DC's Notes Wilverley

Wilverley Building Oficially Re-opens

The District held its AGM at Wiverley today so celibrate the great work done by all the teams out there over the years,
The site looked great in the sunshine with the new District Section flags.
Arthur Ashton officially re-opened the Challes Allen Buillding that had had so much work done on it over the last year.
He also unvailed the new Roll Of Honour board in the Cottage celibrating all those that have helped on the site.
Thanks to all involved with this great District asset. It’s down to the District  to get out and use it as much as we can.
David Bowers (DC)

🎬 Watch: I’m A Cub… Get Me Out Of Here!

This is the Cubs 6ers Camp for 2018 at Wilverley Camp Site.

Our theme was: I’m a Cub get Me Out of Here.

We had a fun camping weekend with Friday night’s wide game being challenges to earn Dingo Dollars to buy doughnuts from Kiosk Chil’s Outback Shack.

Saturday Competition Day was full of Jungle themed challenging activities, run by the fantastically talented Pack Leaders.
(Unfortunately, apologies to those whos base footage has not appeared on this video the Go Pro had a glitch)
Sunday was the Cub Cyclone slip and slide, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the Cubs and Leaders, especially Ollie who got Jungle slimmed!

Thank You to all for a fabulous weekend.
Sarah Granger (Chil)
ADC Cubs.


Beavers Wacky Races

On a lovely sunny lunchtime in June the beaver section held its annual Wacky Races and Picnic – an opportunity for the beavers and their families from across the district to get together for some fun and to help the community by raising funds for the district charity – PICU.

44 young people from 7 groups took the time to make their cars and race them.  There were 7 categories of races for all ages.  After the races the families had their picnics and the young people played games.

Thanks to the district beaver team for all your hard work planning and running the event, to all the families and leaders for attending and to the 13th Group for providing the refreshments.

You raised a massive £127.97p.  Let’s hope we have more young people and all the groups taking part next year and we can raise even more money for charity.

In Action

Cubs Archery Competition

On Saturday 19th of May, Cubs attended the District Archery Competition at the 22nd HQ.
It was a gloriously hot day and the Cubs enjoyed shooting arrows and finishing the day off with a cool Ice lolly.
Well done to everyone who took part and to the leaders for their support.
A special thank you to Shaun and Ant for a great event.

ADC Cubs.


Well Done to Liam and Lewis

Congratulations to Liam and Lewis on their involvement this year representing Southampton City in “Roverang”
Roverang is a musical and dance extravaganza put on by over 130 members of the Scout and Guide associations.
It was a great night of singing and dancing at the Nuffield Theatre in April this year.
Lots of hard work and commitment and a great show
If you’d like to get involved with Roverang next year, follow the link below:

District Camp From The Sky

Watch this incedible birds-eye video from this year’s District Camp. Drone footage of Lyons Copse Camp Site and Kayaking.

Can you spot yourself?


4 Leaders on their way to America

Congratulations to these adults in out district who have been selected as international Service Team (IST) for the 2019 Jamboree in America
Lexie Massie: 29th / SSAGO            
Alice Mintoff: ADC Scouts / Network
James Mintoff: Youth Commissioner / 25th / Network
Amanda Toomer: Explorers
Good luck all….

Double Silver Acorn Awards Presented

Well done to George and Thelma on receiving their Silver Acorn awards at St George’s Day


Queen Scout Award for Rozy

Congratulations to Rozy Toomer for her Queen Scout Award presentation at Windsor

Well done to all the QSA holders who attended Windsor the Day of Celebration 2018 – there were sixteen QSA holders from Hampshire attending. Rosemary Harrison did an interview with  Radio Solent – you can listen again at 2:21:30 on BBC IPlayer.

DC's Notes Roll of Honour

Roll of Honour: Thelma & George

From the DC;

Congratulations to two of the district team on being awarded their Silver Acorn this year.

Well-earned from many years of service to Scouting in Southampton.