
From Colin

His Service at St Peters Church was a testimony of the love and respect that we all have for Lee. The church was full of family and scouting friends not only from our district but from far and wide in the County.

It was fantastic to see so many young people attend who Lee had clearly made a mark upon with his scouting. The highlight for the day for me was the very smartly presented Scouts from the 13th who came and paid there respects to Lee. They were a real credit to Lee and his group.

What we have to do now, is to look to take both the 13th and the district forward and to make sure that all that he wished for our young people is still very much delivered.

District Development Day

We have rearranged the district development day to be held on Saturday 2nd February 2013 starting at 10am to finish prompt at 4pm at the New Newlands Primary School in Millbrook.

Those of you that were originally invited are of course welcome to come and I will be forwarding to you all a reminder directly after Christmas.


Good News the charges for our own groups to use Wilverley have been greatly reduced. It is now recognised that Wilverley is your camp site and we want you to make good use of it. These are the charges that come into effect on the 1st January 2013.


25th Sea Scout Group

I can report that the 25th Sea Scout Group may be moving to a better home. They have been approached by a developer who wants to purchase their site and move them a few yards up the road and build for them a far better scout HQ and boat store. The negotiations are very much on going but it looks like the 25th have exciting times ahead.

What have I been up to this month?

 I have completed my first response training which was delivered by Sarah Milstead. A huge thank you for her patience with me and for her very professionally delivered training.

I also went to the Scout Walkabout presentation which was won by the 1st Scout Troop at Fort Purbrook. This is a great place for a late night exercise and clearly everyone who joined the event had a great time. Well done to all the scouts and the Leaders and Stuart for the event.

I then went to the County Conference where the main topics were the growth of scouting and the vision of scouting. Thank you to those that came along. Directly afterwards I went to Gilwell for a DC open day. This was a great opportunity to get information from headquarters and to go to various workshops on a range of different topics. The main ones I attended were again about growth and how we welcome adults into scouting and how we retain them. I also attended a workshop on safeguarding which highlight even more our responsibilities to our young people.
The following weekend I joined up at the County Network Kudo competition which was very well attended by a large number of Network and Explorer Units. Southampton City had two Explorer units enter the competition and they had a great time despite the terrible rain at 3am on the Sunday morning. A very big well done, to Kieran and Jason and Naomi for organising the event which was praised by everyone throughout the County.

I then went the following day to Exbury Gardens to join up with Geoff and Lin and the other leaders and youngsters who were helping at the ghost train. It was clear yet again that this was an event which they all thoroughly enjoyed. It is always wonderful to see scouting to be out in the community having fun. I awarded a thank you badge to Nigel who is the Manager of Exbury as a mark of our appreciation to him for years of support and encouragement.

Last night I went to the District Swimming Gala at the Quays this was a fun event for the district. Well done to all that competed and to the 22nd who won the group trophy. A very big thank you to Doreen and Carol and Graham for organising this splendid competition.

Your GSLs have a paper copy of the new 2013 district diary which is also on the district website. Please remember that you can forward all your good news stories as they happen throughout the month and then Tony will put them all together for a left hand shake publication at the end of the month. So please remember to get all your adverts and good news stories to Tony by the 25th of every month. We always need to shout loud about what we are doing.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Mob Tel 07770364711 or

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd, District Commissioner


Santa Special

‘Chip’ was around, having pictures taken wth most of the Beavers, plus getting loads of cuddles too.

Santa’s grotto was amazing and also Father Christmas was really chatty too.

Soton City Beavers with ‘Chip’ before the day of fun begins

Thank you to the County Team for all your hard work.

Eve Willett

BSL 1st Aldermore


Ken Sherman


The Diamond Award winners including Reg Lowman, Kenneth Sherman and Lillian Wadesley.

It was a sparkling occasion for the diamond volunteers who have made a lasting contribution to our city.

Three people who have tirelessly dedicated 60 years to the community in Southampton were publically thanked for their efforts.

Between them they have committed 180 years of their lives to volunteering in the city.

They are Reg Lowman, 83, a League of Friends volunteer at Southampton General Hospital who has helped to raise more than £10 million; Kenneth Sherman, 83, who has been involved in the Scouting organisation in Southampton since he was 14; and Lillian Wadesley, 92, who has clocked up decades playing the organ in her local church.

They each shone as they took centre stage to be presented with a certificate and a bouquet by city mayor councillor Derek Burke and the CEO of Volunteering England Justin Davis-Smith, who had come to the city from London to be part of the ceremony held at the Mayor’s Parlour in the Civic Centre. Mr Davis-Smith said: “Their achievements are absolutely extraordinary and it literally takes your breath away just how dedicated these people are.


Enterprise Explorers

As a way of rounding off this course, and putting to use the skills learned, a trip on the River Hamble was planned for the weekend of 20/21 October encompassing an overnight stay at Cricket Camp. This gave the Explorers a chance to try some different water to that of the Itchen, where we normally paddle.

Saturday morning saw the intrepid group of Explorers, with the ESL and the DESC, set off from Swanwick public slip and head up river. An Explorer from Relentless ESU also joined with us. Tides were checked and we were on a rising tide, although it did not particularly feel or look like it. A steady pace saw us progress up river soon passing the jetty at Manor Farm. Weather was overcast but grey. We were heading for Botley. At Fairthorne Manor it became apparent that the tide was not rising very quickly – time for a short stop. Soon after this point it was a case of getting out and walking the kayaks up river on a couple of sections – just not enough water under us. Botley was reached and time for lunch.

After lunch we continued up to the mill at Botley and had a play on the small weir before returning back down river to the jetty at Manor Farm. What a difference in water levels!! We now had plenty of water. We got out at Manor Farm and carried our kayaks through the park to Cricket Camp where we set up camp for the night. The fire pit was set up, burgers and sausages cooked over the open fire. A short walk around Manor Farm, in the dark, and then back to the open fire. By now the weather had turned and the rain had started which continued to gradually get heavier so a relatively early night for all. Sunday morning up and break camp ready for collection by parents at 1000 hours.
A very successful short trip locally that has given the Explorers a taste of what they can do. Time to look to next year and doing some more trips now that they have the skills.

Dave McKeeman

ESL Enterprise


Fly on the Wedding Cake

“They Founded Atlantis”   : – Naomi had been invested into Ventures the year before (an amazing ceremony at Cape Cornwall) and then Atlantis Explorers started and Jason and Naomi came together. There is a photo at the first camp with them standing side by side.

Now, ten years on, and having spent a time in Network in which they have both achieved the Queen’s Scout Award, they are married. The Wedding took place at Freemantle Church on Saturday 20th October. The Church was full and there were many of their scouting friends in the congregation including one or two of the original Atlantis members.

OK Fly can’t do much of this formal stuff but he and Mrs Fly are very happy for them. Word has it that Naomi was so taken by Jason sticking his neck out, as the saying goes, that she had the wedding photo taken with a couple of Giraffes!


See the official photos here (including Giraffes)

– seeing as the editor has a special interest in the marriage, the last bit may not appear. On the other hand you might even get a photo!


11th Family Quiz Night


News at 15 November: This event has had to be postponed due to illness!

Quiz night has been postponed to Friday 18 January, 2013.

Apologies for any inconveniences caused.

Contact Kris below for further details.


11th Southampton City Scout Group

Annual Family Quiz Night

Friday 16 November, 2012

7 for 7.30pm start, finish by 9.30pm.

Venue: 11th Scouts HQ on Kentish Road

(opposite Shirley Swimming Pool)

Adults £6.50 Children £5.50

Teams of up to 8 people.

Richard Cook is the Quiz Master!


Bring your own drinks, alcohol is permitted.

Bring your own drinking glasses and donations for the raffle.

To book your place call Kris Partridge on

01794 521 889 or 07512 034 855

by Friday 9th November at the latest.




From Colin

District Development Day

Having invited all the key people to the district development day it is really good that we will have a good many of you spending the day with us. To all of you that are going can I say thank you and I look forward to us spending the day together and looking at ways we can develop and improve the scouting in Southampton. For those of you that can’t join us I will be summarizing the outcomes so you are kept informed of the direction that the district is going.

See you all at 9.45am at Fernycroft Lodge on Saturday 3rd November.
I recently attended the Cub & Scout Leaders Council and heard of the plans that they have for this term, it is great to see and hear all that you have planned.
The 2nd & the 22nd Cubs recently held a family camp which unfortunately I could not attend due to other commitments but I hear they we’re both great successes.
You would have read in the Echo that the 1st Scouts won this years County Emlyn Competition. This is a huge achievement for Andy and his Scout Troop. Well done to Taylor the Patrol Leader and his wonderful patrol you did yourself and City District proud.

The Beavers had a great day at Fernycroft with a large amount of our beavers attending and having a great time.

Wilverley had another maintenance day which was far better supported a huge thank you from me to those that came and spent the day helping keep the camp site in good condition.

I also went and enjoyed the coffee and cakes at the 1st Scout Group Macmillan charity event which was very well supported. Well done to all the leaders and helpers that made the event possible.

I also went for a pleasant walk around Wilverley Enclosure to see all the bases at the Scout Madison hunt which was won by the 29th Scouts. Congratulations to them and all the Troops who joined in the event. A special thank you to the Leaders for the day.

I have made several wood badge awards to our leaders a big congratulations go to Mark at the 25th and Zoe & Donna at the 22nd. It is great to see the commitment that our Leaders make and for that to be recognized by such an award. Well done to the training advisers who have helped them.

The 29th & 25th Scouts joined us for the twilight race for life on the common in aid of cancer research. It was rather wet but we didn’t care it was great fun and clearly it is great to see scouting out more for these type of fund raising events. Well done to Graham and the Leaders for their support.

Finally I had a great day out with the 14th Cubs who were staying at wilverley and wanted a driver to take them to splashdown for a fun swim. That took me back to some really happy memories from my time with the 22nd Scouts and all the great camps we had and the visits to splashdown to get them clean!!

The Sports committee is planning the forthcoming swimming gala which is being held on Saturday 17th November 2012. The committee are meeting again on Thursday 1st November to settle the final plans would all groups please make sure that your sports rep attend this meeting at Doreen’s House.

I now head off to start my first aid training with Sarah for three Mondays in a row. If you’re going I will see you there!!

Your GSL’s have a paper copy of the new 2013 district diary which is also on the district website. Please remember that you can forward all your good news stories as the happen throughout the month and then Tony will put them all together for a left hand shake publication at the end of the month. So please remember to get all your adverts and good news stories to Tony by the 25th of every month. We always need to shout loud about  what we are doing.

A few leaders have recently received a membership card from Scout HQ which is incorrect. On behalf of scout HQ I would like to say sorry. If you do not have an accurate membership card please just tell me and I will try and get a correct one sent to you.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Mob Tel 07770364711 or

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd


Beat Bullying

If you would like to get involved we have a number of options.

1.    Sign up for Sectional resources. Please include the address you would like us to send these . There will be a limited number of hard copy resources (400 of each) so they will be sent out on a first come basis. They will be sent out in early October, so you have a chance to run some activities before Anti-Bullying


2.    Attend online training to help you think about anti- bullying, so you feel confident in delivering anti-bullying sessions with your young people. These will be held across a number of evenings, and all you need is a computer and broadband access to the internet.


3.    Become Cybermentors. We are also looking for explorer units who would be willing to trial the Cybermentors programme. So if you think that might be you, sign up in this section.


The link to the survey is:



Wessex Heartbeat

At present young people with ongoing heart problems, on reaching the age of 16yrs are no longer treated on the childrens wards but are treated on adult wards. In practice this means that a patient aged 16yrs could be in a bed next to a person aged 80yrs. The aim of the appeal is to raise enough money to equip a ward specifically for young persons aged 16yrs to 24yrs including items to relieve the boredom of being regularly in hospital for long spells. You will see that young people will benefit from this ward. As an organisation for young people we in the Scout Movement are well placed to appreciate the importance of this appeal, and inevitably at some point in the future some of our young people could well need such care. Therefore during the coming year we would urge all groups to do what they can to support the cause. There are leaflets available and wrist bands for sale. If anyone wants supplies please contact me. Many Thanks.

George Longhurst.
On behalf of the District Team.


Exbury Ghost Train


We have again been invited to haunt the Ghost Train this year. It will happen all over the half term holiday. Last year over 60 scouts and explorers took part and I had help from at least 10 leaders. Exbury’s donation to the District was £450 worth of climbing equipment soon to be put to use on Summit. Each scout who took part has received a thank you letter and a complimentary ticket for their family to visit the Gardens.

The notices will be going out soon and I am looking forward to another very tiring but very enjoyable week with our young people. Adult help would always be welcome.

If you want more information phone me on 023 80771121.

Geoff Johnson of Endeavour