In Action Left Handshake Roll of Honour

Kinder Scout Queen’s Scout Award Presentation for Network Members

Congratulations to Tom and Ben from Southampton City Network for completing and receiving some of the top awards within Scouting. Tom was presented with his Chief Scout’s Diamond Award and Queen’s Scout Award, with Ben receiving his Duke of Edinburgh Gold and Queen’s Scout Award.

Presented at the start of their climb of Kinder Scout in the Peak District at the start of their Wintercamp, they were joined by Mark Tarry, Deputy UK Chief Commisioner, who presented their awards. “It is really great to be presenting these top awards to Ben and Tom, Network members, who are experiencing fun, adventure and friendship with Southampton”.

As with Hampshire tradition, both Tom and Ben had the chance to wear the Silver Elephant, the highest award in Indian Scouting and was presented to Earl Mountbatten whilst he was Viceroy of India.

Joined by their friends from Southampton City Network, Southampton SSAGO and Solent SSAGO, they then set off for the top of Kinder Scout (and made it back down safely, Silver Elephant in tow).

Announcements Events Volunteering

Hampshire WSJ Leader Selection Weekend May 5th-7th

The Hampshire World Scout Jamboree Leader Selection Weekend will be taking place May 5th – 7th 2017

The 24th World Scout Jamboree will be held in the summer of 2019 in North America, although the location is in the USA, the event is being jointly hosted with the Mexican and Canadian Scout Associations and promises to be a life changing experience for all involved.

Hampshire County Scouts are now looking at forming the leadership teams, with selection for young people later in the year. If you are interested in being a part of this adventure, either as a leader or as part of the International Service Team then please register your interest by visiting

You can contact the Hampshire WSJ team by E-mail to

Adult volunteers can also enjoy life changing adventure


Watch 14th Highfield Spring Camp

Our first camp of the year as a troop at Cricket Campsite. Lots of firelighting, cooking, exploring, shelter building ……… watch the video!

Events Left Handshake

11th Southampton Annual Quiz: 31st March 2017

The 11th Southampton are hosting their Annual Quiz Night on the 31st March 2017, at 7pm at their HQ. Teams will be made up of around 8 people, with refreshments available.

The cost is £2 for adults and 50p for kids, with tea, Coffee, soft drinks Cakes, pastries, and biscuits available to purchase.

You are welcome to bring your own beverages and nibbles, and please do bring prizes for the raffle.

Contact Kris to sign up before 24 March on 07512 034 855.

Announcements Events

Wye Valley 2017 – Sign up now!

It’s back

Southampton City District’s legendary all inclusive adventurous activity weekend.

Friday 28th April to Monday 1st May

  • White Water Kayaking
  • Rock Climbing
  • Mountain Biking
  • Archery
  • and more…

All for just £75

In 2015 more than 135 Scouts, Explorers and Leaders took part in the fun. Make sure you’re there in 2017

Poster and Permission Form

For more details ask your leader or contact Ian Budd DDC. Tel 07786 036407. Email:

Take a look below at the video below from when we went in 2013



In Action

Explorers Founders Day Paintballing

On a bright sunny February day the Southampton District Explorers assembled for a day of Paintballing. We were kitted out with body armour, overalls and goggles and received our safety brief before we were set loose with our paintball markers. Throughout the day we had various missions to complete including storming the London bus, defending a castle and saving ‘George’ in the Tomb Raiders.

We used many of our Scouting skills of: courage; stealth; following instructions; being self-reliant, as well as working as part of a team.  We remembered our Founder Lord Baden Powel as a military man and reflected on his ability to turn his battlefield experiences into the positive youth movement that we all enjoy today.

Happy Birthday BP.


Hampshire Opportunities

Scouts and Explorers… How about attending an Expedition to Uganda in 2019?

Do you know a Scout or Explorer Scout in Hampshire that you think would be interested in an international expedition and are currently 12 years or older? If so please pass on these details to them.


Exped LeafletWe are looking for 18 scouts/explorer scouts to join our 6 leaders on this amazing expedition to Uganda & Kenya for approx. 3 weeks in August 2019.
We will be camping with local scout groups, painting a local school, visiting water wells that we have fundraised to protect and running joint scouting activities with the local scouts.
All that is before we start our “holiday” part of the trip and move from the Masindi area to Jinja where we will have the chance to go White water rafting on the Nile or on a Quad bike safari along the Nile.
Then we travel into Kenya for a 2 day safari within the Massai Mara before travelling to Nairobi and visiting some animal sanctuaries, before heading home.


To meet the minimum age requirement members will have to have been born before June 2004.
If selected not only will they take part in all the activities during the expedition but they will have the opportunity to complete a variety of badge work elements during the training sessions as well as during the trip which we will keep a log of and pass on to their Section Leader.


Trip fees will be around £3,200.00 (this includes all UK training and contingent kit, but not transport costs to UK training)  It is difficult to give a definitive fee at this early stage.
Fundraising commitment£150.00 (approximate).  This is to cover the project work, scouting activities in Masindi and the funding of 2 water wells. The amount is dependent on gift aid re-claimed on the trip fees.
Personal costs – it can vary from £150 to £800  This is a difficult one to fix a figure to as it will depend on what kit you already have, immunisations needed, medication, spending money etc.

Further Information

Closing date:
Applications & References to be received by 14th July 2017

For more information about the trip, fundraising / team commitments & how to apply, please look at all the information provided on our website, you can also contact us and ask any further questions.

In Action

Why I’m Proud to be a Scout – A Message for Founder’s Day

Today is Founder’s Day – the birthday of the man who founded the worldwide Scout Movement – his name is Lord Robert Baden Powell.

You may think all I do each week is stand around in a silly uniform with a rolled triangle around my neck singing ‘ging gang goolie goolie’ with a bunch of children, nah – Scouting today is SO much more than that…

We make fire. We whittle sticks. We cook in the ground. We grow in confidence. We learn from each other. We teach others. We create memories. We as adults shape the way kids look at the world and how they interact with others. We’ve even taught them lifeguarding skills and how to use saws and drills! We camp – it’s not just a weekend away in a smelly muddy field – it’s a weekend of adventure without your family. A weekend where kids and adults alike can be themselves and try new things.

Scouting gives us skills for life: independence, teamwork, leadership and problem solving to name just a few. Who would have thought that at 9 years old a kid had never spent a night away from home before? Had never slept in a tent with their friends? Had never burnt a sausage on an open fire? I can tell you from experience that the confidence and pride it gives a kid to know they can survive a night without mum and dad at that age is incredible. These are experiences that will stay with us for the rest of our lives. Once upon a time that kid was me and I’m proud to be passing on that knowledge as a leader.

I am a Scout and I’m proud of it! 🏕

Written by Olii – Asst Scout Leader at 14th Southampton Wednesday Troop.


Cubs Celebrating Silver Awards

The Cub section have been very busy working towards their Chief Scout Silver Awards and it has been an honour to have been invited to present these hard-working Cubs with their certificates and badges.

In 2017 these are the Cubs I have presented awards to so far:

  • James K (11th) –  10/01/2017
  • Toby J (22nd) –  17/01/2017
  • Liam S (1st) –  24/01/2017
  • Mats F (7th) – 09/02/2017
  • Marci S (7th) – 09/02/2017
  • Harry G (2nd) – 15/02/2017
  • Alfie W (2nd) – 15/02/2017
  • Jacob W (2nd) –  15/02/2017

Well done to you all on your great achievements. I look forward to presenting more Chief Scout Silver Awards to the Cubs in the District very soon.

Keep up the hard work and thank you to your leaders.

Chil  – ADC Cubs.

In Action

Apollo ESU & 2nd Southampton Scouts Go Caving!

Take a look at how Scouts and Explorers got on for a day of caving at Goatchurch Cavern and the famous Swildon’s Hole. Mendips, Somerset