
Leader Training



Young Leader Belt


All in all a lot of work, and Alice, true to form did not set herself easy challenges.  For instance, for the final challenge of running part of the section, and planning and leading a planning meeting, she decided that rather than collecting subs, or registering, she would take on the organisation of an entire camp for the Cubs, from notes, to collecting the money, and planning and running the activities.  Having run a camp for the Young Leaders over the summer on the nights away passport scheme, Alice commented that ‘cubs need a lot more activity planned, but they do enjoy similar games’

It was lovely to welcome a so many leaders from the 25th Scout Group and Southampton City District to congratulate them both, although it was a shame we couldn’t get Colin to come up the big slide (we were at Kids2Day soft play with the 25th Beavers and Cubs.

We look forward to welcoming Alice to an Adult Role in Scouting when she turns 18.

I understand there are a lot of other Young Leaders who have set their sights on the Young Leader Belt, so watch this space for more presentations soon!

Iain Redmill – Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders); Southampton City District Scout Council


Walk-A-Bout, Bond Style!

Those are the instructions that were given to seven teams of intrepid scouts at Fort Purbrook on one cold, windy night at the end of October. Over the next four hours, they had to find their way around the battlements, walls and moats of the 19th century fort, and through the system of underground tunnels below the surface. Along the way, they faced many challenges and obstacles. They had to shoot targets accurately, under the menacing supervision of two masked special-forces instructors, and then climb their way safely around an underground rock face in search of hidden equipment. They encountered other agents who needed tratment for injuries caused by gunshots and explosions, and had to show their skills in Morse code and fishing. Another agent had been badly injured, and the teams had to rescue him and get him back to safety across an obstacle course. They had to overcome their fear of heights on an aerial runway, and cook pancakes to keep their strength up for the challenges of the night. There was secret information hidden in a booby-trapped box at the end of a minefield, and other equipment that had to be retrieved by building a block-and-tackle derrick.

At the end of all this, they had to assemble all the information they had gathered and build a model of the satellite, to achieve their final objective. Nearly every team got the model exactly right, despite some teams having some of the instructions missing when the began to build.

The only thing that did not go according to plan was that after all this, the teams still had enough energy at 1:00am to make a noise that kept all the leaders awake for what felt like a very long time. So at 07:30 the teams all enjoyed a few laps running around the parade ground, that they had so richly earned themselves the previous night. When all the scores were added up, the team from the 1st troop emerged as the winners, adding the Walk-A-Bout trophy to their impressive collection of Scout trophies won this year. All the Scouts had a great night at the fort, and those leaders who had not done an event at the fort before were very impressed by the facilities and the scope of different things we could do there.

The preparation work for the event was done, as it has been for many years, by Lee Budd. Since Lee was in hospital following his operation, I ran the event on the night, thankful for Lee’s thorough preparation and wishing he was with us to guide and enjoy the night. I expect I shall feel that way every time I am involved in Walk-A-Bout in the future.

Stuart Ganney, ADC Scouts


Walk-A-Bout, Bond Style!

“The plans have been stolen by forces from an enemy country, who want to use the satellite to spy on our armed forces, and to steal other important technology secrets from companies around the world. They have stolen parts and instructions to make a working model of the satellite.”
“Your mission is to find and collect all the parts, and then build a model to deliver to the Ministry of Gadgets in London. You will follow a trail around many parts of the fort, outdoors and underground. You will need all your skill to find these parts. Some of the people you meet will have useful information or equipment, but you need to persuade them to hand them over. You may need to earn their trust, or exchange what they have for some vital job you can do for them.”
“We believe that the parts and instructions are hidden in 11 separate places. When you have found them all, bring them to the briefing room and assemble your complete satellite.”


District Swimming Gala

Cubs under 91/2  (5 Packs competed.)
1st :29th  2nd: 2nd and 22nd  4th: 11th

Cubs over 91/2 (6 Packs completed)
1st: 14th  2nd:22nd  3rd:7th

Pack Trophy
1st: 14th 48 points  2nd: 22nd 44 points 3rd: 7th 33 points

Scouts (6 Troops completed)
1st: 13th  2nd:22nd  3rd :29th
Over 12:
1st:11th  2nd: 22nd  3rd:13th

Scout Trophy
1st:11th 63 points  2nd 13th 55 points 3rd :22nd 54 points

Group Trophy:
1st: 22nd 98 points 2nd:: 11th 85 points 3rd:2nd 66 points

1st Nemesis 2nd Endeavour

Sincere thanks to Graham, Ian, George, Pat and all other officials. Pat Davis, Carol, Daphne, Joan, George Gail, Patsy, Jane, Rose, the DC and all Leaders and helpers for a successful evening. Also not forgetting the Pool staffand anyone else who helped in any way.

With the sale of Programmes, £89 and a very successful draw, (with many thanks to the Groups for the excellent prizes) £143 and plaques donated £36 we were able to pass to the District £232.

Once again thank you to everybody.
Doreen Old (Chair Sports Committee)


For Lee – a Tribute

The Echo notices last Saturday, proudly shouted:   LEE, MBE.  The honour could not be more deserved. In another meaning of the abbreviation, E stands for EFFORT. Nothing was too much effort for Lee. Whether in helping family, friends, work colleagues or the huge network of companions collected in a lifelong commitment to Scouting, NOTHING was ever too much trouble. Even if you hadn’t asked for help, he would often be there. He put his heart and soul into everything.

Lee’s first years were spent in Portswood, before moving to Maybush to become an MBE for the first time – MAYBUSH BOY ETERNAL. He grew up playing cowboys and indians on the gravel roads of Maybush, learning his high morals by emulating Roy Rogers, the TV hero of the time (and from St Peter’s Church of course!)  I’ll paraphrase some appropriate words from Roy Roger’s biography which apply equally well to Lee:

“He was the epitome of what a person should be. He was the picture of honesty and integrity. He gave us standards to live by that helped teach us the difference between right and wrong. His willingness to stand up for the things he believed in, inspired us. His concern for the less fortunate helped mould the characters of others. He was always decent and humble.”
Lee had two enduring interests:

Firstly TRAINS, through our Dad’s work on the Railways. Family holidays with us, and later on with Sue, Ian, Kate and David, would always involve a train ride somewhere. 

Also, perhaps most significantly, THE SEA, through both grandparents and other family members, working on ships.

After we moved to Shirley, he would still park his bike at our Grandad’s house in Winchester Road on his way to Shirley Warren School and regularly get a dose of old sea dogs tales, as well as building a close relationship with the family parrot, which I envied.

I shared a bedroom with Lee. He was seven years older than me, so I was that pesky little brother, who didn’t deserve the kindness that never ever waned.  He would say: “What’s our nipper doing today Mum?” At which point I knew it was time to get up and be ready to go somewhere.

Among those memories are the back seat rides to Netley on the Velocette motorbike, to spend days sailing on Southampton Water. He liked to cut across the stern of the outgoing ocean liners, to sail through the wash. We did get a bit too close to the United States on one occasion.

Another time, it was a ride to the beach at Millbrook Point (Yes, a beach) We built a fire for a steam pipe to bend wood for mending a dinghy. Perhaps this was a clue to his next MBE – MARINE BUILDER EXEMPLAR.

Lee started work at 16 with Harland and Wolf and successfully served his shipwrights apprenticeship there. I remember him reading a letter from work on the first new year’s eve after he and Sue were married. It read: “HAPPY NEW YEAR, you are being made redundant”. He joined the casual workforce at Vosper Thorneycrofts ship repair yard and only a month later he was offered a permanent job at their shipyard in Woolston.

This is where those Roy Rogers morals came to the fore again. Lee volunteered and was elected, as shop steward in the union and negotiated member’s interests for many years. Anyone new, would be greeted with “Where’s your union card then nipper?”

His all round talent was recognised by management. He joined as Foreman and rose to Team Leader, where his task was to ensure both shipbuilding excellence and his team’s wellbeing.

Lee was known for using the term “AS WELL AS” when allocating work, ( I recognise that from the 13th) and whistling when walking the yard, so that no-one was ever caught skiving. It was a human touch that earned him respect for being fair. 
Lee was recognised as the man to get the job done.  He became the leading practitioner in lamination technology, working when needed in other places such as Birkenhead, Newcastle, Scotland, Rigs in the North Sea and then routinely in Portchester and Portsmouth.

Lee’s lifelong friend since school, through scouts and then work colleague, Charles, has brought a chart for people to see all the ships Lee has worked on.
Lee always had an eye for the opportunity of an advantage for the scouts, whether it was using a works open day demonstration to get a canoe made, or just getting some unofficial sponsorship through use of the photocopier.  Sorry Lee!

It is ironic, sad and even cruel, that after so many years serving on the Shipbuilding Industries Pension Committee and becoming its chair, often dealing with cases similar how his own turned out to be, Lee was NOT destined to enjoy the benefit of his OWN pension and a well earned retirement.

Thankfully, he and Sue had many memorable holidays in recent years to exotic places around the world and a champagne balloon flight with Charles and Cynthia to mark their four 60th Birthdays.

Lee was a devoted husband, family man and a loyal friend to many. He always managed to pack more into a week than most people, seamlessly dovetailing work, home life and Scouting.

Scouting became the family passion and gave rise to his much loved expression: TEAM BUDD, now being carried on by his children. His doorstep greeting would always be “Hi Team”.

As Lee clocks off from this life, whether family, friends or colleagues, we all have a continuing part to play in Lee’s vision.

In 1998 Lee made his family proud when awarded a proper MBE for services to the Defence Industry. I thought it should have been MBE and Bar (if there is such a thing) because when I rang HIM to find out about it, it was 10 minutes before he corrected me for thinking that it had been given to him for his Scouting service.

Before I finish with a poem by Elizabeth Clark Hardy, Lee was lots of MBEs to me:

He was My Bestman Eloquent at our wedding;  
He was My Brother Extraordinaire;  
He was My Best Example;  
He was My Big ‘Ero.

Sometimes at eve when the tide is low,
And voices murmur in the water flow.
When night swoops down to embrace the day
I shall slip my moorings and sail away,
Over the ebbing tide of the unknown sea
To the unknown shores that call to me.
Some loving souls that my heart held dear
In silent sorrow will shed a tear.
But I shall peacefully furl my sail
In a haven sheltered from storm and gale
And greet my friends who have sailed before,
Over the unknown sea, to the unknown shore.

Afternote: It is estimated that around 400 people attended the service, more of whom were standing than seated in the packed church. The substantial guard of honour of uniformed leaders also included eight smartly dressed 13th Sea Scouts and a Cub Scout, all in full uniform, who managed to get permission to miss school for the afternoon.

Rex Budd


For Lee – a Tribute

I first met Lee about 42 years ago when as a young assistant leader of the 13th Sea Scouts he came to a Water Safety course at the Coastguard hut at Netley. Fred Heather had dragged me along as I had started helping at the 8th and had experience as a canoist. At this time fibre glass canoes were just coming into vogue and Fred organised a practical session in building these at the 8th HQ. Soon after and by then Scoutleader of the Sea Scouts, Lee decided to build some canoes for the 13th. As it was over the Christmas holiday I offered to help. It was then that the old yellow double and single canoes were built some of you will remember them. About this time Sue and Lee were married and came to live in Arliss Road a short distance from me.

I was leader of the 8th and Lee of the 13th and we had been warned that there had been bad feeling between the two Groups but with us getting together this soon ceased to exist.

The first activity we did together was a canoe trip down the river Arun finishing at Arundel. It was then we discovered that slalom canoes neeeded a special technique when going with the current. Shortly afterwards we did a BCU course at Fairthorne Manor and gained our 3 Star. That was the start of many joint activities and also a friendly rivalry between the two troops as we often competed in the Regatta.
Just after this we played quite a part in setting up the District Canoe club then at the same Coastguard hut. Lee has carried on helping with the running of the Club to this day.

Lee decided to do an autumn camp at the Scout Boating Centre at Marlow and invited the 8th along. The difference between us was very evident then as Lee did things on a grand scale having a marquee and I got by with a 14’ and a dining shelter. The second of these camps we invited the District Ventures along. Fred had told Lee of a campsite on the river Wye and after giving it a try we swapped our boating camp to Biblins on a very cold Easter holiday. This was the start of Wye Valley Camp when, the next year, as District Camp had fallen flat, we invited all the scouts in the District to take part. It has been a splendid activity over the years and Lee has worked very hard to build on it’s success.

Lee became Group Scout leader of the 13th and has developed the Group and it’s resourses. This hasn’t stopped him from having a practical involvement in all the sections and their activities. He also has increased his involvement in the District furthering boating, District Camp, the Fete, ADc activities, the Executive in fact there has been very little that has happened in recent years that hasn’t had Lee and his team behind it. Lee has lived Scouting. He had a real vision of what should happen and has had tremendous drive, enthuisiasm and commitment. I don’t think I am alone in thinking that I have never known a Scouter like him.

Lee was a bit of a traditionalist he liked things to carry on happening. The many changes we have had in Scouting didn’t always please him. I don’t think I am doing him an injustice by saying that he was a difficult man. He was never frightened of making his views known. Many times he and I have fallen out over our differing veiws but our friendship has always continued as has his love of Scouting. I am going to miss him a great deal.

I have already heard people voicing the opinion that he will be a great loss to the District. This is very true but I prefer to think now that Lee has been a great gift to Scouting and to all who have known him. I am so glad that this gift was acknowledged by him receiving the highest honour in Scouting the “Silver Wolf”.

Finally two stories:

When the 13th purchased their dear old Landrover in 1984 I drove it up to Scotland with a party of Ventures. To keep them occupied I suggested they should find a name for the new purchase. It was then cream with a pale green stripe. One Andy Taylor suggested the name “General Cucumber” and we adopted that name throughout our two week adventure. Lee met us on our return and we proudly told him our name. “I’m not having that!”, he said. We thought he was joking but whenever afterwards we mentioned the name he got angry. We never discovered why but that was Lee, he like Hamlet would go to war for a straw if he thought it was wrong.

Some years ago Lee had been sent up to Scotland on an urgent job. It was just before the Wye Valley Camp and Lee didn’t know whether he could get back in time for the camp. He had done all the preparations and he passed them onto me asking me to take over the camp if he couldn’t get there. We got up to Biblins well enough but found that an Army Cadet camp had overflowed onto our campsite. I went to protest to the Warden who apologised but asked me to make the best of things. I wasn’t happy but realised that by the time the cadets had moved their camp we wouldn’t have time to get our own camp ready. We paced out the site and by careful planning managed to get the whole camp into a smaller space. The next morning, with the camp assembled for flag break, I was about to bring them to the alert when Lee walked down the field and stood beside me. I called them to the alert, broke the flag and turned to face Lee. We shook hands and he gave a little grin which said everything. “The team have done their job and I’m happy to be here where I want to be”. I’ll always remember that little grin and the pride I felt because I hadn’t let him down.

To Sue and family we give our love and support and heartfelt thanks for being so supportive to Lee in his dedication to Scouting.

Geoff Johnson


Scout delegation to the British Youth Council

More information on how to apply can be found here. The deadline for applications is 7 December.
If you have any questions please do feel free to drop me a line.
Best wishes,
Jack Rowley
Public Affairs and Campaigns Executive The Scout Association


Leader Training

Many thanks to Sarah Milsted for running all those First Response courses during 2012 and also to the team of Training Advisers who have helped 12 of our leaders achieve their Wood Badge this year. During 2013 we expect to provide lots more opportunities for training. Let me know if you need information or support for your own training as a leader, or for MIDAS minibus training, First Aid training, or SafeGuarding renewal.


Halloween Ghost Train

Some of you had realised that with the time span now extended to nine days I was beginning to find it a strain both physically and mentally. In great scouting spirit a number of leaders and associates came to offer their help and support. I am very grateful to them.

This year 47 young people from City District took part and what had seemed just a few days before could be a flop, turned out to be one of the best ever. The Exbury staff were amazed at their politeness, good behaviour and enthusiasm and the feedback from the public was very positive. They will all receive a “thank you” letter from Exbury and a voucher for entry to the Gardens for their family.

In the midst of our efforts came the sad news that Lee had died. That morning I gathered them together and told them what had happened and that Lee would have wanted them to do their very best. They certainly did that and continued to do it throughout the week.

One particular Explorer deserves a special mention. A few weeks before the event Nigel asked if I knew of anyone with acting experience who could act as a stand-in for him or his colleague Stuart, who give a humorous commentary as the Train does its’ half hour journey round the Gardens. Jeff Brixton (“JJ” to us) does amateur dramatics and volunteered his services. It meant learning a lengthy script and putting over the humour. This he did very successfully on a number of occasions during the week. I am glad to say that Exbury have rewarded him for his efforts.

Our highlight came on the last afternoon when we hi-jacked the Train!
The full team of Scout ghosts appeared on the Station and an announcement was made to the passengers. Colin our DC appeared and presented Nigel with a “Thanks Badge” from the District. He was very moved by this, especially, as we found out later, that this was his last day as an Exbury employee.

Thank you to all who took part it was a splendid effort throughout from the District. Exbury have bought us an Event Shelter in appreciation. The scouts collecting at North Station received £382.69 which has been given to “Clic Sargent” one of our regular charities.

What about next year – well as always, if they change their minds, we’ll Be Prepared.

From ”Jack o’ Lantern”
aka Geoff Johnson,