
Fly on the Wall

Summit is held in a hostel in the Snowdonia range of mountains that is so well placed that many of the mountain routes can start off straight from the door. Called “Hafod”, the hostel is run by the Welsh Scout Council and has been our home for a glorious weekend over many years. As a base it has introduced many of our older scouts, explorers and before that, ventures to the thrill of standing on some of Britain’s highest mountains and given some the skill and experience to become Mountain leaders themselves.

This year Summit is from 9th to 11th November – the forms are out. Places are restricted by the number of bunks in the hut so you’d better get booking.

For those interested Harold Webb, for many years our Mountain Activity Advisor, is compiling a book on the History of Mountaineering in the District including the start of the Summit weekend. It started in the old West District when a small group of Senior Scouts set of to do the newly created Pennine Way. The book will soon be available so if you are interested or just wish to renew a few of your old memories look out – Fly will keep you posted.



Grey Owl’s Report

The term has started with a Fun Day at Ferny Crofts, with most of the activities run by the Ferny Crofts instructors. 60 Beavers attended from 6 different Colonies. The day was broken down into 4 one and a half hour sessions.

There was a session on the climbing wall which included the Beavers helping with the belaying.

Another group did backwoods cooking in the campfire circle. They learnt about fire and campfire safety and then cooked a twist, a rasher of bacon and finished with toasted marshmallows.

There was pond dipping and mini beast hunting in the woods, very popular.

The 4th session was spent with our own leaders utilising the adventure course and the site.

The weather was perfect and although we had use of the Sky High Conservatory we were able to spend the whole day outside. Seeing our Beaver Scouts sitting around on the field in the sunshine, eating their picnic lunch was a lovely sight. They looked so happy and were chattering and laughing with each other.

At the end of the day the Beaver Scouts said they had had a fantastic day and didn’t want to go home!!

Thanks to Gail for arranging this and to all the Leaders who helped give our children a super time.

The Christingle service will now be on Sunday 9th December at 3.30pm at St James Parish Church.


Hampshire County Conference


Invites will be going out shortly to DCs, District Chairs, GSLs, Group Chairs, DESCs, DSNLs,  County Team and County Executive – plus also to Network Chairs and Youth Council members.

More details to follow – we’re planning that a day of informative, inspiring and challenging workshops and presentations, along with the opportunity to meet lots of new people and to hear from Wayne Bulpitt, UK Chief Commissioner.

Plus we’ll be launching H0014 – the successor to H007.


Roverang 2013

The team is now working on next year and we would like your permission to put on Roverang 2013 at the Nuffield Theatre between the 2-6 April 2013 and invite the young people and adults in your District to take part.

Due to the developing all inclusive ethos of both Scouting and Guiding it is our intention to trial opening this year’s show up to a wider age range of young people. It is, therefore our intention to open a new section in this year’s show for Guides and Scouts with an age range of 10 to 14 years.

The Children’s cast will remain open to Brownies and cubs with a maximum age limit of 10 ½ by the week of the show and Adult cast will continue to have a lower age limit of 14 as in recent years.

Roverang is an amateur production performed by members of the Guide and Scout Association.

Producer: Sam Weller, E-mail Tel: 07885469309

Asst Producer: Sue Parker, E-mail Tel: 07789681047

Asst Producer: Gary Foote, E-mail Tel: 07872104515

We hope that, in the spirit of both Guiding and Scouting, you will support this trial and if you have any queries or would like to discuss this further please feel free to contact either myself, Sue or Gary on the numbers or email below.

If we don’t hear from you we will assume that you are happy for us to go ahead with the show and make contact with the leaders and young people in your District or Division.

Many Thanks in anticipation of your Support.

Sam, Sue and Gary


From Colin

All of these scouting opportunities would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of the leader’s.  On behalf of all the young people “a big thank you.”

District Development Day

Most of you would have received from me a personal invite to the District development day which is being held at Fernycroft on Saturday 3rd November. This is a good opportunity for us all to get together and work together to develop and expand our scouting here in Southampton.

You would have read in my notes last month the substantial increase in the amount of children of scouting age and how we need to prepare for meeting that demand. That can only be done if we can get more adults to join us and enable us to expand our operation.

At the moment we have three scout troops who do not have a scout leader so we are hardly starting from a good point.

I really hope you will all come and together I am sure we can find a way to kick start that expansion. If you have not already done so please send me an email confirming you can come for the day.

The District section meetings are taking place soon so please do your best to go along and help plan the forhcoming events. The distrixct has a lot happening over the next few months such as Scouts Solent Regatta, Scouts Maddison Hunt, Cubs Totem pole, Cubs Scrapheap Challenge, Scouts Walkabout, Beavers Paulton Park, District Swimming Gala, Network Kudo competition, Explorers Christmas Camp.

I look forward to seeing you all at these great events.

Al of these activities are in the district diary in the members area of the district website. Please take a look, it has been greatly improved and you can now download the calendar onto your mobile phones if you are that way inclined.

We are holding another Wilverley Maintenance Day on the 29th September. I would ask each and every group to come along and help us keep the site to a good standard.

Wilverley has a new camp blanket badge which was designed by Lewis Yourdi Read of the 1st Scouts I would highly recommend that you puchase them for the youngsters if your going to Wilverley they are available at £1.00 each from Richard Cook.


That is about it I hope you are all raring to go again for scouting we should have a load of fun and adventure!!

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Mob Tel 07770364711 or

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd


From Colin

  • In early July the Explorers went to Gilwell Park for a national event “Gilwell 24” this is such a great opportunity to enjoy the wide range of activities on offer but to also meet Scouts from all over the UK.
  • The 7th Scouts went to Blackwell Adventure Bromsgrove for Brum Jam 2012 and had eleven scouts go to this national event.
  • The 29th Scouts went to Lyons Copse for a week with twelve scouts and had a thoroughly great time.
  • The 25th Scouts went also went to Lyons Copse for the County organised scout camp which was great.
  • The 11th Scouts went to Thornton Park North Yorkshire for a nationwide event which was a huge success
  • The 14th Scouts went to Collard Bridge in Barnstaple in North Devon for their summer camp and had a great time.
  • The 1st Cubs and Scouts have just returned from a weekend at Wilverley which I now they all thoroughly enjoyed.

Walk-A-Bout 2012

A meeting for Leaders and instructors and those persons Running a Base will be held on Wednesday 3rd October at the HQ of the 1st Southampton @ 7.30pm Lordswood Southampton. Team joining instructions will be issued at this meeting.


Walk-A-Bout 2012

For Teams of Four, Within “Fort Purbrook” Portsmouth

sleeping the rest of the night there.



SS Shieldhall Seamanship Training Day

The day consisted of instructional sessions which provided theoretical and practical training, these included launch of rescue RIB; communication, flags, radio, weather reports, radar, etc; chart work, the international buoyage system, etc; berthing hawsers, heaving a line, coiling ropes a few knots; reeving blocks and tackle to advantage, use of ships derrick(s) to lift heavy loads; fire fighting; Instructional tour of the ship’s machinery spaces incl., boiler and engine rooms.
A further training day is being run on 29 September 2012 as the July one was over subscribed. Cost is £15 per head, no charge for accompanying leaders.

We request that leaders/helpers sit in or get involved in the various training sessions. Ideally, we ask for a ratio of one leader / helper to every six scouts. Participants need to bring their own lunch.

It is recommended that bookings should be made as early as possible to :-
Richard Walker, Ticket Manager (also 14th Eastleigh) Tel.0844 357 2329 or e.mail at

Pictures taken by Mr Ian Bowman.


SS Shieldhall Seamanship Training Day
