
About Doreen

For more than 40 years Doreen Old, who has died at the age of 91, was in the Scouting frontline. Thousands of city youngsters have benefited from her inspiring leadership. And her sterling service brought her the Movement’s highest accolades. Right to the end she was an active member of the Southampton West/City District and was a long standing member of the Active Support Movement.

St James Church, Shirley, Southampton was packed  when all sections of the city’s scouting fraternity paid their last respects and formed a guard of honour. Netley born Doreen’s links with the 11 th Southampton City Scout Group, now based in Kentish Road, Shirley, stretched back to 1971 where she was Akela of Woden Pack. Her other roles with the group included Group Scout Leader, treasurer and president. She was also a member of the District Fellowship/Active Support Unit for the Southampton West/City district and chaired the district sports committee. For her services to Scouting Doreen was awarded The Medal of Merit and The Silver Acorn (one of the highest awards in Scouting).

Her daughter Pat Rea followed in her mother’s Scouting footsteps and is Assistant District Commissioner for Cubs in Southampton City District formerly Southampton West. Like her mum she has been being working in the Cub Section for more than 40 years. Pat described her mum as an amazing lady who was always there to help others. She said: “She was always on hand to help when and where needed. “She thoroughly enjoyed working with the Cubs which is why when she had to retire as Akela she joined what was then Fellowship, now Active Support, so that she could continue to help out.”

After the funeral service a wide cross section of the Scouting community gathered at the 11th Southampton’s Kentish Road headquarters to share memories of Doreen. As well as a daughter and son, Doreen leaves two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Duncan Eaton


From Colin

Congratulations and well done to Denise Clasby and Sarah Durham of the 11th Freemantle and Rob Greenaway of the 9thShirley Warren and Amy O Keefe of the 26th Swaythling and Clare Bandy of the 7th Basset and Paul Harvey of the 1stAldermoor for gaining their Leadership Training Wood badge.

Congratulations to JJ and Jake for gaining their D of E Bronze award well done to you both.

Well Done to Kris Partridge of the 11th and Kay Wilkinson of the 2nd for five years service. Congratulations to Lin Johnson for her 25 years service award. Lin will be retiring from her role as ADC Beavers at Christmas.

Well done to the 22nd Regents Park for the group’s 75th Birthday celebration. It was a lovely day which the Mayor and Mayoress thoroughly enjoyed.

District AGM

A big thank you to all of those that came along and supported the district team at this year’s District AGM it was lovely to see such a good attendance your support is greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to the 1st Aldermoor and the 13Th Sea Scouts Millbrook for jointly winning the Bert Cooke Trophy. At the AGM we looked back over the year and it was widely recognised that we have lots to be proud of in our scouting.

The focus for next year will be the continued growth of our scouting. At the group AGM’s we passed out a vacancy board to advertise your adult volunteer vacancies. Don’t forget a scout group has a job for everyone. Get everyone involved.
This picture is of the vacancy board at the 29th. Have you got your vacancy board up yet?

Grow your Own Scout Group, Offer the Big Adventure.

Scouting in Southampton needs to grow. We all now what the problem is it is a lack of volunteers. I have asked Thelma ADC Group Support to help you with getting your group bigger next year.

We will be organising a meeting with you soon to take this initiative forward. Lot’s are happening this coming year about recruitment of adults it is our main focus but we need you to help us with this as well you need to ask anyone and everyone that you meet in your groups or outside scouting to get involved. Scouting has a job for most people.

Get The Out In Scouting

I am really pleased to say that Ian Budd has now been appointed as our Assistant District Commissioner. His responsibility is to encourage and facilitate anything that involves ADVENTURE!!.

Far too often we organise district activities and competitions and you struggle to get a team to represent your group or the lack of interest is disappointing. Ian will be helping you all to get our young people out and about and really enjoy our scouting. Scouting is NOT just a one night a week commitment. To get the very best out of scouting our young people need to have an I want to do that kind of attitude.
Ian will be coming along and talking to you all about how we can get the OUT in SCOUTING.

District Team Structure


Jamboree 2015 – Japan

I am very pleased to say that we have four of our young people who have put their name forward to be considered for the 2015 Jamboree in Japan. They are Owen Budd, Rozy Toomer, Abi Bacon, Kieran Brackley. The selection weekend is to take place from 6 – 8 September at Fernycrofts.  I wish all of our candidates all the very best of luck they will all hopefully be given this wonderful opportunity they are all great scouts.

Wilverley District Camp Site

We have been talking to the Forestry Commission about renewing our license and we have now got permission to purchase and have installed a LPG generator at the site to replace the old Diesel genny. This will be far more efficient and much easier for you all to use. We estimate it will cost approximately 25K to have installed and we intend to have it fitted later this year. That shows very clearly the districts commitment to the site. The next Wilverley Working party will be taking place during the weekend of the 31st August and the 1st September. Please come along and help us that weekend.

This has been a very busy month for us all. I have been to the following events.

  • 2nd Shirley Joint Cub and Beaver Camp at Fernycroft
  • 26th Swaythling Cub Campers badge weekend at Ferny Croft
  • 13th Millbrook Summer Fayre
  • 11th Freemantle Cub Camp at Wilverley
  • 25th and 14th Joint Beaver and Cub Camp at Wilverley
  • Network camp at Wilverley
  • District Emlyn Competition at Braggers Wood {well done every one who participated and congratulations to the 1st Aldermoor for coming out as the district winning patrol)
  • Cubs David’s Challenge at Wilverley
  • The Race for Life in support of cancer research
  • Beaver Logger Head Competition at Wilverley

SUMMER IS HERE!! For those of you going to summer camps have a lovely time and please take care. I hope you all get a chance to take a rest from scouting and spend some time with you friends and families in August and I look forward to September when we do it all again.

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd, District Commissioner


Blessing of Lee Budd’s Memorial Canoes – Thursday 20th June 2013

A combined evening afloat at Priory Road Hard, St. Denys, started with the blessing of the canoes by the City District Chaplain Chris Davies. This was followed by the launch of the canoes for the first time. Our new GSL Paul Renouf performed this with a shower of Lee’s favourite tipple Spitfire Ale, on the bows. The canoes will ensure that Lee’s memory will live on through the next generations of the group who won’t have met him, but will know of the love and respect still held for him. We like to think that somewhere he was smiling at the fun being had by young people on an evening typical of hundreds like it managed by Lee over the years, although not always in such kind weather!


High 5 Appeal Cake Sale

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Sponsored Hampshire to Herefordshire Challenge!

I am completing a 120 mile, 5 day trek from Herefordshire to Hampshire, along with 2 friends to raise money for Diabetes UK and Cancer Research UK.

I have attached a poster with more details.
I would be extremely grateful if you would like to give something towards these two brilliant charities – no matter how much or how little, it all counts.

You can do it through or Text HHHH61 £5 to 70070 to sponsor me.

(you can change the text amount to either £1, £2, £5, £10, £20)

Many thanks for your support.

Yours in Scouting,

Mike Freeman


9th Southampton City Group Obstacle Course. Saturday 8th June

Initial feedback shows as long as all the money on the sponsor forms comes in we will raise over £900 and may even break the magic £1000. The winner of the highest sponsorship amount was Cameron Newman with £110.50. He will be attending our August group camp for free as his prize.

Many happy faces after they had finished, we followed up with a family Barbeque. What a great way to spend a sunny Saturday afternoon in June.

We couldn’t have done it without our Great team of adults. Thanks to them all




9th Southampton City Group Obstacle Course. Saturday 8th June

This event showed our group at its best, the three sections working together, the scouts each cheerfully mentoring a Beaver so they could have fun with the reassurance of the older one to both egg them on and support them if they were unsure. This is a great way for the younger kids to meet the older ones and should also help with the flow of young people from Colony to Pack and Pack to Troop.


District AGM

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From Colin

District AGM Followed by Barbeque


The City Scout District AGM is being held at the 29th Scout Group HQ 44 -50 Brickfield Road, Portswood, SO17 3AE on Thursday 4th July @ 7pm. Please do come along it is important that every group is present, I will be presenting the Bert Cooke Trophy to the group who has done well this year  so that may be your group so I will see you there!! Uniformed members, please wear uniform. 

Jamboree 2015 – Japan


All the details you need on how to apply to go to the Japan 2015 Jamboree our on the district web site. You will find an application form for you to complete and please provide two referees. You can also go to an information evening at the Itchen North Scout HQ Rampart Road on Sunday 30th June 2013 – at Southampton.

You will need to confirm that you are going to the road show by sending an email to Please state your name and district in the body of the message. They will then send you further details such as the time of the meeting.
If you decide to apply your application form will require my signature, please contact me and I will meet up with you and explain how we will help you fund raise for the camp and the financial support that the District will award you and talk more about the commitment you will need to give.

Grow your Own Scout Group, Offer the Big Adventure

Scouting in Southampton needs to grow. We all now what the problem is it is a lack of volunteers. I have asked Thelma ADC Group Support to help you with getting your group bigger next year. We will be organising a meeting with you soon to take this initiative forward.

To help you with this I have been presenting every group with a GROW YOUR OWN SCOUT GROUP resource box that has a great deal of resources to help you take forward your group and make it stronger and eventually grow to provide more scouting. Please make sure you ask to look inside the box don’t just stick it in a cupboard. We have also given the groups a vacancy board for you to put in your HQ main entrance. This is to be used by you to advertise any jobs that you need done. It could be you need a new GSL or it could be you just need help at a HQ maintenance day. Use those boards well I will be looking out to see what you are advertising.

We have also purchased some advertising banners and flags if you would like to borrow them for a promotional event please contact me.

I have now attended most of our group’s annual group meetings, these are being well attended by Parents and it is pleasing to see that a few Parents are stepping forward to join the supporting committees. Those is great, but please remember that they all need to be given a job it is no good if they just attend meetings and don’t feel they are contributing, please get them fully involved. Please remember that the recruitment of adults into your groups should happen 24/7 365 days a year not just at the AGM. We need lots more adults so keep asking and asking for help.

We will also this summer be attending a number of fairs and shouting load that we need more adults in our groups and it has proved that our web site is a great way of getting adults to come forward and offer to help us. Graham Mike and Lyn continue to do the magic with getting them cleared and working in our groups.

Lot’s are happening this coming year about recruitment of adults it is our main focus but we need you to help us with this as well you need to ask anyone and everyone that you meet in your groups or outside scouting to get involved. Scouting has a job for most people.

Wilverley District Camp Site

The Wilverley consultation is now closed; the conclusion was very clear, you have said you love the place and want to keep it. We are talking to the Forestry Commission about renewing our license and getting their permission to purchase and have supplied a LPG generator at the site to replace the old Diesel genny. This will be far more efficient and much easier for you all to use. We estimate it will cost approximately 20K to have installed and we intend to have it fitted later this year. That shows very clearly the districts commitment to the site.  Further details of the next camp site maintenance day are to follow.

Scout Badge Arrangements

Please remember that if you need any district badges and for all your badge requirements we now have a badge Secretary much more local to us. Itchen North badge secretary now holds badge nights at Rampart Road Bitterne, (just over Northam Bridge) on 2nd July @ 7pm to 8.30pm. Joanne Collins the new badge secretary will also send you badges if you call her on 07894 865276.

Yours in Scouting,

Colin Floyd, District Commissioner,

Mob Tel 07770364711 or


Captain Ketch

Also, attached is the “Captain Ketch Challenge” – a badge that has been designed by young people and adult volunteers to support our ambassador on his bike ride as well as give leaders a simple programme 🙂 it’s available for anyone who wants to complete it!  Any questions please ask, it’s coming out in HSN this month and will be going on the County website too.