DC's Notes

DC’s Notes: Beavers Loggerheads, Cubs Challenge and Scouts Emlyn

Congratulations to the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers for taking part in their section competitions over the last two weekends. I was pleased to be able to get to these events as DC.

  • Beavers at Loggerheads
  • Cubs at Davids Challenge
  • Scouts at District Emlyn

I was really impressed with the way the teams at all three events showed teamwork and developed leadership in their challenges. With everyone having great fun along the way.

Thanks also to the leader teams in each section for their hard work in making these competitions happen.

It’s great to see the levels of challenge that go with the progression up through the sections.

Well done all who took part and thanks to all who supported these great events.

David, DC

Beavers Loggerheads 2017
Beavers Loggerheads 2017
Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017
Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017
In Action

Video: Emlyn Camp Diary

For those who don’t know… Emlyn is a weekend competition camp held every year where Scouts get the opportunity to ‘camp without adults’ in the sense that they set up their site, cook, eat and complete challenges without any help from the leaders.

14th Wednesday Troop made this video of their time at Emlyn Camp last weekend…

Emlyn camp returns in June 2018


Results: Cubs and Scouts District Archery Competition

Congratulations to the 25th Cubs and 2nd Scouts… This year’s winners of the District Archery Competition. Well done all who took part too over the weekend 🏹

25th Southampton Cubs Archery Team
2nd Southampton Scout Archery Team

Get involved with the District Exec

Would you like to join the District Executive committee, which makes Southampton Scouting work? Nominations are due for membership of the 2017/2018 District Executive Committee.

If you wish to stand please let the District Secretary have your nomination by emailing, along with a proposer and seconder before the District AGM on the 6th July.

Announcements Hampshire

Registration is now open for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree

The World Scout Jamboree is a big international camps for 14-18 year olds from across the world – usually about 30 000 or so people attend and from almost every country where there are Scouts. The next WSJ is in 2019 and will be held in North America.

The Hampshire participant selection weekend will be held at Ferny Crofts, over the weekend of 15th – 17th Sept 17. To go to the World Scout Jamboree as a participant, you must be aged 14, 15, 16 or 17 on 22nd July 2019.

Applications are now OPEN. How to apply!

  1.  Please download the WSJ19 Participant Application Form and make sure that it is completed and sent in by 30th June 2017. Alongside the Application form, is WSJ19 Questions and Answers, which will help to answer a lot of your questions.
  2. It is vital that you email our DC, with a quick message to say you are applying so that we can support you in your application.

The Hampshire participant selection weekend will be held at Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre, over the weekend of 15th – 17th Sept 17. Attendance will be required for the whole weekend.

If you will be 18 or older on that date, you can attend as International Service Team – applications are not open for this yet but you can express an interest

To Register your Interest in the WSJ 2019 as a member of IST, please complete this WSJ 2019 Interest Form

The leaders on their recent Leader selection weekend, made some videos to help promote the WSJ to Scouts and Explorers. These were made on phones, and completed in a very short time scale, so are not 100% polished videos, but can be worth showing – WSJ Leader Selection Videos – There are 6 in total – please make sure you watch through to the end!

How much will the Jamboree cost? The UK Contingent Management Team are currently working on the costings for 2019 and we hope to have this information before the summer. However, as a guide the participant fee for Hampshire units for the last Jamboree in Japan was approximately £3200

What is it like?
Watch this video from the last WSJ in 2015 to get a taste of what it’s all about.

You can contact the Hampshire WSJ team by E-mail to

Please remember to join the Facebook Groups to keep up to date: County Explorers and County Network as applicable.

In Action

We’ve raised over £1000 for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance

The District Charity for 2015 and 2016 was the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance.
Kerry Budd (DDC) presented the cheque to them whilst they ran a session of the 7th Group Beaver Colony.
You all helped raised over £1020. Well done and Congratulations.  Lets hope we can raise as much for PICU this year.
In Action

30 Years of Beaver Scouting

Did you know that last year (2016) saw the Beavers celebrating their 30th Birthday?  Southampton City District spend the year having loads of fun – a few things they got up to included:

  • Birthday party
  • Trip to Gilwell Fun Days
  • Completed the County 30 Challenges
  • Campfire with Birthday cake

To finish the year we put all that fun in a Time Capsule and had it buried at Wilverley, our district campsite in the New Forest.  Many thanks to the Network Scouts for the burying.

In Action

Paralympic Athlete Aaron Phipps Comes to Visit

For the Disability Awareness Badge we had an amazing evening with Aaron Phipps. A truly inspirational person!
We had over 75 young people come along from Beavers and Cubs. What an amazingly positive person he is, certainly an inspiration! The beavers especially liked watching Aaron flip an opponent out of his wheelchair in the 2012 London Para Olympics! The young people were so well behaved. Big thanks to Amanda Wallace for organising this event.
Events Left Handshake Sports

Canoe Club: BCU Courses in 2017

The Southampton City District Canoe Club is offering a selection of different courses, including:

  • Paddle Power Start: For beginners who wish to try the sport in one session
  • 1 star Paddlepower passport (Beginners): The basic skills of kayaking and a short evening trip
  • 2 star Paddlepower discovery (Intermediate): Paddle skill elements for both kayak and canoe
  • 3 star (Advanced): Advanced skills to handle a kayak or a canoe

The weekly fee for each session on all the above courses are just £3.50 for those in member groups, or £7 for non-member groups. The weekend course fees are just £12 for member groups or £24 for non-member groups.

Find out more about the courses available this year!

In Action

Beavers Wacky Races

And they’re off!!! Last week the Beavers section have held their annual Wacky Races and Picnic on Southampton Common. Over 40 young people from 5 colonies created their own cardboard cars and raced them.
We raised a whopping £163.85 for the district charity – PICU, helping children in intensive care at Southampton General Hospital. Congratulations to all the young people who took part and thanks to the leaders that helped organise & run the event.