
Cross Country

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From Colin

Our group’s priority areas are:

1st – More parental and lay support on the group Exec and Strengthen the link processes between the sections.

2nd – More parental and lay support on the group Exec and Improved Exec fundraising.

7th – More Adult Leaders in all Sections especially the Beaver section, More parental and lay support on the group Exec

9th – More parental and lay support on the group Exec and recruitment of more young people especially for the Beaver section.

11th – More parental and lay support on the group Exec and the introduction of termly leaders meetings.

13th – More parental and lay support on the group Exec and to apply for gift aid financial support.

14th – To support sections more and provide group exec training.

22nd – More parental and lay support on the group Exec and to apply for gift aid financial support.

25th – To separate the leaders and group exec meetings so that the work can be managed better and to manage the “want to join” lists better.

26th – To fully establish the new beaver colony and to develop close links between all sections and more parental and lay support on the group exec.

29th – More parental and lay support on the group Exec and to recruit more adult leaders.

District – To fully support the groups with their development plans, and continually review the progress made and to have more non uniformed members on the District Exec.

Explorers – Better links with the Explorers and the district Exec and many more Explorer Leaders and to reopen the Atlantis Explorer Unit.

Active Support – More Members.

Having looked at the priorities from our group’s we have not surprisingly one common theme and that is to find more parental and lay support and more uniformed leaders.

To help you with that task we will be providing every group with a recruitment box of promotional material to help you. The main aim is to ask everyone that you come into contact with if they would consider helping our organisation. Scouting is open to everyone (subject to a CRB clearance) and we have a wide range of opportunities for everyone to get involved. It doesn’t have to be just in uniformed roles we need many more active group executive members to take the load off our uniformed leaders and let them concentrate on the young people and delivering the scout programme.

It could be someone who is a parent, ask them all to help, but also it could be your friends, work colleagues or just someone you talk to on the bus. EVERYONE is welcome. I challenge you all to find just one person new to get involved in your group. That would enable us to strengthen what we do and make life much easier for you all and we could then start to think more about the major challenge of meeting the increasing demand for scouting in our District.

Leader Adult Training

The adult training team has arranged a validation breakfast at the 13th Scout HQ Canford Close Millbrook on Saturday 9th March at 8.45am. If you would like to come along it would be great to get your training signed off and if your newly appointed to get cracking with your initial personal learning plan and initial training. For further details please either contact your training adviser or Nico Chant the Local Training Manager.


WE STILL HAVE A JOB VACANCY: We need a bookings officer to help us deal with the enquiries for the site and the finances. If you now of anyone who may be able to help us with this please give me a call.

If you have not completed the questionnaire on the district web site about the future of wilverley I would urge you to do it please. It is important to get a fair representation of the thoughts of everyone in the district. The key question is do you want us to keep the site or give it away!!

Wye Valley Adventurous Activity Weekend 3rd to the 6th May 2013

The arrangements for Wye Valley are well in place and we are taking bookings so I would urge your scouts explorers and network and young leader members to book #yourself a place at this wonderful event.An initial meeting has taken place for the Scout & Explorer Wye Valley activity weekend. All the details are on the district website.

Swimming Blue Card Certificates

We have the swimming test nights organised at Red Lodge Pool on the following evenings 27th Feb, 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March. Please encourage all the Scouts and Explorers who are going to Wye Valley to go along and take the test.

Group and District Census Returns

You should have all completed this years census figures by now if not please get them submitted as soon as you can to Richard Cook District Exec Secretary can answer any queries you may have.

Scout Six a Side Football & District Cross Country Events

Don’t forget we have the Scout & Cub six a side football competition on Saturday 2nd March @ 9.30am at the Sports Centre.  It would be great to have every group enter a team.

We also have our Cross Country Event @ Sports Centre 10am on Sunday 10th March 2013 @ 10am.  Please tell everyone they can come for a run and have fun. Hopefully this year the weather will be kind for us!!

District Web Site

Please remember that you can forward all your good news stories as they happen throughout the month and then Tony will put them all together for a left hand shake publication at the end of the month. So please remember to get all your adverts and good news stories to Tony by the 25th of every month. We always need to shout loud about what we are doing.

Your GSL’s have a paper copy of the new 2013 district diary which is also in the member’s area on the district website.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Yours in Scouting, Colin Floyd, District Commissioner,
Mob Tel 07770364711 or


Canoe Club Poster

Course details can be found here.

Course details poster and parents letter can be downloader from here.


Network News



Bronze Chief Scouts Award at 7th

After all presentations the visitors were invited to have tea. They were reassured that although the sandwiches were a bit buttery on the outside and I could not say how much filling was inside. All hands were clean when they were made.
The afternoon was very much enjoyed by all the visitors and the Leader.
Gail Langton (Silver Birch)

Bronze Chief Scouts Award at 7th

They set out the chairs then sat down to await the arrival of the visitor. At 3pm over 40 parents, brothers, sisters and other family members started to arrive. The beavers showed their visitors to a seat and waited until everyone had arrived.
The presentations them started, each beaver was called to the front by Grey Owl, asked the say something they had enjoyed doing when completing the Challenges. The answers ranged from games, beavers on a Saturday (beaver craft day in November), learning sign language, going to Paultons, rock climbing to colouring and just coming to beavers. The badges were pinned on to their uniform and after a hand shake with Grey Owl they very proudly went back to their seat and it was the next beavers turn.

1st Beavers Pretend Camp

The Beavers found a slot inside our special tent & started telling stories, which was great fun.

After the stories, shoes were put on again and everyone went outside to do a ‘Keep Fit’ session with our Young leader Ben.

Everyone did really well with the ‘Keep Fit’ session, except the Leaders were exzausted and were gasping for breath
Time for food, everyone cleaned their hands ready to butter and spread Jam or chocolate on toast then, we all collected a mug of hot chocolate and added marsh mellows and a small piece of Flake chocolate.

Back inside the tent our Young Leader started singing campfire songs with us all, we all sat round a pretend camp fire made with red material fairy lights and real logs.

What a great evening we had, can we do it again the Beavers asked !……….. well i don’t know about that, but the next one we do it will be a real sleep-over.



From Colin

The 26th have a new Beaver Colony. We have held the first night and Amy who is the beaver leader is being supported to get the section up and running a big thank you to everyone who has helped.

The adult training team is working so much better we have to date 17 people who have completed their wood badge training and it is anticipated that a further 24 will complete this year. A big thank you to Nico and his team of training advisers

District & Group Development Workshop

District & Group development work shop is all ready to go on 2nd February 2013 at Newlands Primary School Millbrook. We have a favorable response from groups and I am looking forward to spending the day with you all looking at ways we can take our scouting forward.


JOB VACANCY: We need a bookings officer to help us deal with the enquiries for the site and the finances. If you now of anyone who may be able to help us with this please give me a call.

Good News the charges for our own groups to use Wilverley have been greatly reduced. It is now recognised that Wilverley is your camp site and we want you to make good use of it. These are the charges that come into effect on the 1st January 2013


Founders Day Arrangements

Founders Day is being held at St Marks Church Archers Road on Friday 22nd February the service is being run by Chris Davis with support from the 11th Scout Group. Please arrive at 6.15pm and go directly into the church. The church has a car park at the rear and you have nearby roads that you can easily park. See you all then. 

District Cross Country

Cross Country Event @ Sports Centre 10am on Sunday 10th March 2013
Please tell everyone they can come for a run and have fun. Hopefully this year the weather will be kind for us!!

District Web Site

Please remember that you can forward all your good news stories as they happen throughout the month and then Tony will put them all together for a left hand shake publication at the end of the month. So please remember to get all your adverts and good news stories to Tony by the 25th of every month. We always need to shout loud about what we are doing.

Wye Valley Adventurous Activity Weekend 3rd to the 6th May 2013

An initial meeting has taken place for the Scout & Explorer Wye Valley activity weekend. The event will be led by Ian Budd assisted by me and Dave Bowers and Stuart Ganney and Andy Clasby. A further meeting of everyone involved will be held Monday 11th February at the 22nd HQ.

Swimming Blue Card Certificates

 We have the swimming test nights organised at Red Lodge Pool on the following evenings 27th Feb, 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March. Please encourage all the Scouts and Explorers who are going to Wye Valley to go along and take the test.

The Canoe Club AGM

The Canoe Club AGM is being held at the 13th HQ on Wednesday 6th February. Please come along and support the club.

Group and District Census returns

Richard Cook will talk more I am sure about this years census figures which need to be with him very soon. I think it is important that we get it reconciled before the figures are submitted. At some point this year or early next the Scout Association will be launching its new data base which has cost them two million pounds. That will I hope make it far easier to keep data on our people accurately. It is widely expected that the scouting membership will increase by some 10% when data is kept accurately!!
Your GSL’s have a paper copy of the new 2013 district diary which is also in the member’s area on the district website.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd, District Commissioner, Mob Tel 07770364711 or

Please visit our district web site:


From Colin

District Development Day

We have rearranged the district development day to be held on Saturday 2nd February 2013 starting at 10am to finish prompt at 4pm at the New Newlands Primary School in Millbrook.
I have written to all those invited by email and please could you confirm that you able to come so we can finalise the catering arrangements.


JOB VACANCY: We need a bookings officer to help us deal with the enquiries for the site and the finances. If you now of anyone who may be able to help us with this please give me a call.

Good News the charges for our own groups to use Wilverley have been greatly reduced. It is now recognised that Wilverley is your camp site and we want you to make good use of it. These are the charges that come into effect on the 1st January 2013

Tarrif.pngYour GSL’s have a paper copy of the new 2013 district diary which is also on the district website.

Please remember that you can forward all your good news stories as they happen throughout the month and then Tony will put them all together for a left hand shake publication at the end of the month. So please remember to get all your adverts and good news stories to Tony by the 25th of every month. We always need to shout loud about what we are doing.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd, District Commissioner, Mob Tel 07770364711 or


Manston Court


We ended the evening with a few more Carols, finishing with ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’. We had a great evening, children did us proud again with their polite ways and kindness they showed to the residents.
