

Date: Sunday 2nd June 2013

Location: 29th Southampton City Scouts HQ, 44-50 Brickfield Road, SO17 3AE.

Training: Module 1 – Essentials and SafeGuarding

Registration: 08:45

Start: 09:00 prompt.

Finish: 10.30 am at the latest.


Training: Module 10 – First Response

Registration: 10:15

Start: 10:30.

Finish: 16.00 am at the latest.

Refreshments: breakfast provided; please bring a packed lunch.

Wear comfortable clothes.

First Response lasts for three years. You can find out more about it on the website.

Note – If you already have some other First Aid qualification, please let me know.


Feel free to attend either or both of these sessions. Please let me know if you are intending to come.

Best Regards,



Ian Budd – Raising Money for King’s College Hospital

Last October, my dear Dad passed away but I have seen first-hand and taken great comfort from the life changing impact on other families because my Dad had chosen to donate his organs. My friend Steve also knows the value of transplants as his wife, Nicky, had a liver transplant in 2004 at Kings College Hospital. The following years have seen Steve raise much needed funds for Kings College Liver Unit, especially for money towards research into immusuppression and patient tolerance – basically the medical care after the transplant has taken place. With this vital research, doctors are trying to get patients off immune suppressant drugs whilst still keeping them alive and well as the drugs often have awful side effects.

Therefore, Steve, myself and some other fool-hardy friends are going to slug it out in the Lake District and felt that a normal triathlon needed spicing up a bit. We will be canoeing across Lake Windermere before getting on our bikes and cycling the two steepest roads in Britain – Hardknott Pass and Wrynose Pass. This will then get us to the base of England’s highest mountain where we will finish the day climbing it.

Those of you who know me know that I like my sport and also my hill walking but I am probably more built for the second row on a rugby field than slugging it up the two of the steepest hills in Britain before climbing the highest peak. However, in order to help thousands of people like Nicky and those patients saved by my Dad’s organs, I will be getting to the top of Scarfell Pike and I would be really grateful for any amount of support that you can give me.

Our donation site can be found here

Thank you in advance for your kind support

Ian Budd


From Colin

They kayaked, climbed, walked, cycled and shot an arrow. It was a great adventurous weekend in splendid surroundings.

A big thank you to all the leaders that went along to provide the activities I am sure you all had a great time as well as me and a big well done to Ian Budd who organised and ran the event like clock work.

Congratulations and well done to Nick Owen of the 2nd Scouts for gaining his Leadership Training Wood badge.  Also congratulations to Jane Cook of the 11th Cubs for 20 year service award and Geoff Johnson and Sue Budd for 40 years Service.

I have now attended half of our group’s annual group meetings, these are being well attended by Parents and it is pleasing to see that a few Parents are stepping forward to join the supporting committees. That is great, but please remember that they all need to be given a job it is no good if they just attend meetings and don’t feel they are contributing, please get them fully involved. Please remember that the recruitment of adults into your groups should happen 24/7 365 days a year not just at the AGM. We need lots more adults so keep asking and asking for help.

To help you with this I have been presenting every group with a GROW YOUR OWN SCOUT GROUP resource box that has a great deal of resources to help you take forward your group and make it stronger and eventually grow to provide more scouting. Please make sure you ask to look inside the box don’t just stick it in a cupboard. We have also given the groups a vacancy board for you to put in your HQ main entrance. This is to be used by you to advertise any jobs that you need done. It could be you need a new GSL or it could be you just need help at a HQ maintenance day. Use those boards well I will be looking out to see what you are advertising.
We will also this summer be attending a number of fairs and shouting load that we need more adults in our groups and it has proved that our web site is a great way of getting adults to come forward and offer to help us. Graham continues to do his magic with getting them cleared and working in our groups.

Lot’s are happening this coming year about recruitment of adults it is our main focus but we need you to help us with this as well you need to ask anyone and everyone that you meet in your groups or outside scouting to get involved. Scouting has a job for most people.

District AGM

City District AGM is being held at the 29th Scout Group HQ 44 -50 Brickfield Road, Portswood, SO17 3AE on Thursday 4th July @ 7pm. Please do come along it is important that every group is present, I will be presenting the Bert Cooke Trophy to the group who has done well this year  so that may be your group so I will see you there!!


The Wilverley consultation is still open, if you have not yet given your views on the future of the site please do so. So far lots of you have said we love the place and want to keep it. To help us take that forward the site has a new Warden her name is Brenda and she lives 5 minutes away from the site. She will welcome the hirers to the site and help us to keep it tidy and well organised.  A very special welcome to Brenda and a big thank you to her for her offer of help.

Scout Badge Arrangements

Please remember that if you need any district badges and for all your badge requirements we now have a badge Secretary much more local to us. Itchen North badge secretary now holds badge nights at Rampart Road Bitterne, (just over Northam Bridge) on 16th April, 7th May, 11th June, 2nd July @ 7pm to 8.30pm. Joanne Collins the new badge secretary will also send you badges if you call her on 07894 865276.
I am away in Italy on holiday from Saturday 26th May to Sunday 2nd June inclusive so during that time if you have any queries please speak to Graham Meering who will help you.

Yours in Scouting,

Colin Floyd, District Commissioner,

Mob Tel 07770364711 or


District Archery

Sunday 19th saw Southampton City District do, for the first time,  the Scout completion which took on much the same format as the Cub with the additional activities also being available throughout the day. This was attended by 14 scouts from 5 Troops.  shooting at the greater distance of 16 meters, 840 arrows were loosed.  Stuart Ganney (ADC Scouts) presented the team trophy for the first time to the 13th Sea Scouts with the individual gold medal going to Gregg Budd from the 13th, Silver going to Jake Casey of  the 13th and Bronze going to Zak also from the 13th.   A great day was had by all and the Scouts seem to feed back that they had a very enjoyed day. My thanks go to all those leaders that helped out on both days with the scoring.

Please remember that the District have all their own archery equipment and you can book this by contacting me by e-mail or by Tel: 07976810094. There are a number of HQs throughout the district which are suitable for shooting indoors and the 22nd now have an excellent outdoor range so try and make use of this during the summer months.

Shaun Cassidy
Archery Advisor


Our Trip To Australia

When we arrived at our destination we had a quick snack and a drink then, led by the Leaders at the 1st we did the ‘Joey’ opening ceremony, this was followed by making ‘Didgeridoos’ and ‘Boomerang’ flying. We then had to make a quick return, hand back our special Beaver passports, go back through the tunnel and home.

All this was done in an hour and a half at the 1st HQ we never left the premises, all the Beavers and the leaders had a brilliant evening.

A Big thank you to Eve and her team at the 1st for organizing this.

Elaine (2nd) 


From Colin

Well done to those that took part in the Cub and Scout six a side football competition and a big thank you to Ant and Graham for a very well organised and sportsman like competition.

For those of you that ran in the District Cross Country event a big thank you, it was dreadfully cold but great fun. Thanks to Carol and Mike for organising the event perhaps we could look at doing this event in the sunshine next year!!

St Georges Day Parade 21st April at 1.30pm at Kingsland Market Square

Get out those flags and clean the brass we are on parade. This year’s parade and service is being organised by Itchen South Scout district. I am told that we are having problems, the police are not willing to give us permission to parade down St Mary’s Street. As soon as we have that sorted we will inform you of the final arrangements.

Wye Valley Adventurous Activity Weekend 3rd to the 6th May 2013

The arrangements for Wye Valley are going very well, a big thank you to Ian Budd who is doing a grand job of getting everything well organised.

I would ask all Leaders to get the final payments to Ian as soon as possible please. Ian will be sending to you soon the permission to camp forms which we will need you to get filled in and returned to him before the event. All of the info we require such as parent contact info, health declaration, kit list, pick up and return info, home contact and size of bikes are all on the same form. It is great to see that we have so many more youngsters and adults booked to go on the weekend; it is always great fun and a great opportunity for us to meet up. See you there.


The wilverley consultation is still on going and if you have not yet given your views on the future of the site please do so. So far lots of you have said please keep the site for our district but I would urge you to also suggest ways in which we can take the site forward and continue to operate it to its present high standard well into the future. Please remember we are still looking for someone to act as the booking officer.


We have met up and talked to Piotr Czemiajew the scout leader of the polish scout group. We are discussing joint ways for us to scout together on occasions. Piotr is passionate about his scouting and I hope that this will be the start of us working much more together in the future.


The district census tells us that we have grown by 2.1% this year but we need to do much more if we are going to address the demand for scouting in Southampton over the coming few years.

So let us grow even more this year.

To help you with that we will be providing you soon with a “grow your own group“ resource box.  This will have a range of materials to help you invite many more new adults to join us in scouting. We just don’t need more adult leaders we need everyone. The main focus is on flexible volunteering with parents for them to give some of there time no matter how limited that may be.

It could be that parents would be willing to help the group supporters (group exec) the aim is to have at least two parent representatives from each of the three scout sections. That will enable the section leaders to concentrate much more of the delivery of the scout programme leaving all the other responsibilities to the supporting committee.

I would ask you to read a news article in the Sunday Express here which talks about how the Duchess of Cambridge volunteers for her local scout group and it also tells us how nationally scouting has 37,000 wannabe scouts. Southampton also has a substantial amount of young people that are eager to join us. Isn’t that sad.

Scout Badge Arrangements

Please remember that if you need any district badges and for all your badge requirements we now have a badge Secretary much more local to us. Itchen North badge secretary now holds badge nights at Rampart Road Bitterne, (just over Northam Bridge) on 16th April, 7th May, 11th June, 2nd July @ 7pm to 8.30pm. Joanne Collins the new badge secretary will also send you badges if you call her on 07894 865276.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Yours in Scouting,

Colin Floyd, District Commissioner,

Mob Tel 07770364711 or 
Please visit our district web site:


Fly On The Wall

On the Friday evening another leader called. He wanted to talk over some concerns he had. Grey Wol and I consider it a compliment and are always willing to help. On Saturday there are always the checking up and preparations to be made but also a visit to Grey Wol’s Mum as we were totally committed on the Sunday. Late afternoon we had a phone call from Lisa. She hadn’t seen us for ages and wondered if she could call round. We have known Lisa since she was a young Cubscout at the 13th right through to her Explorer scouting. Well it was nearly midnight when Lisa left. She will be a qualified Doctor in four months time but is still involved in Scouting. We had lots to talk over.

After our late night, Sunday morning dawned grey and bleak with a chilly wind. We picked up Kane, Endeavour’s only competitor in the Cross Country and drove to the Sports Centre. Kane was pleased to see his old Troop the 9th and after helping me to give some shelter to the organisers stood talking his old friends. The numbers for the event were down this year but sometimes leaders and our young people are over committed, however there was good parent support and the event went well. The Sports Committee have lost one or two trusty members recently especially Doreen who has been at every Cross Country since it was started – she was missed and our thoughts are with her.

We dropped Kane home, he had run himself into the ground trying to keep up with the Ellis twins and needed rest and recuperation. After a spot of lunch ourselves it was off to the Theatre.

The “High Five” Concert was organised to support the Wessex Heartbeat Appeal which is our District charity this year. The performers were from local schools and dance and music groups all between five and twenty years of age. The Explorers were all there waiting for us including Ben who had been at the County Youth Conference all weekend and had had rushed back to be with us. While we were waiting in the Foyer for instructions one of our lost friends, Josh, saw us and came in to have a friendly chat he had left after an upset but he was obviously pleased to see us again.

Our duties were to give out programmes and goody bags to family groups and to rattle our buckets for donations to charity. After helping with the preparations we were taken below stage for some refreshments and then dispersed in the foyer and around the theatre to do our job. Some worked in pairs some independently. When the show started we gathered in the balcony to watch the performance. The show was to a very high standard with dancing, music and singing, the work that had been done by the young people, their teachers and trainers, was amazing and the Show was really enjoyable.

After the Show we were all in the foyer rattling our buckets until the last of the audience had left. We had been at the theatre form 3.00 o’clock until 10.30. Ben left early and also Joe who had a foreign exchange student arriving that night. The Explorers were polite happy and smart throughout. We had a nice message of thanks from the organisers and a credit in the programme. Our bucket collection raised £1,360 – Yes I think you can say a busy and worthwhile weekend.




Sports Award For Doreen

mini-doreen_old.jpgHampshire and Isle of Wight Sports Council organised the ceremony. Doreen was nominated out of a short list of four to receive the award “For over 60yrs service to sport” in Hampshire. Her involvement with sport in Scouting was mentioned at the ceremony. Doreen has been Chairperson of our District Sports Committee for many years. Doreen is also a long standing member of our Active Support Unit. I’m sure the whole District will join me in offering our congratulations to Doreen on this well deserved award. Well Done.

George Longhurst


Beaver Scouts doing their bit for ‘Hi Five’ Appeal



The Return of the Fly

Originally designed as a small screen to display the text of books the Kindle has now been developed to the level of an I Pad (no more technical explanations).
The great thing about it is you can sit in your armchair or lie on a couch and hold it in one hand – you don’t have to stare at a computer screen like a demented fortune-teller staring at a crystal ball.

How many times do we hear “It’s on the Web” (Well for a fly of course that’s the last place I’d want to be). There is something comfortably familiar about printed things. You can pick them up, put them down, go back to reread something you didn’t quite understand or remember. Ploughing through emails and websites isn’t every ones’ cup of tea and can at times be very frustrating.

The computer revolution should be doing away with paper– although it seems to generate even more. Newspapers are now available on the Web and may cease being printed altogether. What is our poor Boy Scout going to do with his one match and damp firewood? I guess he’ll have to go back to using Birch bark!

Fly on the wall