
2nd Scouts Global Badge

Video can be found here.
My fellow leaders and I are very impressed with the effort the scouts have put into this to achieve their global badge, and I am sure you will agree it was worth all the time and effort?  
Nick Owen

Scoutshoot 2012



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Hampshire Scouts Photographic Competition

There will be a prize for each age group of entrants:
A.  Beavers or Cubs
B.  Scouts or Explorers
C.  Network or Adults

We have been donated 3 prizes (photo vouchers) to the value of £100 each by London Camera Exchange, Southampton – so what are you waiting for?

When submitting your photo’s please ensure that they:
Are adventurous and fun – we’re not after the posed certificate & uniform shot
Conform with POR, ie. All required safety equipment is worn in the photo
You have permission of any people in your photos to use them.
Are of a good quality

Submit your pictures on a CD/DVD/memory stick before 30th September 2012 for your chance to be in it to win it. Send your photos (marked Photo Comp 2012) to us at the County Office, Ferny Croft Scout Centre, Beaulieu Road, Brockenhurst, SO42 7QY.

Here are some technical tips for taking better, sharper pictures.

Be ready to take the perfect photograph

The opportunity for the perfect photograph happens when you least expect it. Keep the camera within easy reach. You may not have time to fiddle about with the settings so keep the camera set on its standard automatic mode. If using a special feature like macro, switch back to automatic before putting away.

Keep the camera steady

If the camera moves while the picture is being taken the photograph will appear blurry due to camera shake. This is not usually a problem on a bright day, but when the light dims the camera takes longer to capture enough light and this is when holding the camera steady becomes very important. The best way to hold a camera is with both hands with your elbows tucked in to your body for further support. If you have something to rest against, such as a tree, then use that for extra support.

Remember to focus

The camera analyses the image automatically to bring the subject of the photograph into sharp focus on the camera sensor. If the subject is not focused sharply then the image will be blurry. In bright conditions automatic focus works quickly and accurately. In poor light it will take longer to find focus and can make mistakes, resulting in an out-of-focus picture. To help avoid this, ensure the camera has a good focus before taking the picture. On a phone, take extra time and look at the screen to make sure before shooting. On a camera, press the shutter button part way to focus. The camera will beep when it thinks it’s ready. Keep the camera steady and framed on your subject, look at the rear screen and it will usually indicate what area of the image it has in focus. Check the correct part of the image looks sharp and take the picture, otherwise restart the process.

Use a flash

If you are taking a picture of somebody against a bright background your subject may appear dark. Switch the flash on manually to provide extra light on your subject.

Competition Rules

  1. You must own the photo and ensure that you have access to photo permission forms for everyone in the photo. (You do not need to send them).
  2. Entrants may submit more than one photo but no more than twenty. Where more than twenty photos are submitted only the first twenty will be entered into the competition. Disc’s and memory stick will not be returned.
  3. By submitting your photograph you give permission for it to be used by Hampshire County Scouts for scouting purposes. This includes but is not limited to: promotional material, the annual report, the county website, press releases to the media and displayed.
  4. Images may be digitally enhanced to remove spots or scratches, but not manipulated. Entrants can enhance the picture to make it brighter, clearer etc, but not manipulate the content. The judges reserve the right to exclude any image they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity.
  5. All entries will be judged by a panel of judges. Their decision is final. The prizes for best photos are as stated and cannot be transferred or exchanged.
  6. All entries should be labelled with the authors name, age group and Scout Group/District/County role.  If you are entering in group 3 (adults) then please include your membership number as well.
  7. Have fun!

Check List:
Have you included your name, scout group and age group? Please specify which category you belong to A, B or C.
Please include an e-mail address so that we can acknowledge receipt of your entry.
The images are of a manageable size – large enough to be of good quality but not so large they take hours to open!  Recommended size no larger than 6-8MB



The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee‘Joint Community Challenge’

By the time the residents arrived at 3pm, the children had prepared all the party food and transformed their dining room and lounge into a sea of Red, White and Blue. All the tables were decorated with Union Flags and handmade table decorations.

Once the guests had arrived, selected  children began to serve the party food and lots of cups of tea and coffee, making sure that everyone had been served.

After the eating part was over, the children and leaders put on a bit of a show including Dancing, Hand-Bell ringing and singing various songs.

To end the afternoon we held a Free Raffle and every guest won a prize, they were also given a ‘ Special Jubilee Cup cake ’to take back to their rooms.

Our guests made various positive comments about the afternoon, they were delighted with the way all the children got involved and took such an active part with all the proceedings.

Overall 90 children and leaders took part in this special event, feed back  from the home was very positive and full of praise, we are already planning another visit later this year.

Well-Done everyone- you exceeded all expectations.

Eve Willett

Events Uncategorized

Southampton Scout To Speak In Front Of Queen At Televised Jubilee Event


The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, and other members of the royal family, are attending the Diamond Jubilee Service of Thanksgiving on Tuesday morning. The service is being broadcast on BBC One.

Caitlin, a top Scouting achiever, was recently awarded the highest award possible by the movement – the Queen’s Scout award – at a ceremony in Windsor.

She helped out in her community and went on a three-week expedition across north Wales to walk, sail, camp and climb with young people from around the world.

Caitlin said: “I’ve been in Scouting for nearly seven years now, starting off in Hoosiders Explorer Scout unit in Penrith.

“I’d always been jealous of my brother going off to do fun and exciting camps and once or twice I’d been able to tag along as my parents were both occasional helpers.

“Scouting has given me the opportunity to climb mountains, canoe rivers and walk many miles with a huge smile on my face for the whole journey. Scouting has given me that optimism and energy.”

Caitlin is a member of the Scout Network as well as an assistant Scout leader at home. She is also an assistant Explorer Scout leader in Southampton, where she is at university studying French and Spanish.

She said: “It seems bizarre now to think that I’d barely speak up in meetings when I first joined Scouting. Yet when I went to Windsor to collect the Queen’s Scout award, there I was speaking in front of hundreds.

“I went from being shy and quiet to being the loud one bringing all the others out of their shells. I’ve been pushed to be a better person than I thought I could be and I appreciate all the support I’ve had.

“To have been invited to be part of the jubilee thanksgiving service is just beyond my wildest dreams – and all thanks to Scouting.”

First published at 14:11, Friday, 01 June 2012
Published by


14th Tree Climbing

We have two trees – one huge one (about 10m – which is only marginally shorter than Ferny Crofts’ Mega Tower) and one that is slightly smaller (7m).  We strap a climbing hold system (partially made by our scouts) onto the trees, and then climb up it (wearing harnesses/helmets while being belayed by kids/leaders).  We also have a caving ladder, equipment for “prusiking” up a rope, and in the future, we hope to get some crates for crate stacking.
The whole system has been signed off by the county climbing assessor (risk assessment, setup doc, operating procedure).
If your section would like a session on it, please get in touch with me (ed AT jellard DOT – there is a hire cost as we have had to get a lot of equipment that’ll need renewing periodically.  With the two trees, we should be able to cope with any sized section in 1.5hrs – 14 can be involved across the two trees at any one time, and you can use the copse/hut to run another activity with your leaders with the ones not involved (making and using a low-ropes course is always good in the copse as an alternative activity, or fire-lighting etc).
Ed (14th SL)

13th Cubs travel to the Isle of Wight

First was to get wet on the water slides so we could spend the day drying out in the sun, then it was off to play on the Pirate ships. By now hunger was setting so lunch was eaten overlooking the sea. 

A show, in Cowboy City, saw all guilty suspects locked in jail and the remaining cowboys  slinging their guns around .  A game of Snakes and Ladders on the slides, fantasy in Fairy Land and a wander round the giant bugs and Dinosaur Land before heading into the maze. Fortunately all made it out of the maze and before we knew it time had come to return home.

Whilst we were there we took time to think about Heather Vaudin, who passed away recently. Heather completed 50 years of service at the 13th and was the Leader who started the link outings with the Isle of Wight.


Hampshire Scout Archery Competition



Download Rules/Application Form


Scouts go Hill-Walking


We stayed in Heol Senni, an ideally located Hampshire Council owned building.  On the first day, we went on a long ridge walk – Corn Du – Pen-Y-Fan – Cribyn and Fan y Big (much to the Scouts amusement).  We went on a shorter route on the second day, including walking up a river – great fun!

The whole weekend was a huge success – one of the Young People said “this is the funnest weekend of my life, ever”. After bumping into a few of the Young People, at District Camp, they definitely want to go again.  It is weekends like this that make being involved with Scouting so worthwhile
Ed (14th SL)

From The DC

District Camp 4th to 7th May 2012

A huge ‘Thank You’ to you all for all your hard work at District Camp. It is one of only a few occasions that the whole District gets a chance to come together and we can be rightly proud. A special thank you to Mike and George who yet again were the coordinators for the camp and to Stuart for the Scout and Explorer schedule.

Thanks also to Dave, Kieron, Patsy, Pat, Andy, Lin and Elaine who helped us by being on the working party.

Adam Jollans, CC, spent Sunday morning with us and was greatly impressed by the amount of activities on offer and the high spirits and joy shown by the young people. I really hope you have all had a lot of parents saying thank you because you all deserve that.

During the camp Adam awarded Long Service Awards to:

Forty Years and Silver Wolf

Mike Jackson

Forty Years:

Colin Brown

Evan Morgan

Twenty Years:

Irene Hillier

Ten Years:

Nick Buck

Stuart Ganney

Andrew Jones

Five Years:

Peter Brown

Chris Buckland

Jason Ledwich

David Mc Keeman

Richard Sanders

Many congratulations to all of them. They are the people that make Scouting GREAT!! 

St Georges Day Parade Sunday 22nd April 2012

Please pass on my thanks to everyone who attended the St Georges Day Parade. The rain was very unkind to us. It started to pour at 2pm just the time we arranged to meet at Kingsland Square. We get very wet and then it did it again when we came out the Church. Well done to everyone who kept smiling and again thanks go to Chris Davis for helping Itchen North organise the service.

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Hampshire Scouting are holding a parade at Winchester Cathedral in the evening of Friday 15th June. We will be taking a large contingent. I have booked a 48 seated coach to take us from Shirley Precintt at 5.15pm to Winchester and after the service will return us home.

I have sent messages to all GSL’s asking them to forward me the names of their Beaver Cub and Scout representatives. If I could have those soon I would be grateful. The young people will be looked after by a number of adults that I have invited to join us. If any one has any queries about this event please give me a call.

I would remind everyone that Scouting and Guiding are supposed to join forces to organise an activity to benefit the community. Please start to think how you will do this. If you want to make contact with your local Guide Unit but are not sure how to do that please speak to me and I will direct you to a nearby Guide Unit.

District Youth Council

Southampton City has been chosen as a pilot District to form our own Youth Council. The aim of the Council is to get a bigger voice from the young people in our district and for them to help us shape the scouting for the future. I am plesed to say that Naomi Kench and Fran Upshon have agreed to help lead this initiative with any other young people who are up for the challenge. We will be asking every group to put forward a scout to represent them and also inviting explorers and young leaders to join the council This iniiative will be starting soon so to all you young people please tell me if you would like to get involved. We are also looking to start a hospital group so if that interests you come forward!!

It’s the Time for Group Annual General Meetings

These are the dates of each of the groups meetings please feel free to come along and support your group.

1st        Monday 14th May @ 6pm

2nd       Thursday 24th May @ 7.30pm                              

7th        Friday 15th June 2012 @ 7.30pm

9th        Wednesday 16th May @ 7pm               

11th        Tuesday 15th May @ 7pm

13th      Thursday 17th May @ 7.15pm

14th      Thursday 31st May @ 7.30pm

22nd     Thursday 14th June @ 7.30pm

25th      Wednesday 13th June @ 7.30pm

26th      Friday 15th June @ 7.30pm To be rescheduled please

29th      Sunday 20th may @ 12 midday


We are holding two Wilverley Maintenance Days this year 14th July and 29th September. I would ask each and every group to come along and help us keep the site to a good standard. Please put those dates in your diaries and promote it amongst everyone in your groups.


Your district camp site needs a new camp site badge and we thought it would be really good to challenge every group to design this for us.

The winning group will be given a free weekend at Wilverley.

The badge should be all about the building and the forest and nature and promotes scouting.

We have extended the entry date to the 1st July Please send your entries to Colin Floyd by that date so we can select the winning group.

Adventurous Activities

Please note that any enquiries regarding permits are being dealt with by Lee Budd. Please contact him if you need any help. If you need a nights away permit please speak to Pat Rea for beaver and cubs and Graham Meeering for the Scouts. It would be good to get qualified before the summer.

Adult Appointments and Reviews

Some GSL’s have been asked to do reviews of some leaders in there groups some of these are well overdue for a review. All those being reviewed must have completed the safe guarding and first response training or the review cannot be approved. The review process should be concluded by now so if you’re a GSl and not done the reviews yet you need to do them now!!

District Website

The web site is proving to be well used and it is meeting its main objective which was to SHOUT LOUD HOW GOOD WE ARE.

A lot of work has taken place to get it to this stage but we would welcome some positive feedback on how the site could be further developed. We are looking for each group to use their own group page as a good way of promoting themselves to the community.  You should have all now signed into the members area if not please do so then you can be better informed and have a copy of the district calendar and the directory. If you have forgotten your password to the members area please contact Tony Kench who I am sure can help you. At this moment we have 98 members signed up.

The web site has delivered us several enquiries from Adults wishing to join us in Southampton City Scouting.

Southampton City Scouts Get’s on it’s Bike

The District agreed to enter into an arrangement with Forest Leisure Cycling in Burley to look after our cycling groups. They have offered us some substantial reductions in their hire costs for members of the District and also to Scouting and non-Scouting groups using the Wilverley Campsite.


Forest Leisure Cycling – Village Centre, Burley

I have attended most district events and have been to the following events not mentioned above

National Scout Service and Parade

I had a very enjoyable day at Windsor Castle attending the parade to celebrate with Naomi, Jason, Neil, Fran, Mike, Lisa and Jennifer on being awarded their Queen’s Scout Awards. They paraded past the Queen and Prince Philip and Bear Grylls Chief Scout. The national statistic is that only 1% of scouts go on to obtain this award so for us to have seven queens scouts in one year are a fantastic achievement. Can I pass on my thanks to them and I am sure they really enjoyed the event.

County Cub Six a Side Football Competition

I spent a lovely morning watching the 22nd Cubs participate in the county competition. They of course did us proud. They played very well in a sporting manner and got through to the plate competition well done 22nd Cubs

Hampshire Scouting County Conference

I attended the Hampshire Scout county conference. The main topics for the day were the rise in membership to scouting, the rise in the amount of girls joining scouts and discussing strategies for future growth. Flexible volunteering and how to get more parents into help us with our scouting.

Lots was spoken about the vision up to 2018 and we as a district will need to do more work on our own vision over the next year

Scout Roverang Show at the Nuffield Theatre

I and the ADC’s had a lovely evening at the Southampton Scouting Roverang Show. The children who performed in the show were having a wonderful time and it is yet an opportunity to give them some really happy memories that only scouting can offer.

Regrettably we only had two of scouts in the show and I really hope that we can greatly improve upon that next time. We have an open invitation to get our young people “stomping the boards!! And I can tell you we have lots of children who like to show off!! They will have a huge amount of fun and make new friends.  If any of our leaders would like to also help please tell me and I will get you involved.

The Active Support Annual General Meeting

I had a lovely evening with the support members listening to the support and events that they have facilitated during the year. A huge thank you goes to this happy band and for the support they give us with our scouting.

Up The Saints

Finally congratulations to Southampton FC for getting us back into the Premier League where we belong!!

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Mob Tel 07770364711 or

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd

District Commissioner

Southampton City Scout District