
Daily Echo Reports: Sea Scouts’ sponsored row is scuppered by strong winds

Daily Echo: Sea Scouts’ sponsored row is scuppered by strong winds

STRONG winds forced a group of Sea Scouts to cut short a sponsored row.

They had been hoping to complete a 15-mile journey from St DenysSouthampton, to Buckler’s Hard in a 21ft boat.

But they had to abandon the voyage on safety grounds after wind speeds increased as they approached Lepe.

Paul Renouf, head of the 13th Southampton Sea Scouts, said: “We were three miles short of our target when we had to call it off.

“But everyone was dead chuffed that we managed to get as far as we did.”

A total of 17 people took part in the row, which involved crew changes at the Itchen Bridge andHamble.

The Sea Scouts were raising funds for a new boat trailer but also hope to make a donation to Wessex Heartbeat.


Scouts quiz


Dear Scout Leaders.  

To celebrate the strong links between the members of the Hampshire and I.O.W. Freemasons and the Scouting movement the Members of the Brook House Masonic Centre extend a warm invitation to the Southampton, Itchen and surrounding Scout Groups to participate in a general knowledge quiz.

To take part an entry fee of £6 per team will apply and cash prizes will be awarded to the winning team and runners up. The teams will consist of 6 members commencing from the age of 11 yrs. The quiz will start at 1.30.p.m finishing approximately at Family and friends are most welcome to support their team and are welcome to view the Centre which will open at 10 a.m. Light refreshments will be available.  

Please return the team application form to: Please send postal applications to the Centre, addressed “Scouts Quiz”. Payment may be made on the day. For any further enquires please telephone: 01489 783612 The closing date is 14th June 2014.  

 Yours sincerely   

Gino Fanti 

Event co-ordinator. 



100th Celebrations for 14th cub



Fayre in Shirley Warren 24/5/14



District Commissioner Blog May 2014

The summer has finally arrived we have some light evenings and we can at last get the young people out and about on a section nights. Enjoy the summer term.

District Camp 2014

Well what a great District camp I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I hope you had a great time too. The weather was very kind to us and Lyons Copse proved to be an excellent camp site. A big thank you to Ian who worked so hard making sure everything went as planned.

I did not see any young people lost for things to do and I hope that the additional activities that we had brought to the site helped that to happen and it also enabled you the leaders to have a bit of easier time,

Thanks to all the groups for the effort they put into the sites and the space theme you were all remarkable.

We are starting to think about where to go in 2016 so any suggestions would be appreciated.


St Georges Day

At 10am on the day I was sat in my car with the rain pouring down on Guildhall Square at 11.30am it stopped dried up and we had a wonderful parade. The event really gave us a good opportunity to be seen in the centre of the City shouting load about Southampton Scouting. We were very lucky!!


Thanks go to Chris Davis and Active Support for helping on the day. The Mayor of Southampton was very pleased to be invited.


Thank you to those that came and joined in with the event.


District Six a Side Football Tournament


This year we held the district competition at Test Park and were very much helped by the wonderful Students from Solent University. They ran the whole event for us and it was a great event very smoothly run. Sadly the attendance from the Scout and Explorer sections was low and I hope that next year many more groups will join in on what is a competition but more importantly just good fun.


Wilverley District Camp Site Improvements 

The substantial investment in Wilverley continues thanks to the district exec and the wilverley sub committee. We have now a fully regulated fire evacuation and emergency light system along side the new generator. We are also next week improving the drainage on site three which for many years is far to wet for full used throughout the year. These improvements along side the good work of Arthur Jonathan Steve and Graham and Charlie gives us a camp site that we can all be proud of. Our next improvement is to refurbish the cottage kitchen when funding becomes available.

Please support the camp site maintenance weekends they are a vital part of us maintaining the site. Don’t forget if you help you get points to camp for free.


This year’s Membership Annual Census

This year’s census tells us that for the first time for many years we have over 800 children and adults in our scouting district. That is wonderful but we need to get many more involved. Of course to enable us to grow we need more Adults as leaders and more Parents on the group exec committees supporting our groups and raising funds.

I Challenge you all. I would like many more Parents to be asked to get involved the more we have the more fun it would be for us. I challenge all of you to ask one person to get involved. I often get told that Parents would help if they were asked.


Scout Association Compass Membership System Data.

When we migrate to Compass later this year, all existing adult records on the membership system will  be transferred into Compass. Are your details correct on the system?

If you are registered as a user on the membership system, why not log in and check if your details are correct in the “My details” window. Check the following:


• Is your name spelt correctly?

• Are your address and phone number correct?

• Is your e-mail address correct?

• Are your roles correct?

• Is your Default Location set to the District/Group/Section of your main Scouting role?

• Are all your activity permits recorded correctly?


If you are not registered as a user on the membership system, we need to be told urgently


If everyone quickly checks their own records then when we transfer them into Compass they will be correct and you will be able to access all the appropriate features for your role.


( Please Contact Lyn Westerman Appointment Secretary if anything is wrong)



District Web Site

If you have looked at the district web site in the last week you will see that we are making a substantial amount of changes. The main one being that the district diary is now on the home page. Mike and Nico look forward to you sending them lots of information about up coming events and remember to shout load and tell us how the event went afterwards. Be very proud!! Everyone loves a good news story. Please send all your articles to Mike by the 25th of every month.



The district now has two district permits these are held by me. Every group that uses a minibus from time to time must get the “section 19” permit from HQ. One certificate for each minibus being used. Information here:,400


District Diary and Directory 2014

Graham has completed the task of producing this year’s directory which is now available in hard copy. We can also send you an electronic version for you to keep. Please make sure you notify Graham of any changes to your details such as a move of house and changes to your contact numbers and email addresses.


I now look forward to attending all the groups AGM’s over the coming few weeks. again remember this is great opportunity to get those Parents involved don’t let anyone out of the room without signing up to a job no matter how small that may be. The more the merrier!!

If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

Yours in Scouting,

Colin Floyd,

Southampton City’s District Commissioner

Mob Tel 07770364711 or   




All aboard SS Shieldhall

All aboard SS Shieldhall

7 June 2014—Hampshire Scouts Annual Training Day. We are pleased to advise that we will again be running a special training day for Hampshire Scouts onboard the pre-served historic steam ship Shieldhall located in South-ampton Docks. The day is open to all Scouts and Ex-plorers irrespective of whether or not their Group normally involves itself in water based activities.



The day will start at 10.00 with “colours” on the boat deck followed by the Cap-tain’s welcome and safety and organizational briefs. Thereafter, during the day there will be six instruc-tional sessions (three be-fore and three after a lunch break) which will provide theoretical and practical training for groups of up to eight scouts. The level of instruction will be adjusted in accordance with the age and experience of the group. The day is planned to finish at 16.00 or shortly thereafter.

On 5 July 2014 there will be the Training Cruise day. The day is principally designed to give young people and especially those who have already undertaken one of the Shieldhall Training Days (but not restricted to), the opportunity of undertaking a short sea voyage on a large ocean going ship and learning just a little bit more about the many special skills and disciplines necessary to safely operate and navigate such a vessel.  The day will also have the guest speaker of Captain Colin Darch who had his ship captured by armed pirates.

11 October 2014—Another opportunity to take part in Training Day alongside. Same format at June day.

Cost is £30 per person to participant in both the Training Cruise & one of the Training Days alongside. No charge to leaders based on a 1:6 ratio.

For full details and booking, please visit



Hampshire Scout News (HSN) May 2014 edition


Field Trip to an Apple Store


Find more here:


Our Store. Their time to shine.

Take your students — or your fellow teachers — on a Field Trip toan Apple Store for an unforgettable learning experience. On their Field Trip, students can create something amazing right on the spot. Or they can bring in projects they’ve already created and turn our store into a theatre, sharing their achievements with parents, teachers and friends. No matter which option you choose, everyone will have a great time.

Not just for students.

We’ve opened up our Field Trip programme to teachers. So grab your peers and sign up for a Field Trip of your own. We’ll show you how Apple products make great tools for teaching and learning, and you’ll have a great time in the process.

Create amazing projects.

Your students can use the Mac computers in our store to create photo albums in iPhoto, edit video in iMovie, make Keynote presentations, or even compose their own songs in GarageBand.

Showcase their work.

If your students have already created their own projects on a Mac or a PC in school or at home, they can share them with others in our store and get the recognition they deserve for their talent and work.

Bring your enthusiasm. We’ll supply the rest.

Whether your students create projects from scratch or come to showcase the remarkable work they’ve already created, we provide all the hardware and software they need. Trainers and Specialists will be there to answer questions and give expert, on-the-spot advice. Every participating student and teacher gets a free T-shirt. We even supply personalised email invitations for parents, teachers and friends. And just wait till you see the smiles they take home.

Find more here:


Leader’s Training Courses in Southampton – May 2014

Spaces still available on these two dates:


May 10th 2014

Module 14 – Challenging Behaviour

Module 15 – Young People Today

Module 19 – International


May 18th 2014

Module 17 – Activities Out of Doors

Module 18 – Practical Skills


Best Regards,


Local Training Manager

Southampton City Scouts


Mobile: 07776 207187



Documentary filming from Southampton Solent

Thank you to Kimberley Meynell, James Christmas, Will MacMaster and Katie Langdon-Shreeve of Southampton Solent University for this Video