
Scout Soapbox

In February we will again be running the Patrol Leader Training weekend.  It will be a bit different this year as we are trying some new ideas for the training, but please think who in your Troops you would like to send on this training to learn skills in both practical areas and in the mystery of “how to lead other people”.

At the end of March we are running a hill-walking weekend for Scouts in the Brecon Beacons.  I will be sending out details to Troops soon so you can promote this to keen outdoor Scouts in your Troops.  All of these three events are coming together thanks to the unselfish offers of time from Leaders across the District, using their time and skills to benefit Scouts from all Troops.  This is what makes the District work well, so thanks to all who are volunteering to make them happen.

Finally, I am sure that all Leaders are making plans for their activities at District Camp (when of course it will no longer be cold).  I am very keen that between us we should put on the best set of activities we possibly can so that the Scouts will have a brilliant time and enjoy the whole event.  If you need some help from the District in making your activities the best they can be – call your ADC today and let’s see how we can work together to do it.

Looking forward to getting “out there” and enjoying this new year of Scouting,




Cub Corner

We also said goodbye to Carol Gilbert, CSL at the 1st, as she was moving from Southampton to be closer to her family in Manchester.  Carol had been at the 1st for many years from the time her sons started but carrying on once they had left.  Thanks to Eve and her band of helpers for the delicious spread that was put on for Carol’s ‘leaving’ tea (thanks also for giving up your Christmas cake!)  Once settled I know Carol will again become involved in Scouting ‘up North’.    

The Cub Section held their annual Carol Service at Avenue St Andrews Church back in December which was a very lively service organised and run by Laura, Cub Leader at the 13th, together with Chris Davis, our District Chaplain, and with assistance from two Young Leaders, Aaron and Steven and four Cub Leaders (who I think in their own best interests shall remain nameless).  Instead of Packs donating food hampers for use by SCRATCH, Cubs and Leaders were requested to donate toys for the Christmas Complete appeal run by SCRATCH which means that every child in Southampton whose parents are not in a position to buy Christmas presents, would have a present to open on Christmas morning. The response was phenomenal, there was a mountain of toys around the Christmas Tree and it really made you feel quite humble but also that the spirit of Christmas was alive. The Cubs really fulfilled their ‘helping other people’ part of their Promise.  The evening was rounded off by games and food for the Cubs in the hall (okay so I’m no good at maths not knowing what number comes between 1st and 7th or maybe that Pack was so quiet I didn’t realise they were there – no I don’t think so either!)  Parents who stayed were able to have a cup of tea and biscuit by making a donation. The monies collected will go to SCRATCH as the District’s chosen charity for the year.  Definitely a successful evening and my thanks to all those who made it possible – it was nice to be able to be part of the congregation and enjoy the service.

January is generally an ‘easing back’ month so apart from meetings, no events were held but February sees us holding our annual Chess competition where two Cubs in the age groups of Under 9½ and Over 9½ compete to produce a winner in each age Group.  Usually the two winning Cubs go forward to represent the District at a County event but a County event is not being held this year.  Details of our District Chess competition will be sent to Leaders.

In March the Section will be holding their 6-a-side football competition and Ant, who has once again kindly agreed to organise this event, will be sending details to Leaders after the half term break.
Of course with District Camp being held in May everyone is starting to gear themselves up and start preparations for that.  Patsy and I were at a Pack presenting a Silver award where letters were being given out regarding District Camp, having previously also been sent by email.  One young Cub didn’t receive a letter – the reason?  His parent had already downloaded the form and sent it back that night with his deposit!  How’s that for keenness!

Patsy and I continue to attend Packs to present Silver Awards (I’ve just recently sent in the names to County Office of our last batch of awardees for inclusion in their next County Roll of Honour so watch that space) and are delighted to be asked to do so, so…keep the invites rolling in.

Until next time.

Pat Rea


From Colin

What does the website have that is new?

The new website is designed to enable us to tell everyone our good news immediately so please don’t wait until the end of the month to send us your stories just write a few words and take a good photo and send them to Tony Kench who will put it in the good news section of the site.

Of course we are aiming to increase our scouting operation in our district but this can only be done if we tell everyone that we need more adults to volunteer and that volunteering can be done in a range of different ways. The main message is that some roles can be taken up in a very flexible way to meet the needs of our other commitments. This message is clearly given in the get involved pages and the announcement that even the Duchess of Cambridge has given a commitment to help scouting locally.

The Scouting pages offer some understanding to the prospective parents and also to adult volunteers on the aims of the scouting programme for the various sections and promotes them. This information needs further work so please give us some ideas you now the individual sections better than me.

We have set up Group pages on the site if you have a better photo of your headquarters please send them to Tony and he will put them on the Group introductory page instead of the ones that I took early one morning that are a bit fuzzy. These pages are for each group to develop so send your promotional materials to Tony and he will enter it onto your page. If you have your own Group website we have linked to it but please make sure it is up to date and suitably focussed on getting out the key message of we are good at scouting in Southampton and we are looking to grow but that can only be done if the community help us and more adults come and join in the adventure!!

The site also has up to date information on our district camp site Wilverley and a calendar giving its availability. Could all ADC’s please check that the district events at Wilverley are fully booked on that Calendar?

In the Adventure pages we have information about the District run adventurous activity clubs that we have for you. These are in Archery, Climbing, Hill walking, Shooting and Water activities and the Canoe Club. Take a look at these and please promote them to the young people.

In the members area you will find all the information that you will need if you are going through the training scheme. Nico is working hard to really make a difference to this so keep an eye out for further information. We also have in the member’s area the District Directory and the District Calendar and the District Executive Committee have now entered all the minutes of their meetings over the last three years. They make good reading. In the members area we also have key notices for leaders so use these as a way of finding out the most up to date information.

The Southampton City District Camp

We want this camp to be a huge success for everyone from Beavers to Leaders. That is a huge objective but I am sure we can do it. I have asked a small team to meet with Mike Jackson, George Longhurst and myselfto help shape the Camp and try as best as we can to meet everyone’s requirements.

If you have any key requests I would ask that you tell the following people:

Beavers – Lin Johnson. Cubs – Patsy Osborne – Scouts – Andy Clasby – Explorers and Young Leaders and Network – Dave Bowers.

I am attending all the section meetings to get some understanding of what each section would like organised for you at camp and all those thoughts will be discussed further at our planning meetings and then feed back will be given.

Adult Leader Reviews

As I am sure you will be aware Scouting has a review process that we must uphold. This is a positive way for us to say thank you for all that you do, it is also a opportunity to ask what we can do to support you and do you need further ongoing training for your various roles. The review process is also a vehicle for you to tell us if your happy doing the role you have could you offer more and take a bigger role or is it time to reduce your commitment. GSL‘s and I will be sending out review invites to a few of you over the next few weeks.

Christmas Holidays!!

With Christmas I had a great rest and recharged the batteries. I have attended two main events since Christmas.

I was kindly invited to attend two Chief Scout Award presentations at the 7th Scouts. They gave a presentation to the Troop of activities they completed as part of the Award requirements. Clearly they had found the work challenging but great fun. Well done to them both and I hope they are now looking forward to moving onto Explorer Scouting.

At the last moment I stepped in to drive the mini bus to Gilwell for the Winter Camp. Nemesis Explorers went along with the 7th Scout Troop. The Gilwell Winter Camp is a huge event with over two thousand Scouts and Explorers camping. Gilwell has it very well organised and they offer central cooking which means it is just a case of turn up pitch your tent and enjoy the wide range of fun activities that they have organised. I would thoroughly recommend it to you. Stuart, perhaps the Scouts could go as a district next year?

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Mob Tel 07770364711 or

Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd
District Commissioner
Southampton City Scout District


A New Volunteer

Flexible volunteering

The announcement comes as a great endorsement of Scouting’s commitment to allow adults to volunteer their time on a flexible basis. The Duchess will help run a variety of activities relevant to her skills and interests. This could include running games, teaching first aid or cooking on campfires.

Chief Scout Bear Grylls gave a delighted reaction to the news: ‘The Duchess has an incredibly busy life, which makes it all the more inspiring that she has chosen to volunteer alongside us.

‘Over the last few years it has been our mission to make it easier for adults who volunteer with us to give as much or as little as they are able – it is how we change our society: many people doing a little bit.’

The chance to inspire

Helping give young people a taste of everyday adventure through fun and practical activities, The Duchess will have the chance to inspire the leaders of tomorrow.

Patrick, 10, a cub scout in Enfield said: ‘I have really great adventures at cubs and it’s all thanks to the leaders who help out. It’s amazing that The Duchess wants to get involved and I think she will be really good at it.’

Despite six consecutive years of growth, there is still a need for more adults to volunteer with us, to provide opportunities for over 33,500 young people who are waiting to join.

Many hands make light work

Adults of all ages are finding ways to volunteer that fit in around their lives. In Manchester, Heather Baker, 29, has found a flexible solution. ‘The demands of modern life often mean it’s harder for people to find time to volunteer,’ said Heather. ‘The role I’ve just taken on is shared between four adults to make it work.’

She added, ‘It’s great that The Duchess can find time in her schedule to help Scouting develop the lives of young people in her local community. Flexibility in volunteering is the way forward.’

Get involved

If you’d like to know more about the flexible volunteering opportunities in Scouting in this area, visit


New Year Message

As a unit we participated in all of our usual things during December. We helped out in a packed St. James Church for the Beaver Christingle service and again at a packed St. Andrews Church for the Cub Carol service.  The 13th. did a great job with their Seniors party. All of our members who attended had a great time. Well done to Lee and Sue, especially as it was the day of their 40th Wedding Anniversary, and their team. There’s dedication for you!! Congratulations to you both. Finally on the 21st December, we held our own Christmas Party. It was great to see so many friends and Scouters from around the District joining us for the evening. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Before I close I would like to thank all of my team in The Active Support Unit for their support during the past year. No matter what I ask of them, even at short notice, they are always there. Thank you all.
A Happy New Year to everyone in Southampton City District. 

PS. I have just been notified by The Southampton Branch of The Royal British Legion that members of The Active Support Unit who collected at both local branches of Sainsburys,for The Poppy Appeal collected £692.36.This is a fantastic amount thank you and well done to those of my members who were involved.
George Longhurst.


9th Troop Fashion Show

The show was compared by Andy Clasby, Floor manager Rob Greenaway and the expert panel of judges where Colin Floyd, Stuart Ganney, Denise Clasby and Sarah Durham.


The four Patrols put a lot of effort into their costumes and thoroughly enjoyed preparing for and taking part in the show.
Following the show Stuart Ganney presented Rozy Toomer and Jacob Lovegrove with their Chief Scout Gold Awards. From all the young people and all the Leaders of the 9th group Congratulations to them on this achievement.

The meeting finished with refreshments.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2012
Neil Webb


11th Fundraising

mini-001.jpgIn November, we held our annual Quiz Night.  A fantastic time was had by all and Andrew and Louise’s team were the winners!  Between these two events we raised over £500. 

We wish everyone in the District a Happy Christmas, and best wishes for 2012.

Kris Partridge
Group Chairman


DC’s January Report

After our District Development Day it was obvious that we need to support you and your Groups far better. The District Team and I have been working on how we can do that. In the last six months, since I was appointed. we have made some changes to the way we support all of you and hopefully in 2012 we will see those changes making an impact.

We have now launched a far better District Web Site which is now live and if you have not already looked at it please do so. The address is
I would encourage you to register yourself individually, as a member of the District, on the site so that you can look in the member’s area. You can do that by registering at the bottom of the home page here.

Nico Chart and Sam Chapman now head up the Leader Training Team and we are on the lookout for many more Training Advisers. We have a substantial amount of adults in Leadership roles that require training and support.  We will be actively doing just that in 2012.

We have a new Appointments Secretary in Lyn Westerman. She has made a great start with the help of Mike Jackson and Graham Meering to take on that role. This will enable us to carry out the appointment procedures and just as importantly the reviewing of our appointments far easier in the future.

Graham and I are looking at additional ways that we can bring more adults from all sections of the community into Scouting. We have far too many vacancies at some very key positions which we need to resolve that in 2012.

Thelma is now the Group Support for all Groups. This is a new appointment in our District but one that is desperately needed. We have three Groups that do not, currently, have a GSL. Thelma is helping support those Groups until a person can be appointed. When that happens she will be able to develop her Group Support role much more to support all the Groups throughout the District, not just two or three.

We are now looking at ways in which we can improve Wilverley, District Camp Site. We have recently improved the sleeping arrangements by purchasing £3,500 of new mattresses and we are now looking to raise sufficient funds to enable us to have an electrical supply at the site and to do away with the need for the generator. This fund raising campaign will start soon .If anyone has any good ideas of where funding may be available please contact me. Peter Hull is the main contact for booking the site and facilities but Richard Cook is now helping him by taking on the finances of the hiring’s. I have had an introductory meeting with Mark Street of the Forestry Commission and we have started some initial discussions about our need to secure a long term licence for the use of Wilverley. I am pleased to say Mark has now written to me to confirm they are willing to offer us a long term licence for an additional 21 years. This of course will need to be formally agreed between us and the Forestry and the Scout Trust Corporation. Further details on Wilverley and its availability are now on the new website.

In May we have our District camp at Fernycroft and I for one look forward to that weekend. It will be a great opportunity for us all to get together and have fun. The planning for that Camp has already started. We have arranged a meeting at Fernycroft on the 15th January at 10.45am to discuss with you all about what you would like. I have also invited a small working party to help us make sure this is the best District Camp yet. Please do not forget to design your Camp badge and bring them with you on the 15th.

Please note we have a District Team / GSL’s next meeting on the 11th January at the 7th HQ at 7.45pm. Those of you that are in the District Team or are GSL’s please put this meeting in your diaries or give me your apologies.

It is important that we celebrate with all the young people when they are awarded their various Bronze, Silver, Gold and On-Going Awards. We need to make sure that they are on the Roll of Honour within Hampshire Scouting News. All the other Districts in the County are good at publicising these achievements but we are not. In future could the details of all Awards be sent to me.  I will make sure they are published.

The District agreed to purchase, for each of the Section Leaders, a Diamond Jubilee badge. I have distributed most of them but if any Leader has not got one please tell me as I have some left.

The District Executive, last July, gave each group £1,000. If you have not already informed Richard Cook, the District Secretary, what you have decided to use this money for could you please do so and a letter of thanks would be appreciated…

I continue to get out and about and attend as many events as I can, especially those that I am very kindly invited too.

I was invited to the Cub and Beaver Pantomime which this year was The Borrowers. It is a story all about little people who live under your floors and borrow things. I have not slept well since, thinking of these little people under the floor boards. Perhaps that is where all the additional volunteers are kept!!

I was also very pleased to visit the 1st to say ‘Goodbye’ to Carol Gilbert, the Cub Leader. She is moving to Manchester to be nearer her family. I have many pleasant memories of good summer days going out with her and her Cubs for a day trip. She will be very much missed in Southampton Scouting.

I spent a Saturday evening at the Explorer Christmas Camp at Wilverley. This was very well attended by all of the Units in the District. They had a huge hog roast in the evening but by the time I arrived most of that had gone! They had a great time and well done to Dave & Ian and the Explorer Leaders for organising the camp.

If you ever want to get into the spirit of Christmas I suggest that you start by attending the Beaver Christingle Service which this year was held at St James Church. It is always a lovely occasion and all the Beaver sections take part in the Service. It was lovely when the lights went down and every young person had a lit Christingle, a very special event. Well done to everyone who took part and to Lin and her team for organising it.

I was invited, after the Christingle service, to visit the 13th Sea Scout Group Senior Citizens Party. This is an annual event that has been traditionally organised for over forty years. The young people participated in a show which was well received by those that attended; also the carols and food were delightful. Again this event is a good way to involve Scouting better in the community which is wonderful.

I was very pleased to attend the presentation evening for three new Queen Scout Award Winners. Many congratulations go to Jen Oates, Lisa Munday and Michael Freeman who were presented with their Awards by Adam Jollans, the County Commissioner. Well done and congratulations to them all.

I had the pleasure of joining the Cub Carol Service. It was very well presented by Laura and the 13th Cubs and Chris Davis our District Chaplain. As usual the service was fun and great entertainment especially the shepherds who were, I thought, just great!!

I was also invited to the 25th Cub Sleepover in Braishfield Village Hall. The Cubs were there for the weekend and I called in on the Saturday evening, which was great. They were having a good time having made excellent igloos. I left just before they were supposed to go to sleep!!

I was kindly invited to the 9th Beavers Pirate Evening. Great fun was had by all. All the Beavers dressed up as pirates and were having a great time. Once again the food was great!
I have also had the pleasure to attend the 25th Sea Scout Royal Navel Inspection. This was carried out by Lieutenant Commander Royal Navy K A Cahill. The Inspection was very well attended by the Group and the young people made the Group proud. These inspections take place every eighteen months, one in the winter and the other in the summer. Well done to Clive and his Team of Leaders and also to everyone connected to the Group for being recognised once again by the Royal Navy. This is no mean feat as nationally there are three hundred and fifty Sea Scout Groups with only one hundred and one groups having recognition in this way.
 Andy Clasby invited me to judge at the 9th Scouts Fashion Show. This was a fun evening with parents and the families of the young people in attendance. The Scouts joined in with the spirit of the evening and clearly they had a great time. Those of you that know how I approach volunteering to be a Scout Leader will be able to tell you I am up for the young people having fun. It is that which must be at the core of everything that we do.
My final invite, for the month, was to join the Active Support Group in their American Supper held at the 11th HQ. That was a lovely evening and it gave us some time to relax and really start to enjoy our Christmas. Thank you for inviting me.

That is all the main events. I have attended numerous Scouting meetings but I won’t bore you with those.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Mob Tel 07770364711 or
Yours in Scouting

Colin Floyd


Royal Navy Inspection

All sections are represented on the evening from Beavers right through to Explorers and we need to find space to accommodate everybody. It is a great time to get the entire Unit together and allows all sections to see what the other sections do and for leaders and assistants to meet each other.

RN Staff Officer (Sea Scouts), a Lieutenant Commander who works for Flag Officer Sea Training, carries out the inspection. Lt Cdr Karen Cahill has recently taken over this role and this was our first inspection by Lt Cdr Cahill. Tuesday 13th December was the designated date for our inspection.

On Tuesday 13th December 1830 hrs our headquarters, at Crosshouse, was buzzing with activity. Young people arriving, uniforms pressed and shoes polished. Some parents stayed for the evening. County Commissioner Adam Jollens arrived to represent County, District Commissioner Colin Floyd arrived to represent Southampton City District and various other guests arrived. Activities were being set up and getting under way. Lt Cdr Cahill arrived at 1900 hrs and was greeted by Clive Aylet our GSL. The inspection was under way.

Explorers set up in the garage, got a fire under way in the fire pit and demonstrated their cooking skills. Whilst in the hall Beavers, Cubs and Scouts carried out a range of activities demonstrating their skills. Members of the Executive were busy in the kitchen supplying drinks and biscuits. Explorers then moved into the hall with four Explorers and an Assistant Leader demonstrating their musical talents and playing a couple of carols with the rest of Explorers singing.

There then followed a presentation of a Chief Scouts Gold to James Mintoff and investing of Richard Chapman as an Assistant Scout Leader. ESL Dave McKeeman presented a flag to the Enterprise Explorer unit to mark his five years with the section and taking over as ESL in 2011. Enterprise now has its own flag. James Mintoff was invested into Enterprise Explorer unit. Explorers like to invest on the water and this called for a bit of improvisation – James stood in a bowl of water whilst being invested.

Following these presentations, a formal inspection of Scouts and Explorers was carried out by Lt Cdr Cahill. Lt Cdr Cahill then spoke with the unit on completion of her inspection and confirmed that we had retained our RN recognition. The 25th Southampton has been a RN recognised unit for fifty five years. We carry on with the programme and look forward to meeting Lt Cdr Cahill at a time when we can get out on the water and show off our nautical skills.

You might ask “What is a RN recognised Sea Scout unit?” RN recognised Sea Scouts are much more than Scouts with a nautical twist. Of the three hundred and fifty Sea Scout groups in the UK only one hundred and one are officially recognised. In return for maintaining high standards of Scouting programme, water activities, discipline and smartness, they enjoy access to RN facilities and equipment. This entails achieving and maintaining the high standards of the Scout programme, water activities, discipline and smartness, with these being checked at formal inspections held every 18-24 months. Recognised groups work hard to ensure their Scouts continue to meet the criteria laid down by the Senior Service, which opens the door to use of facilities at locations including HMS Bristol in Portsmouth, HMS Raleigh at Torpoint and RN sailing centres. In addition they can access grants from the Admiralty Fund administered by the Scout Association. Their Scouts and Explorers are also eligible to enter the ‘Big Four’ events – the swimming gala at HMS Raleigh early in the year, the week-long summer camp at HMS Bristol in Portsmouth, the Soccer Sixes tournament in late September/early October and the Explorer Camp during the autumn half-term. We now look forward to our next inspection and maintaining our RN recognition.

Dave McKeeman ESL Enterprise
25th Southampton (Northam) Sea Scouts


From The DC

During the school half term Geoff and Lin Johnson organised yet again the Exbury Gardens Ghost Train. This is the eighth year this event has taken place. It is a fine example of how Scouting can get out into the community and promote Scouting and also have great fun. A special thank you to Lin and Geoff and to all those involved and to Exbury Gardens for their continued support.

Graham and I went along to an open evening at the 26th Scout Group with the aim of inviting some new Cubs to join the pack as the numbers are a bit low at present. We had some success but we have more to do. We are also looking at starting up a new Beaver Colony, when the Leadership team has been identified. If you would like to run your own Beaver Colony I would be interested in talking to you about that. Also if any groups have Cubs on waiting lists that they cannot accommodate could you refer them to me please and I will ask them if they would like to join the 26th Cub pack.

I attended the Hampshire County Conference at Alton. The main themes for that day was the Scouting Vision to 2018, Younger member involvement and Safeguarding. These topics also sit high up on our priority list. I will be talking soon to the Young Leaders in our District as to how we can get them more heavily involved in all areas of our Scouting and its decision making. The County has a Youth Council and taking that it seems to me that we as a District should also set up such a Council to help me drive Scouting forward in the direction that they would want. For those that need to attend Safeguarding Training and advice this is high on the list of priorities for Nico and his training programme. He will be talking about this further to those requiring this support.

Nico Chart and Sam Chapman have started organising the new Leader Training arrangements, and they, I am sure will be setting up to meet with those of you that have already offered to be a new Training Adviser.  If you have not offered to help please contact Nico directly I for one would be very grateful we have far too many leaders requiring advice and help getting fully trained.

Andy Sager, Arthur Ashton and I have met with Zoe Cox the Forest Ranger to discuss the use of the Wilverley Camp Site. We are about to renegotiate the licence agreement for the site and explore with them the arrangements for the site with the aim of gaining a long term licence and security of tenure, which will enable us to seek grant funding for a permanent electrical supply to the buildings. You will be pleased to be told that if you sleep at Wilverley now you will have a really comfortable new mattress to sleep upon. They are lovely!! Please remember that if you wish to book Wilverley Peter Hull is the booking officer and Richard Cook is the new person dealing with all the invoicing and payments.

It was really good to get the District Team and the Group Scout Leaders together for our fist meeting we had lots to talk about hence the meeting finished very late. I will be holding these meeting four times a year instead of three as I really want us to work together more often and discuss how we as a district team can support each and every group. We will need to work much more as a team across all areas of our scouting if we are to deliver better outcomes.

The District Executive has kindly agreed to buy each and every Leader a jubilee badge these will be distributed to you hopefully before Christmas and can be worn right away above your purple badge shirt uniform pocket. If I see any adult without one I will be asking why!! So get sewing and remember the badge needs to be removed on the 31st December 2012 so don’t glue it on.

I attended a BIG SOCIETY event at St Mary’s Football Stadium to meet people from companies in Southampton who are looking to sponsor and support charitable organisations. This is an initiative that we need to explore far more and see what support we can gain from the business world.

On Remembrance Sunday I joined the 29th Scout Group at the Immaculata Church for the service. This was again a great way for Scouting to be seen out in the community and the 29th did Scouting proud. Well done to everyone who attended and again Russ thank you for inviting me and presenting me with your Group badge I will wear it with pride.

I continue to press ahead with my DC training. This training lark is easy if you go for it!! Hopefully I will complete my

training within a few months. Of course the main benefit of attending any training session is it is a really good chance to bounce ideas off other DC’s and share ideas.

I along with Russell Andrews and Neil Webb attended the DC / GSL training weekend at the Swan Hotel, Alresford. It was a great opportunity for me to understand more of the work required now of a GSL and it also gave me another opportunity to meet and spend time with a number of other District Commissioners.It was a very good weekend full of fun but really hard work. Having spoken to Russ and Neil they said that they found it helpful and informative. Next year the County will be holding other training weekends and I would recommend this event to all the other six GSL’s. You would find it very helpful to you in your management role. Some of the key messages from the weekend will be discussed at the District Team / GSL’s next meeting on the 11th January at the 7th HQ at 7.45pm. Those of you that are in the District Team or are GSL’s please put this meeting in your diaries.

Unfortunately because of this training weekend I was unable to attend this years Swimming Gala at the Quays but I hear it was a great success with a great response from groups participating in this district event. Well done to all those that took part and a huge thank you to those that organised the event Doreen, Carol and Graham and Geoff just to name a few.

I visited the 25th Group Executive meeting and spent the evening talking to them about how the want to take the Group forward. They were telling me that if any Group wishes to go onto the water the facilities that they have at the 25th are always available just contact Clive and he will help you. Of course you will need to arrange with him and the District Instructors that you have the suitably qualified Instructors arranged.

It is important that we celebrate with all the Young People when they are awarded their various Bronze, Silver, Gold and ongoing awards. We need to make sure that these are on the roll of honour within Hampshire Scouting News. All the other districts in the County are good at publicising these achievements but we are not. In future could the details of all awards be sent to me and I will make sure they are published.

That will do for this month I am sure that the lead up to Christmas will be just as busy, we have the 9th Fashion Show, Explorer Christmas Camp, Beaver Christingle, Cub Carol Service, and the Beaver Pantomime.

Can I send you all best my wishes for a very Happy Christmas and all the very best for a wonderful 2012.

Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.

Yours in Scouting
Colin Floyd