In Action

Network do Christmas Camp at Wilverley

At the end of December 2015, for one of their largest camps as a growing Network, Southampton City Network welcomed in Christmas with a relaxed camp at Wilverley, from board games by torchlight following a full Christmas Dinner, to geocaching and hiking around the New Forest, to contributing back to Wilverley and looking after our lovely district campsite. We even had a visit from Father Christmas himself!

On Friday night, after loading up the minibus, we set off on the long and quite bumpy journey to Wilverley. We arrived very late and in the dark, which meant it was a lot of fun trying to find the keys! After unloading and unpacking we had a quick hike around the Wilverley enclosure and came back to a large dinner of Bolognese. Almost immediately after this was lights out, but we of course decided to stay up playing board games until nearly 4am! Not all of us, the sensible ones went to bed far earlier.

We woke up bright and early on Saturday morning to a fry up which was greatly needed for our morning of site services. We painted the toilets, chopped wood, raked leaves, creosoted some posts (91 of them!), set up new carbon monoxide detectors and most importantly, started on the Christmas dinner prep. In the afternoon we once again had a range of activities to choose from; geocaching around Wilverley; pioneering and creating an obstacle course; playing a wide variety of board games; playing table tennis; sewing on our badges; and even more Christmas dinner preparation.

In the early evening, when we were all back in the cottage we had a surprise visit, from none other than Father Christmas himself! He came bearing presents for all of us and lots of Christmas cheer. Father Christmas even stayed to help us eat our huge Christmas dinner! As we began to slowly digest our huge meal we sat down to watch some festive movies. After lights out we began to play board games again, although this time we only stayed up until the rather more sensible time of 2am.

On Sunday morning, we woke once again to a fry up, although a little later than the previous day. We welcomed our new Network members with an investiture outside Wilverley Cottage. Following this, we all went for a walk, half of us went off to Burley and visited a nice little pub, the other half (all Beaver leaders) took a slightly shorter walk around the Wilverley enclosure so that they could run off in time for the Christingle. After our walk we came back to a lunch of whatever leftovers we could manage.

Our afternoon was spent playing a few board games and returning Wilverley to its original pre-Network state. We packed up and left in the early evening. (Our minibus driver looked quite familiar)

Network Christmas camp was great fun and everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves, we all left feeling far more Christmassy.


Founders Day 2016: Your Chance to Lead

Founders Day 2016, our chance to celebrate the birthday of our Founder of Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell, will be held on Friday 19th February 2016 at the Mansel Park Primary School Culver Close in Millbrook.

After the success of last years celebration kindly led by the 29th Scout Group I would like all the other groups and sections Young Leaders, Explorers, Network and Active Support to consider putting themselves forward to lead next years event – This is your chance to shine!

Please contact Colin before by the 5th January if you are up for the challenge!

Left Handshake

British Legion Poppy Collection

Thank you to everyone in the district who assisted Active Support in selling poppies for the British Legion. Special thanks to my own members of Active Support, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders plus some non-uniform members, from the 7th, 13th and 26th groups for all the help and long hours spent selling.

I am pleased to announce we collected the marvellous sum of £4,256.82p. That is a magnificent effort that not only helped the British Legion in their work but showed to the public that we as a youth movement are willing to help others.

Well done and thank you

George Longhurst
Active Support Manager

In Action

Highfield Scouts 2015: A lookback

As the year comes to an end, it’s great to take a look back at all that’s happened this year.
The 14th Scouts have put together a great video looking back at everything they have been up to over the past year, including their caving camp, survival camp, a hammocking and hiking camp and many other adventures!


New Badge Secretary

We are pleased to announce that we have a new badge secretary starting her role with immediate effect. Her name is Lisa Johnson and she will be operating the badge shop on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, excluding august, from her house which is: 3, Strawberry Fields, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 4QX. The opening times are the same as before 7pm-8.30pm and she will be receiving and sending orders by post as before. Her phone number is: 01489789486and her email address is:

Asa Moore
District Commissioner
Itchen North

Events In Action

District Swimming Gala 2015

Well done to all the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts who did their best at the District Swimming Gala this weekend. Big congratulations to 14th Highfield who took home the group trophy (and most of the other awards too)

Events In Action

Remembrance Parade 2015

A proud moment for our District as Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network and our adult volunteers come together in remembrance for our remembrance parade this year.

Events In Action

Summit: Our Trip to Snowdonia

Greetings from Snowdonia! Scouts, Explorers and Network from across the district have had an brilliant day in the mountains.

Events Left Handshake

Walkabout 2015

A huge achievement for the scouts who were up all night and completed the walkabout night hike along the waterfront from Titchfield to Warsash. On Saturday night, scouts were faced with 007-style missions along the way including a first aid emergency, interrogation and abseiling.

Congratulations to the secret agents from 1st Southampton who scored the highest points and took home the trophy. M will be pleased.



Top Table for Wilverley

A big Thank You goes to Geoff Johnson and Mike Halliday who have kindly made and given us a table for our quiet area at our Wilverley campsite. It looks splendid. This is to remember a long standing friendship between them both.
