Events In Action

Cubs District Chess Evening

On Wednesday the 3rd of February, the Cubs District Chess Competition took place, having been running for 50 years by the same volunteers, the Drew Brothers.

The winner of the under 9½ trophy is Ridley from the 22nd.

The winners of the over 9½ trophy are:
James from the 11th (has trophy at the moment.)
Leo from the 22nd
Maxim from the 29th
George from the 7th.

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Hampshire Training Update – February

Details reflecting where we are with bookings for training modules for February to April 2016 can be found on the County website at

We usually stop at 24 delegates on each, and really need a minimum of 10 delegates to run most modules (residential a minimum of 15) – please ensure you book on Adult Training Modules in plenty of time to prevent cancellation!

There are currently a couple of places left on the Residential weekend on the 19th & 20th March covering Modules 5,7,8,9,12(a/b),16, if you want to attend this weekend book soon.

To book a place on any of the County Adult Training Modules download an Adult Training form or use the on-line booking form. For District run Modules please email the District contact shown.

Gene Burgoyne
County Training Administrator (Courses)
County Website:
Application forms:


Cross Country Event: 6th March

This years Scout District Cross Country fun event is being held at the Sports Centre starting sharp at 10am on Sunday 6th March 2016.

This is a great fun event open to all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Network, giving everyone a chance to race and win themselves a certificate and their group a trophy for their group trophy cabinet.

Parents and families are very welcome to come along and cheer them round the course.

Events Sports Training

Canoe Club: BCU Courses in 2016

The Southampton City District Canoe Club is offering a selection of different courses, including:

  • Paddle Power Start: For beginners who wish to try the sport in one session
  • 1 star Paddlepower passport (Beginners): The basic skills of kayaking and a short evening trip
  • 2 star Paddlepower discovery (Intermediate): Paddle skill elements for both kayak and canoe
  • 3 star (Advanced): Advanced skills to handle a kayak or a canoe

The weekly fee for each session on all the above courses are just £3 for those in member groups, or £6 for non-member groups

Find out more about the courses available, and how to get involved!

In Action

2nd Southampton & 62nd Bristol Scouts Unite

It’s starting to become a tradition within our Scout troop to camp in the peak of Winter, when there is maximum chance of it being cold, muddy and wet!
Each year I vow never to camp again in January but somehow I’ll be talked into it and something will end up in the diary. I’ve learnt that actually there are many benefits. For example you’ll often have the campsite to yourself and it’s great to fix the post Christmas blues with a camp on the horizon.

In November 2014 Fran our ASL moved away from Southampton to Bristol to start a new job. She also immediately got back involved with Scouting and took up the role as a SL for a brand new troop in her new hometown.
We have kept in touch, shared programme ideas and heard about 62nd Bristol Scout’s new troop grow and grow. The young people of both groups knew about each other and eventually we planned a camp for them to meet up.

Last week almost 50 Scouts, 3 young leaders and around 10 leaders had a blast at Ferny Crofts. Immediately Scouts across both groups got on well and exchanged their favourite wide games, card games and scout night activities. As leaders it was also great to share ideas and hear about how Scouting is run outside our own district.

During the day we were treated to the exceptional facilities at Ferny Crofts such as the crate stacking, gladiator wall and assault course. The Winter made it the more fun with the ridiculous about of mud you can cake yourself in at every opportunity. We had to put up with some rain too, but it made the night hike all the more adventurous jumping over puddles.

So, don’t dismiss camping in January… You may find it hard to beat for the rest of the year.


Swim Test Evening: Tuesday 22nd March

Scouting requires you to hold a blue card swimming certificate to prove that you are a competent swimmer before you join in our wide range of water activities.

If you are going to District Camp you will need to attend this test evening and get a blue card swimming certificate.

The next Blue Card Swimming Test Evening will be on Tuesday 22nd March 2016 at the Regents Park School Swimming Pool, Richville Road Entrance at 6.30pm sharp.

Please bring TRACK SUIT BOTTOMS and T-Shirt

Announcements Events

District Founders Day 2016: Cancelled

I am sad to say I have not had any group or section come forward this year to help with Founders Day as the 29th Scout Group did last year.

I am sure you will all agree that is disappointing especially as everyone was so keen on us having a celebration of Baden-Powell’s birthday rather than a traditional church service type event.

That lack of support leaves me no alternative but to cancel this years Founders Day.

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner

Events Wilverley

Wilverley Working Party: 5th March 2016

There is a Wilverley Working Party weekend on Saturday the 5th of March 2016 from 9am to 5pm.

Come and join us in some basic maintenance at the Southampton City District camp site at Wilverley. Free camping and facilities for the Saturday night, or just come and join us for the day! Wear old clothes and bring work gloves.

Please call to tell Colin Floyd if you are coming so we can arrange refreshments and lunch on 07770364711 or email


A bit of fun: The Map Fold challenge!

Our new years resolution is to finally learn how to fold a map properly! We challenge everyone in Southampton Scouts from Beavers to Leaders to fold an Ordnance Survey map as quickly as possible.

Our best time so far is 14 seconds, achieved by the 2nd Southampton? Can you beat it?


District Commissioner Blog – December 2015

What a great year we have had!! And next year should be even better.

Congratulations to Sarah Durham and Gary Coen for receiving their 10 year Service Award and to Nico Chart for 20 Years’ service – Very well deserved.

WoodBeadsCongratulations to Alice Mintoff and Claire Baker on receiving their wood badge.

QSAA big well done and be proud message to Oli Bills, Josh Smith, Catriona Gibbon who have just completed the Queens Scout Award I am looking forward to the presentation evening and the parade and service at Windsor Palace in front of the Queen. Fantastic

I am delighted to welcome Sarah Granger and Rob Wayman as the Assistant District Commissioners for the Cub Section. I am sure that the cub section will go from strength to strength under their leadership.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Remembrance parade at the Cenotaph or at your local churches and to those that helped with the selling of poppies with the Active Support Unit. You did us proud.

The District swimming gala took place and the group award went to the 14th Scout Group in Highfield congratulations to them. The event was very well attended and was great fun thanks go to all the groups that took part.

The scout Walkabout competition was great fun and a big well done to the Scouts who took part and to all the leaders for the night exercise. The event was won by the 1st Scout Troop Well done to them.

The new district web site is launched please take a look at it and Oli and I are looking for suggestions I how we can improve it further. The group pages are well worth developing this is a place to promote your group and shout load how good you are. So please send us LOTS of good news stories about what you have been up too in your groups. We have a new district directory and we are looking to get everyone’s details on the website in a secure area rather than producing a paper copy. That will hopefully be launched early next year.

The Compass data membership system is turning back on in January to me and group scout leaders so we need to get the adult records back up to date especially the clearances that are outstanding. When it goes live please would GSL’s check the records are accurate. If you need a hand with that please ask me or Graham and we will show you.

In January the District and the Hampshire Scouting will be starting the process of appointing the next DC. It is a great job and a good opportunity to shape Southampton Scouting for the next five years. I ask you all to consider taking up the challenge.

BUT………. The National Lottery – # Please Not Him


If anyone would like to talk to me about the DC role before they apply and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

I hope you all and your families have a wonderful Christmas and a joyous new year See you all in 2016.


Yours in Scouting,

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner