
Fly goes to a Wedding

David had been a member of the Seahawk Venture Unit of the 13th Group when they were in the old West District. They were an unruly bunch, a bit wayward at times but did some really good things. Above all they had a real friendship and loyalty to one-another and loved their Scouting. 6 members of the old Unit were there, two ex-leaders and some who were in the Unit before or after David and his friends. Naomi, Jason and “Bob” were around at the changeover to Explorer Scouting.

Keiron, now leader of Network, was Best Man and Harris and James were ushers. James and Gemma, who now live in Australia, had come all this way just

for the Wedding. The old friends from the Unit stood solidly together and worked hard, determined to make the occasion a success for David and his Bride.

This Picture includes 9 Queen’s Scouts


If anyone doubts the good things that Scouting brings about they should have witnessed this happy reunion of a group of old friends from 15 to 20 years ago.


David met Lynda on a Cycling Meet and it wasn’t that long before he moved his Tree Surgeon business down to Plymouth where Lynda is a teacher. After the Wedding they mounted a tandem and cycled off to the wild blue yonder.


I am sure that we all wish David and Lynda every happiness in their lives together on their Bicycle built for two.



Himalayan Balsam Bash

All in all a good day for both the Scouts and Brownies showing the local community what we can get up to and showing them that some of the local children do care about the environment and are happy to help clear it up, and that both movements can work together in harmony to a common goal.

From Russ.

29th SL/GSL.


Himalayan Balsam Bash

Over the course of our five hours both movements worked together in four mini groups. Two groups worked in different areas to pull up the Himalayan Balsam Weed. This is an invasive weed that needs to be cleared on an annual basis to reduce its invasion from riverbanks. This will then allow natural vegetation to thrive for the benefit of all natural insects.

This was simple done by wearing gardening gloves and protective glasses, reaching as far down to the ground as you could. Getting around various obstructions, and pulling to get the roots up. This was much easier than it may sound. Then we just made piles of the weed as tall as Scouts to be sorted by the organisers in charge at a later date.

Another group went on a litter pick armed with grabbing sticks and bags to collect a wide range of rubbish left by either people on picnics or who had just dropped it as they walked through the reserve.

The final group, armed with secateurs and shears, were helping to tidy up the paths by cutting back the bushes etc, which were growing over them, so a clearer pathway for the public to use was established.

During the day all groups rotated to cover each other’s tasks and also have an opportunity to take part in various other roles.

We also took a packed lunch along with us and sat down together to eat during the day. This is when some Scouts (younger ones) and Brownies realised that they knew one another from either their current school, or the Scout had moved onto secondary school, but used to go to the school where the Brownies currently do.

The weather during the day was very kind to us with the sun coming out for the whole time we were there.

At the very end the Friends of Monksbridge, who we were helping out, gave some of the children who had not left earlier, a small coke in the local pub garden to say thanks. They said that we had done much more then they had expected, but our number of 16 Scouts and Leaders along with 11 Brownies and Leaders attended (making 27 of us) did help.

They also asked whether we were up for it next year. Everyone seemed happy with this idea.


Beaver Loggerheads

The theme of this year’s competition was events of the 60 years of the Reign of our Queen.

The day started with each team making a colony flag and a lunar space module, more on that later.

Now the competition began in earnest. There were 8 twenty minute bases for the teams to complete.

  1. Everest, the 1st ascent by a British team announced on Coronation day 1953. Each party of Beavers ascended the hill in the enclosure on a fixed rope with the help of Sherpa’s Chris and Mike, and planted their flag on the top.
  2. The Garden Party, this was in 2 parts, first they put up “The Marquee”, a dining shelter, and decorated it with Bunting.
  3. Then they all went to make and serve tea to The Queen, Gail, dressed in her finery with a crown.
  4. The Crown Jewels, seeking gem stones from the mine and making a necklace for the Queen.
  5. The Great Train Robbery of 1963, where they followed a trail of flags through the enclosure to find the stolen mail bags – watch out for the robbers, ably played by Claire and David.
  6. The Moon Landing in 1969, using their lunar module made earlier in the day and landing it on the moon, a giant exercise ball!
  7. The Channel Tunnel opened in 1994, tunnelling from both sides and meeting in the middle, then taking a train through and learning some French words.
  8. And finally designing and building a Lego (1958) castle for the Queen, thanks to Lee for his engineering help.

There was a break halfway through the activities for a Jubilee picnic lunch.
As all Beavers want to play football we finished the day with a 1966 World Cup penalty shootout.

Each base scored points, the flags and lunar modules were marked, and the goals scored all went to the total. The marks were on team work and results. All bases were completed by all of the teams and resulted in some very happy and tired Beaver Scouts at the end of the day.

A rare Jubilee event – IT HARDLY RAINED ALL DAY.

Quote of the day on a mobile phone: “I’m at a butchers shop can you tell me how to get to Wilverley?”          Answer “Ask the butcher”

They did and he drew a map for them and they arrived just in time for the start.


As usual it was a close run competition that was finally won by the team from the 29th Colony.

Well done to all the Beavers for their enthusiasm and my thanks to all leaders, helpers, parents and co-opted help from specialist members of other sections of the District, for making it happen and pulling the competition together.

Lin Johnson ADC Beaver Scouts


Gillwell 24

Saturday morning 0900 hrs and the start of the 24 hours of activities. On offer was a wide variety of activities – zorbing, shooting, mountain boarding, AA driving school, scuba diving, trapeze, bushcraft, wood work, fun fair, power kites, internet café, radio station, disco, climbing, cinema, information tents to name some.  Being the ten year anniversary of Explorers, chocolate cake was on offer at the opening ceremony where the latest Scout ambassador was revealed – Ed Stafford. For those who don’t know who this is, this is the chap who walked the length of the Amazon

This year the weather was not really in our favour. The Gilwell site was already a bit of a mud bath on arrival. This steadily got worse as the weekend went on. The rain came and went and then really started in the early hours of Sunday morning resulting in a flooded campsite with many tents under water. 0500 hrs found the leaders up and serving bacon and sausage rolls to not only our own Explorers but also a group from Reigate whose site was completely flooded out and under a couple of feet of water.  The benefits of networking and establishing links around the Scout family. Their leader, Tom, was a former leader in Southampton during his University days. Draw parallels with Glastonbury and IOW.

So 0900 hrs Sunday morning the event closed and we all headed home, very wet, very muddy and very tired. Certainly a weekend to be remembered and, despite the rain and the mud, one that the Explorers really enjoyed.  Next year is already in the diary.

Dave McKeeman

ESL Enterprise


Cub Sports

Admittedly the weather hasn’t been good recently, but despite very strong winds, it remained dry until presentation time.  This year there was a special trophy, awarded for the best cricket ball throw (in memory of Mike and Audrey Behan from the 9th who had for so many years run this event for us) and Mike had served on the Sports committee, ever present for meetings and events.

The trophy was donated by Carol Nichols (Secretary) and Doreen Old (Chair) of the Sports Committee and presented (fittingly) to Brandon Goble aged 9 from the 9th by Mike & Audrey’s son Paul, who had helped them for so many years and ran the event with his partner this year and other help.

1st – 14th Pack
2nd – 22nd Pack

Every Pack had some winners and runners-up.

My sincere thanks to Pat Davies, Pat Rea, Patsy Osborne, George Longhurst, Russell Andrews and his helper, Thelma and all leaders and volunteers who gave their time and efforts in very difficult conditions it was very much appreciated.  Also to Shaun (22nd) for the loan of equipment.

Doreen Old
(Chair) Sports Committee


From Colin

This will give an increase of an additional 2,408 children in our area who may want to join our scouting. It would not be good if we didn’t forward plan our groups to meet some of that demand. I for one want all children who want to join scouting to be given that opportunity not just a selective few.

So please when I talk about group development it has little to do with the quality of what we offer now it is only about offering what we do to far more young people.

Diamond Jubilee celebrations

Southampton City had the largest contingent in the County attend the Hampshire Scouts Queens jubilee service and parade in Winchester Cathedral.
The event was a huge success and I would like to personally thank all those that came on the coach and represented their groups. You did your group proud.

District Youth Council

Southampton City has been chosen as a pilot district to form our own youth coucil. The aim of the council is to get a bigger voice from the young people in our district and for them to help us shape the scouting for the future. I am plesed to say that Naomi Kench and Fran Upshon have agreed to help lead this initiative with any other young people who are up for the challenge. We will be asking every group to put forward a scout to represent them and also inviting explorers and young leaders to join the council This iniiative will be starting soon so to all you young people please tell me if you would like to get involved. We are also looking to start a hospital group so if that interests you come forward!!

Group Annual General Meetings

I have attended all the group AGM’s and I found the events to be in the main very uplifting and it was great to be given the opportunity to meet the group supporters and the parents of some of the scouts.

I would suggest that if your AGM was a success do the same agasin next year if it was not well supported think of an alternative format that would atracht more parents to come. I find that if you make it a celebration of the year and present awards to the children and offer some food you are more likely to get the parents to come along rather than just provide the business part of the general meeting.


We are holding two Wilverley Maintenance Days this year 14th July and 29th September. I would ask each and every group to come along and help us keep the site to a good standard. Please put those dates in your diaries and promote it amongst everyone in your groups.

I have only received entries from three groups for the wilverley badge competition. The deadline is now been reached so I and the committee will decide soon who has won the competition and the free weekend of camping.

Permission to Camp Forms

If you are planning a summer camp great well done!! But please remember to submit to me your forms giving the full details and just as importantly the list of adults attending the camp. Without my approval you can’t go!! The forms are in the member’s area of the district web site.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Mob Tel 07770364711 or

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner
Southampton City Scout District


From Colin



From Colin

The District has a very clear five year plan to enhance the scouting in our district. That was formed at our first district development day back in October last year. We have started to work on the key objectives of that plan and we will be helping every group to plan for a better future.

We have introduced a far better district website which is aimed at promoting much more our scouting to the wider community and to improve the communication between us all. The web site needs further work and we are looking for you all to use it to its full potential and to fully promote your groups much more in the coming year.

We have improved the way we recruit, appoint and train and support our leaders and sectional assistants. We now have a much larger appointments committee and we have greatly enhanced the training team. We also now have Thelma as an ADC group support she will be supporting all groups to improve and support you with your development plans next year. I have high hopes that these initiatives will bring many more adults into our groups over the coming year.

We have a greatly improved district camp site at Wilverley and we are spending funds to make it more attractive for you to use and we have a long term project to provide electric to the buildings making it more suitable for you all to hire.

We are in negotiations with the Council to secure most of our scout group headquarters land giving scouting in Southampton a far better security of tenure.

I have tried by being OUT and ABOUT the district to forge close links between groups and the district team and in particular for me to be seen at group events. Can I please thank those of you that have been kind enough to invite me to your activities it is a part of my job that I look forward too and enjoy immensely.

Can I pass on my thanks to you all for being patient with me and for offering me your support and kindness through my first year I am extremely grateful.

The main focus for the next twelve months will be how we can get more adults involved in our scouting.

We must recruit much more and to have a consistent approach to how we welcome adults into our groups and retain them.

Adult recruitment is a job for us all 24/7 365 days of the year.  I would ask you all when was the last time you asked someone to get involved?  For some of you that was recently for some you have never asked. With every adult we can find it gives several young people an opportunity to enjoy the scouting adventure.

The reality is that in Southampton the amount of Children of scouting age is dramatically increasing. To give you some idea the following schools have needed to increase its admission number to meet the demand.


9th Troop Morrice Dancing

I enjoyed morris dancing because it was very amusing. We had to dance weird but it was great. 

I had a great experience learning how to morris dance and it was a good opportunity to earn my heritage badge.

I enjoyed the music and using the sticks. Some parts were hard and it was really  fun.

It was very complicated with lots of things to remember so we had to practise lots.

We were in groups of four. We embarrassed ourselves by skipping up and down the hall. It was fun though.

Morris dancing is about dancing with colours and sticks.

It was tiring and exhausting. 

We had to choose between a stick of horror or a hankie of Jake.

We got to clash sticks and do a move called bellies. 

We had to do various dances from different places in England that originated in the time of Henry VIII.