In Action

Video: A year of Cubs!

We love this video from the Cubs at 2nd Southampton in Shirley. Take a look at some of their highlights over the last year.

If you have a video to share, please send it in!

In Action

Beaver Founder’s Day Celebrations

This year we had a beavers only celebration for our founder Robert Baden-Powell’s birthday.  Over 120 beavers and leaders from seven colonies came together to learn about BP through games and crafts.  We finished off with a sing-song around the campfire and cake.

In Action

Cubs District Chess Competition 2019

This year’s competition was attended by 14 Cubs.

They played to a really high standard and there were a couple of really thought provoking moves towards the end of games.

The Under 9 ½ Winner was James from the 22nd.       
The Over 9 ½ Winner was William from the 7th.

Congratulations to the Winning boys and everyone who took part on a very high standard of concentration and play.

In Action

Victory at County Kudu Competition

Well done to all the explorers who joined in on this years Kudu, an overnight incident hike. Congratualtions to team B6 James, Max, Martin and Ignacio for coming 1st in the bronze section of this year’s competition. 
Also, well done to Rhys, Charles, John, Jakub and Stefan for coming 4th in the Silver competition. 

DC's Notes In Action

🌲Maddison Hunt Competition 2018

This year’s Maddison Hunt Competition was held at Wilverley with 7 teams of 10 to 12 year old Scouts.
Giving them their first taste of an incident hike as young Scouts. Completing tasks such as Navigstion, Cooking, First Aid and Problem Solving.
Final Placings:
1st 29th
2nd 14th Wednesday
3rd 1st
4th 13th
5th 9th
6th 7th/22nd
7th 11th
Well done to the winning 29th Troop
And thanks to the leader teams for running the event
-David (DC)
In Action

☀️ Round Up: Summer Camps 2018

It’s been a busy Summer, with many of our young people attending various camps across the country. Here’s a round up of what happened while school was out for summer!

2nd Southampton

This year, the scout troop made their way to Chelwood near Bath for a week of activities including caving, cycling around the canels and kayaking on the river Avon – Including operating the locks

9th Scouthampton

Rather than rely on adults to get them to camp. The 9th Scouts made their own way from Southampton to Brownsea Island (Home of the first scout camp). Find out more about their adventure below:

13th Southampton Sea Scouts

The 13th Group held their Summer camp locally at our district camp site in the New Forest. There was still plenty of water, even on dry land.

14th Southampton (Wednesday Troop)

These scouts attened Jurassic International Jamboree in Purbeck. A week long camp with the chance to meet other scouts from over the world.

14th Southampton (Friday Troop)

A very adventerous week for this troop. They made it all the way to the Peak District and climbed some very impressive rock faces.

29th Immaculata Southampton

The Scouts spent their summer camp and enjoyed a swim at the pyramids, took part in archery, tunneling, climbing at Rock Up and rafting. Along with a few visits out and taking on an assault course. The usual Scouting skills and hiking were also included. Here’s a few photos for you…

SSAGO (Student Scouts and Guides)

The Southampton Student Scout and Guide Organisation take to the Lake District for their week-long summer camp!

Explorers (Apollo, Enterprise, Endeavour and Nemesis Units)

Our 4 Explorer units spent 5 days camping out at Walhampton School in the New Forest. Durin their stay they took a trip to the Isle of White for some coasteering, visited Lymington Water Park and powerboated to the Needles.

Have we missed you out? Send us an email to and we’ll add your story.

In Action

29th Scouts Take County Emlyn Crown!

A huge congratulations to these 4 Scouts from the 29th Immaculata (Portswood) Troop. We’re all very proud of you!

At the weekend while the weather was rather wet and windy, four scouts from the 29th represented their group and Southampton City District as district winners at the County Emlyn Camping Competition.

Although the sun did come out on Sunday afternoon, the rest of the time was full waterproofs! The weather did not get in their way and they still completed all tasks asked of them.

A very big Well Done to the team for coming away as overall winners and are now Hampshire County Emlyn Champions. (Best Camping Scout Patrol in Hampshire).

During the weekend they also won one of the Special Challenges in Spat a Rat (ball of socks) and managed to hit it 51 times in 20 minutes!

During the weekend one of the Scouts also wrote a prayer (a task to carry out) and won over all. The prayer was so good that our County Commissioner has asked to use it and will put it in the next Scouting Newsletter.

In Action

Cubs Archery Competition

On Saturday 19th of May, Cubs attended the District Archery Competition at the 22nd HQ.
It was a gloriously hot day and the Cubs enjoyed shooting arrows and finishing the day off with a cool Ice lolly.
Well done to everyone who took part and to the leaders for their support.
A special thank you to Shaun and Ant for a great event.

ADC Cubs.

In Action

Scouts Paint-balling Day

Last weekend, over 40 Scouts and leaders spent the day blasting paint-balls at each other at Delta-Force in Romsey. Young people from the 2nd, 7th, 13th, 14th and 29th took part in 12 team games ranging from defending castles, protecting the president in an apocalyptic London and surviving a zombie invasion.

It was a great day of working together, meeting other people from local groups and having the opportunity to shoot paint at each other for fun. We were blessed with a sunny and dry day, although it was pretty chilly.

Well done to everyone who took part. We had some wonderful feedback from the organisers to say that the Scouts were all brilliantly behaved and got really stuck in with the games.  Follow the link below to see some of the photos we took on the day.

Link: Scout Paintballing 2018 Photos

Scout Leader (2nd)

Delta Force Paintballing Romsey Scouts


DC's Notes In Action Wilverley

DC’s Diary: Network’s Christmas Camp at Wilverley

Last weekend Southampton City Network along with members from Southampton and Solent SSAGO’s had a festive weekend at our district campsite. Activities included a fire (of course), a Christmas Dinner with all the works and other games. They even found time to help keep the site looking great. Thanks to all who took some time out to work onsite, fixing the gate post to the enclosure and clearing up the site.