In Action

Summit Camp Photo Gallery

Scouts, Explorers and Network members have just returned from an epic weekend in the mountains in Snowdonia, they even had decent weather this year! Thanks to 25th ESU who shared these pictures. Also, check out some other photos over on Google Photos and Instagram and share us your photos if you were there #summitcamp


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In Action

Canoe Club White Water Trip

Far, far too early one morning last December three quite sleepy Scouts met at the 25th, helped load kayaks onto cars and set off into the pitch darkness.

This was the Canoe Club’s first white water day trip. The Scouts had all passed a PaddleSport Discovery course (equivalent to the 2* award) earlier that year. With the techniques from this course under their belts and bright yellow helmets firmly wedged upon their noggins, we were able to treat them to a slightly more exciting and demanding river than can be experienced at the Wye Valley camps.

Two vehicles travelled 130 miles from Southampton to Exemoor in Devon. Our trip down the river Barle started at the ancient Tarr Steps and finished at the village of Dulverton. We paddled for three to four hours, the water was excellent, there being plenty of it, with continuous grade 2 rapids from start to finish. The Barle provided some great autumnal scenery and we even found a rather excellent spot for a picnic on the banks.

The Scouts all paddled brilliantly. As leaders we could tell they were all nervous at first, but the wobbles soon gave way to big grins as they began to confidently smash through bigger and bigger stoppers and even surf on waves.

In Action

How to tie a friendship knot

Have you noticed that not everyone wears a traditional woggle around their necks to keep their scarf together? How about starting the new term by opting for a funky friendship knot instead? Grab your scarf and take a look at our video below to see how to do it…

In Action

1st and 2nd Southampton Scouts Summer Camp

How much can you fit into a 1 week Summer Camp in the Netherlands? According to the 1st and 2nd Southampton Scouts it’s all of this…
Amsterdam, Anne Frank’s House, Canal Cruise, Mini Golf, Swimming, Diving, Football, High Ropes, Zip Lining, Clog Painting, Mountain Biking, Walking, Double-decker trains, Snowboarding, Skiing, Rollercoasters & Camping!

In Action Uncategorized

Scouts DIY Raft Race

Teams from across Southampton jointed together at Testwood Lakes for the annual Scout Raft Race. Using a combination of pioneering, paddling and perseverance groups took their craft to the the water and battled against each other. Well done to everyone who took part and those who enjoyed cheering from the waterside. It was a really fun day. See you again next year.

In Action

Could you survive a weekend in the forest with just your friends?

Last weekend 8 teams of Scouts from across our district spent 2 nights away camping in the forest without any adult assistance.

Emlyn Camp takes place each year with the aim for young people aged 10.5 to 14 to survive a weekend away with their friends as a group of 4, 5 or 6.

This year we held the camp at Braggers Wood in Bransgore. On the Friday night Scouts arrived from Highfield, Milbrook, Shirley, Freemantle, Aldermoor, Portswood and Regent’s Park. Scouts had to pitch their entire site, cook for themselves and took part in some outdoor challenges to promote teamwork.

Completing Emlyn camp is a huge achievement for everyone who takes part. Not only is the camp a lot of fun, but everyone who takes part learns so much by working as a team with their peers to successfully live and cook together (and hopefully in harmony too).

Emlyn Camp also awards trophies which date back many decades. Teams were given scores throughout the weekend based on their teamwork, cooking and challenges. Well done to 29th Portswood Immaculata who took home the Overall Emlyn Trophy and well done to 1st Aldermoor who won the Scout Challenges Trophy. We also awarded a brand new Judges Choice award this year to 22nd Southamtpon for making considerable progress as a new team.

Congratulations to everyone who took part and thank you to all the adults who helped make the camp a success.




In Action

Explorer Scouts train for their Chief Scout’s Awards

The Explorer Section cover Platinum and Diamond Scout awards and matched to the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s awards. A major part of these awards in the expedition element. Within the section we have the skill set to help with expedition on foot, on the water and on bikes. We have now launched Expedition training to cover both sets of awards and both levels.

On the 23rd of April, the Explorer Scouts had their first training session, held out in the New Forest. This training gave the Explorers a chance to further what they already new about navigation or build new skills if new to scouting. The session covered map reading, bearing, route cards and expedition kit requirements.

11 Explorers took part in the day from across all the units and they will now hopefully go on to plan their Platinum / Bronze practices and Final expeditions later this year with the support of the Section leader team.

Good luck to them all…

David Bowers
District Explorer Scout Commissioner

In Action

Joshua of the 13th achieves every Beaver badge

Joshua of the 13th Sea Scout Beaver colony has gained every badge available in Beaver scouting.

This is a wonderful achievement and Joshua has worked so hard.

Congratulations to him and I am sure he will now look forward to even more challenges once he starts in the Cub section.

Joshua and his family and the 13th can be very proud we’ll done

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner

In Action Left Handshake

29th Scouts visit Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

The 29th Scouts took part in a Local Knowledge Workshop run by the Royal Navy in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. During the workshop, the Scouts learnt about how the dockyard and Royal Navy has changed over the past 100 – 200 years using archive sources such as photos, as well as dressing up in different uniforms that were worn at that time.

A guided walking tour took place where they were allowed to go behind the scenes and access places that are not open to the general public. This included visiting the attics where 100’s of objects not normally on display are kept. They also got to see the marks and graffiti left behind by the dockyard workers and shipwrights from the Georgian store.

During the day, they also had a tour through HMS – Hear My Story Galleries and learnt about Warfare via touch screen, as well as learning about modern day life on board a Navy ship. Along with the extra tours around Highbury College and learning about how pulley systems and ratios work, to viewing both HMS Warrior and Victory, a good day was had by all.

Our thanks goes to Daniel and his team for organising the workshop for us.

Russell Andrews
29th Scout Leader

In Action Left Handshake

Southampton SSAGO trip to Snowdonia

On a cold February weekend, 19 members of Southampton SSAGO (Student Scout and Guide Organisation), went on an intrepid trip to Snowdonia, climbing both the tallest mountain of Snowdon and the finest mountain of Tryfan that Wales has to offer, along with visiting the Welsh Mountain Zoo.

After a long journey up to north wales, we eventually arrived at the centre at 2AM so we quickly went to sleep. On the Saturday morning, we set out to climb the tallest mountain in Wales, Snowdon. The weather was fantastic if not a bit cold and as we ascended the amount of snow on the ground increased and the amount of slipping increased leading to a combined attack with some members using crampons to guide the other members up.

Eventually we got to the top and with a great sense of achievement took the compulsory group photo. This meant it was time for the next challenge; Getting back down.