitchen!

Announcements Internal Left Handshake

Southampton City Scout District: The Famous Five

I hope that you all had a great time at District Camp. I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and it was wonderful to see you and the youngsters having such a great time. Thank you for all the hard work you put into the group activities it was wonderful.

You will be aware that my term of office ends at the AGM on Thursday and I hope you will all join us for the evening and celebrate our year.

I have offered, with the help of the service team, to manage Wilverley to ensure it runs well is safe and makes a good income for the district so we can continue to improve the site and support our scouting in the City.

I have also been asked to be the Assistant County Commissioner for Network Scouting in Hampshire. This is a role I am looking forward to – getting involved and supporting our wonderful 18 to 25yr old scout membership.

The district has been on the lookout for my replacement and unfortunately they are not able to appoint anyone at this time. It is very important that they find someone who wants the job and can do it well.

Andy Viney is now heading the selection process and will be advertising around the County to see if someone in Scouting would like to come and lead in Southampton.

Having spent five years as the DC I am keen to ensure that the district is managed well until a permanent arrangement in place, and so I have offered to support a temporary team that has been put in place to manage the district.

The team consists of Ian Budd, Graham Meering, George Longhurst and Nico Chart.

I am really grateful that they have agreed to step up and help the district.

We will be operating as the famous five! If you ever read Enid Blyton books they even had a George in that group. But as I remember she was a girl. Sorry I am showing my age now. Google it for more information.

We have met and the roles and responsibilities will be shared as follows:

I will continue to deal with any issue resolutions and complaints and safe guarding concerns. I will also be overseeing the 1st as the acting GSL until a permanent DC is appointed and they can recruit a GSL for this group.

I will also be helping and supporting the 14th until the new GSL that I have appointed has settled into the group.

The rest of my duties are being shared as follows:

The group support arrangements will be carried out by George and Thelma.

The task of ensuring that all new adult volunteers and scout members are DBS checked and entered correctly on Compass is for Graham and Lyn Westerman.

Any presentations of service awards and Wood badges will be carried out by George, Graham, Nico and Ian.

If you are holding a camp over the summer then we would love to call by and see you all. Please invite whoever you wish from the Famous Five.

Graham will be continuing to support the 2nd as the acting GSL but it will be a top priority for the new DC to appoint a permanent post.

Nico will be attending all County Cluster meetings so he can relay County news back to the district.

Ian will be administering all nights away and adventurous activity permits.

The Swimming Gala in November will be run by Graham and Ian.

The Cross Country will this year be run by Ian if the district would still like one? (to be decided)

Nico will organise and chair all district team meetings in the future: invite, set agendas, and will be looking for a volunteer to write the minutes and distribute.

You will receive the monthly ramblings on the district website from all of the famous five.

The district calendar will be now produced and updated by Nico on the district website.

All adult contact details are recorded on compass so we will not be producing a district directory.

We will be publicising all district events on the website and encouraging you all to shout loud about your scouting.

If this leaves you baffled about who to contact about what, then feel free to contact any of us and we will steer enquiries in the right direction.

We hope that Andy Viney will take my place in September when I finally step away from the senior management team.

The District AGM is on the 7th July at the 13th HQ Canford Close at 7.30pm. Please come along and enjoy the evening.

Keep Scouting,

Colin Floyd,

Announcements Left Handshake

District Comissioner Blog – July 2016

Well I got to complete my five years as the DC of the District. I have to say I am really grateful for the fun and joy that the role has given me. It was a wonderful opportunity to shape scouting for 800 people and see the confidence grow in the Leadership teams and the young people.

My key messages throughout the five years has been all about growth and to shout load about our scouting.

We as a district are now 25% larger than we were five years ago and we have a record breaking 800 children and adults now involved in Southampton Scouting. We still have all eleven groups with Beaver Cub and Scout sections throughout, the 14th Highfield are the first group to start to introduce second sections which may bring us back to the heady days when a lot of groups had two sections throughout. Thanks go to Thelma for managing the district “want to join” list and encouraging growth in our beaver colonies.

We shout much louder about what we do, before we only spoke quietly to ourselves!! We now promote our scouting to the wider community. This is done through our group and district websites and facebook. A huge thanks go to Oli Bills and Nico Chart and Previously Tony Kench and Mike Johnson for their work with the district website, it is a good  example for other districts to follow. We should all be very proud of what we as volunteers do for Southampton Scouting and how we support the community and local charities such as Race for Life, Southampton Marathon, and the British Legion Poppy appeal to mention just a few.

My final big District event was our recent District Camp at Broadlands Estate in Romsey. We had a record number of children come to the camp and after some concerns about the venue I feel that the camp was a real success and the feedback I have had since has all been very positive. I hope you all get an opportunity to go back there in the future and experience the party and the spitfire fly over again.

This year we have had a record breaking amount of children gaining the Bronze, Silver and Gold Chief Scout Awards. Over the last five years we had a great number of Explorers and Young Leaders go to Windsor for Queen Scout Presentations and young leader belts. We can be very proud of the quality of our scouting.

We have had many changes in the district team over the last five years, we have a team approach with every section. They being for Beavers a team of Thelma, Eve and Elaine.  More recently Rob and Sarah and Claire supporting the Cubs and now recently Andy, Luke and Andy C supporting the Scouts. With Dave and Iain and Sam supporting Explorers and Young Leaders. You can see from this approach that we in Southampton believe in team being best. You can do more with a team of three than you can with just one ADC trying to do it all. A big thank you to the teams. I suggest that those with the task of appointing my replacement may learn from this approach. Team DC may be a way forward that I would encourage.

I would like to thank the District Executive Officers Veronica, Richard and Rex they have always supported every initiative we have put forward to them. We are very fortunate to have a district Exec that “gets our scouting “and believes in how we need to do the very best for our children.  Thank you to those that have sat at meetings long into the night discussing the executive business. Thank you to Jo Ash who is very busy as our Scouting Ambassador promoting our scouting in the community.

Thanks go to Ian Budd for the work he has done organising our main district events especially District camps and Wye Valley events I hope I get an invite to still come along with you all in the future. Thanks go to Brian Purchase and also Chris Davis who have acted as our District Chaplains, their services are wonderful.

A huge thankyou to Graham Meering who has been a big support to me and greatly helped me for the past five years, his experience and knowledge has been invaluable.

A special thank you to Lyn Westerman and Mike Jackson and the appointments committee for all their support and hard work with the huge task of interviewing and appointing what has been a great number of changes and new appointees over the past five years.

To George and the active support unit for all their support and encouragement for our scouting traditions. It is very important that we remember those that have been before us and we remain grateful to them for what they have given us in our scouting.

As someone who took almost five years to gain my wood badge when I became DC I wanted to greatly improve the approach of leadership training and that led me to appoint Nico as our LTM. He and his training advisers have done a grand job and training is in very good hands in Southampton. Thanks.

Thanks from go to the Canoe Club, Archery Climbing and shooting skills instructors they greatly enhance our scouting adventure.

It gives me great pleasure to see the enthusiasm of our Network section. This is a band of 18 to 25 years old that thoroughly enjoy their scouting. Some great ideas come from Network and they are an ever growing source for good in our district. Whenever I have been down in the dumps with scouting I spend some time with them and they enthuse me to get back up and get going again. Thanks!!

That leads me to tell you what my next scouting adventures will be: I have been appointed as the Assistant County Commissioner for Network scouting in Hampshire. This is a role I am looking forward too as I am a great believer that scouting should be much more led by the younger membership to enable them to fully shape our future scouting and give them the confidence to grow as a person into adulthood. So you may hear of my name in the future with Network.

I am also going to manage the District Campsite at Wilverley with the support of the campsite team. We have recently started to improve the facilities at Wilverley, we also have increased its usage and income and this will enable the campsite revenue to be used for further development and enable the site funds to give district more income to support scouting back at home. So I will be badgering you to help me at Wilverley and I look forward to seeing you all there in the future making great use of your site. Thank you to the service team and those who have supported us at maintenance days.

Huge thanks go to Hampshire Scouting and the Scout Association who have led me and supported me whilst in post and especially to my fellow DC’s in Itchen North and South for the support they have given me and our new collaborative approach.

Finally, I would like to thank all group scout leaders and group executive members and all the leaders, section assistants, and young leaders who are working hard every week to deliver a great scouting adventure and programme. You can all be very proud of Southampton Scouting.

Last of all big well done and thanks to all the beavers, cubs, scouts, explorers and young leaders, thank you, scouting is a wonderful organisation and you are what really makes it great.

I won’t be going very far and if I can help you don’t hesitate to contact me, Good Luck Southampton City Scouting and thank you to you all.,


In Action Left Handshake

29th Scouts visit Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

The 29th Scouts took part in a Local Knowledge Workshop run by the Royal Navy in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. During the workshop, the Scouts learnt about how the dockyard and Royal Navy has changed over the past 100 – 200 years using archive sources such as photos, as well as dressing up in different uniforms that were worn at that time.

A guided walking tour took place where they were allowed to go behind the scenes and access places that are not open to the general public. This included visiting the attics where 100’s of objects not normally on display are kept. They also got to see the marks and graffiti left behind by the dockyard workers and shipwrights from the Georgian store.

During the day, they also had a tour through HMS – Hear My Story Galleries and learnt about Warfare via touch screen, as well as learning about modern day life on board a Navy ship. Along with the extra tours around Highbury College and learning about how pulley systems and ratios work, to viewing both HMS Warrior and Victory, a good day was had by all.

Our thanks goes to Daniel and his team for organising the workshop for us.

Russell Andrews
29th Scout Leader

Events Left Handshake

St George’s Day 2016

In celebration of Saint George, the Patron Saint of The Scout Association, Southampton City Scouts across the district, joined by those from the Itchen South and Itchen North districts, took part in a parade and service on the afternoon of 17th April, St George’s Day.

The Parade took place in The Guildhall Square and in addition to the Mayor it was attended by over 700 Young People, Leaders, parents and members of the public.

We would like to pass on a big thank you to everyone who attended the St George’s Day parade this year.

Events Left Handshake

HSX Patagonia 2017 – Recruitment

Since its foundation in 1986, Hampshire Scout Expeditions (HSX) have successfully run over 20 international expeditions for Hampshire Scouts across the globe. In 2017 they’ll be breaking new ground and heading to the Patagonian Andes!

Patagonia is a sparsely populated region located at the southern tip of South America, shared by Argentina and Chile. The region comprises the southern section of the Andes, characterised by granite pillars, deserts, steppes and grasslands.

The expedition will take place over the course of six weeks, in the winter of 2017, with the expedition team likely to leave in late November 2017, returning in early January 2018. The trip will comprise of three principle elements; a community development project working with the locals; a trek around the Torres del Paine National Park and climbing in the Andean mountains; and to finish, a series of cultural tours and adventurous activities. Participants will experience Chile’s unique culture, incredible sights, stunning scenery and fascinating history.

Events Left Handshake

H0018: Hampshire’s 2018 Camp for All Sections

With a range of organised activities, a beautiful location and a great change to network, socialise and bring whole groups together, H0018 is one for the diary!

We wish to take the best from the 2007 ‘H007’ and 2014 ‘H0014’ camps and combining this with Dorset Scouts’ fantastic campsite at Buddens near Wareham.

We would like everyone involved in Hampshire and beyond to celebrate Scouting, as a group, section, or unit with a fantastic week of activities and a special day midweek, called “A Monster’s Day out!”, for day visitors to join us.

Find out more on the official website

Left Handshake

District Commissioner Blog – March 2016

This year’s Census tells us that our membership has substantially grown this year. Well done, it is so important to get as many young people and adults to join our adventure. Over the past five years our membership has grown by 25% which is amazing.

I am delighted to welcome Claire Bandy as a District Cub Scout Leader for the Cub Section. I am sure that with her energy and commitment the cub section team consisting of herself, Sarah and Rob will be in good hands. We continue to look for another DCSL to join the team.

A big congratulations to Abi Bacon one of our young leaders who has completed and been awarded her young leader belt. Very well deserved.

Congratulations to Catriona Gibbon of the 25th Beavers on the award of her Queens Scout Award, another one of our young scout leaders off to Windsor for the parade.

We continue to ensure our adult leaders are well trained with Wood badges for Kate Budd of the 1st Cubs and Caroline Bird of the 25th Beavers. Congratulations to them both.

I completed my First Response refresher training recently. It was great to see that we have purchased some new manikins, they were great. A big thank you to Nico and Sarah Milstead for delivering this vital training.

The planning for District camp is in place with lots of on-site activities for the youngsters to enjoy. I can’t wait to get us all together at Broadlands. The Estate have offered us an alternative field which we think will be much more convenient for us. Ian Budd will give you a site plan soon and he will be arranging another site visit so you can all see the arrangements. We were at Broadlands yesterday and it was lovely and dry under foot.

The new district web site is launched please take a look at it. We think it promotes our scouting very well and promotes volunteering in our district. Get your good news stories to Oli Bills by emailing who will quickly enter them onto the site. SHOUT LOUD about our Scouting!! I recently attended a County media day at Cricket camp site and it was clear to see that our district web site is very well advanced in comparison with other districts.

Wilverley, our district Camp Site, continues to grow in popularity, with all the information you require on our website. A big thank you to Richard Webster who is doing an excellent job as our campsite booking officer. Thanks too to those that came along to the maintenance day, it was great and we got a lot done. The millennium gate is now replaced which looks wonderful.

I had a thoroughly great time at the Beaver Panto at The Point in Eastleigh it was a wonderful show and I am sure I recognised one of the cast Chris Thompson!!

Well done to everyone who participated in the Cub Chess, a thoroughly well run and enjoyable event.

A great afternoon at the Beaver Cub Scout and Explorers Cross Country event everything went according to plan apart from Sam a beaver decided to run off in the wrong direction. But even that was fun. Well done to everyone who took part a great day.

We also had a great Cub and Scout football six a side competition which was well represented and superbly run by the Students of Solent University a big thank you to them for the time they gave us. Congratulations to the 1st Swans and the 1st Scout Troop who both one the overall completion. Well done for all the sportsmanship from all the teams. For those that were at the event you would have seen that one of the cubs was injured and taken by ambulance to hospital. I am pleased to tell you he has fully recovered is now well. A big thank you to Jackie Brackley and Sarah Granger for helping him whilst we waited for the ambulance to arrive.

The District are going through the necessary formalities to appoint your new DC. I hope that an appointment will be made as soon as possible to enable me and the new the person to work together to ensure that the handover is very smooth. I officially will step down and hand over at the District AGM on the 7th July. We have lots happening for me to still enjoy!

Colin Floyd
District Comissioner

Left Handshake Roll of Honour

Roll of Honour: Young Leader Belt – Abi

Southampton City Scouts have recently honoured the achievements of one of their young people who has been leading the younger sections for nearly four years, working towards the highest award available for ‘Young Leaders’ (14-18 year old Explorer Scouts who as part of their Scouting are volunteer leaders with younger sections) – the Young Leader Belt Buckle.

This dedicated young lady has shown consistent commitment and reliability in helping the younger scouts to reach their potential. She has taken a part in planning events for the 29th Immaculata Beaver Scouts (who meet in Portswood), helped to run the section, running activities and events for the young people. She has completed a training programme to equip herself with the skills to go forward as an adult leader at 18. Through her volunteering in Scouting, and the training programme she has completed, she qualifies for an award from the prestigious Institute of Leadership and Management, which will help Abi prove that her scouting skills are transferable to the workplace.

Abi has now reached the end of her time as a ‘Young Leader’ and his Explorer Scout Leader – Iain Redmill is pleased that she will be continuing to volunteer in an Adult Role now she is 18: “Abi is a very competent new leader who is a credit to the district, helping provide an active programme of opportunities for the local young people.”

‘So much of who we are as an adult is formed when we are kids,’ said Bear Grylls (the current UK Chief Scout). ‘What Scouting says to people is: “it’s okay to go for it in life”‘.

Events Left Handshake

St George’s Day – 17th April 2016

Baden-Powell chose Saint George to be the Patron Saint of The Scout Association. He felt that the Saint George legend set a good example of faith, courage and perseverance for future generations.

To celebrate St George’s Day in Southampton, we will be having a parade, taking place on Sunday 17th April 2016 at 1:30pm, starting by the Cenotaph in West Park.

The Parade will take place from 2pm, leading up to 3pm at the Guildhall Square, and will be in full uniform.

All families are welcome to come along and enjoy the event!