DC's Notes

100 days left to achieve your Hampshire 110 Badge!

For the past 110 years, Scouts in Hampshire have been gaining Skills for Life. From spending their first night away from home to facing fears, Scouts gives people of all ages the chance to try something new and develop key skills that help them to succeed.

To celebrate our birthday, in January we released an occasional badge! But time is running out – you can only earn points this calendar year. To get involved, download the badge book here and contact County Office to order – be sure to include your Name, Group, Address and amount of badges required!

DC's Notes

Remembrance Service

Thank you to members of Active Support, the Deputy DC,Leaders and members of the 7th Cubs,and Leaders and members of the 13th Group,for supporting The British Legion. All of the above spent long hours selling poppies in Waitrose Store, Portswood.A bonus was that one leader and Scouts from the 13th were invited to visit a nearby nursing home for elderly residents to distribute poppies.They were very well received.What a great demonstration of Scouts working in the community.Well done.I will publish the amount collected when British Legion tell me.

Thank you to everyone from different sections who attended the,Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph. Well done and thank you to Explorers Sophie and Emma from the Endeavour Unit who laid a wreath on behalf of the Scouts. We had 20 members attended the service which was good to have our Scout uniforms on display to the public, and demonstrate that young people do care and that “we remember them”. My thanks to you all.

Written by George Longhurst – Active Support Manager.

DC's Notes In Action

🌲Maddison Hunt Competition 2018

This year’s Maddison Hunt Competition was held at Wilverley with 7 teams of 10 to 12 year old Scouts.
Giving them their first taste of an incident hike as young Scouts. Completing tasks such as Navigstion, Cooking, First Aid and Problem Solving.
Final Placings:
1st 29th
2nd 14th Wednesday
3rd 1st
4th 13th
5th 9th
6th 7th/22nd
7th 11th
Well done to the winning 29th Troop
And thanks to the leader teams for running the event
-David (DC)
DC's Notes Wilverley

Wilverley Building Oficially Re-opens

The District held its AGM at Wiverley today so celibrate the great work done by all the teams out there over the years,
The site looked great in the sunshine with the new District Section flags.
Arthur Ashton officially re-opened the Challes Allen Buillding that had had so much work done on it over the last year.
He also unvailed the new Roll Of Honour board in the Cottage celibrating all those that have helped on the site.
Thanks to all involved with this great District asset. It’s down to the District  to get out and use it as much as we can.
David Bowers (DC)
DC's Notes Roll of Honour

Roll of Honour: Thelma & George

From the DC;

Congratulations to two of the district team on being awarded their Silver Acorn this year.

Well-earned from many years of service to Scouting in Southampton.

DC's Notes In Action Wilverley

DC’s Diary: Network’s Christmas Camp at Wilverley

Last weekend Southampton City Network along with members from Southampton and Solent SSAGO’s had a festive weekend at our district campsite. Activities included a fire (of course), a Christmas Dinner with all the works and other games. They even found time to help keep the site looking great. Thanks to all who took some time out to work onsite, fixing the gate post to the enclosure and clearing up the site.

DC's Notes

DC’s Diary: Cubs Carol Service

Well done to Sarah Granger (ADC Cubs) and Brian Purchase (District Chaplain) for a really great Cubs Carol Service.

Loads of Cubs, Leaders and Parents at St James’ Methodist church tonight to sing Carols and give gifts for SCRATCH charity.

The Cubs were really enjoying their party with Active Support helping out with the Cubs teams and refreshments.

Also, Well done, to Margaret Grafton on receiving a presentation of flowers from a Cub in recognition of 60 years Service

DC's Notes In Action

DC’s Diary: 22nd Fireworks Display

Well done to the 22nd for their great fireworks display at their HQ.
Great crowd and brilliant pyrotechnics. (see pics below)
Hope all groups running events have a great time and stay safe
David (DC)
DC's Notes

DC’s Notes: Beavers Loggerheads, Cubs Challenge and Scouts Emlyn

Congratulations to the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers for taking part in their section competitions over the last two weekends. I was pleased to be able to get to these events as DC.

  • Beavers at Loggerheads
  • Cubs at Davids Challenge
  • Scouts at District Emlyn

I was really impressed with the way the teams at all three events showed teamwork and developed leadership in their challenges. With everyone having great fun along the way.

Thanks also to the leader teams in each section for their hard work in making these competitions happen.

It’s great to see the levels of challenge that go with the progression up through the sections.

Well done all who took part and thanks to all who supported these great events.

David, DC

Beavers Loggerheads 2017
Beavers Loggerheads 2017

Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017
Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017

Announcements DC's Notes

Our new DC

We are very pleased to announce that David Bowers has agreed to become the next District Commissioner of Southampton City Scout District with effect from 1st Jan 2017.

Many of you know David as he is our DESC (District Explorer Scout Commissioner) and we know that he brings great skills and character to the job. (And we will now be seeking a new DESC to replace
David in that role!)

Ian Budd will continue as Deputy DC and we are also pleased to announce that Kerry Budd will be taking up a Deputy DC role too. Kerry is Group Chairman of the 13th Southampton City group.