
Fred Heather of the 8th,Wimpson, West District

Daily Echo: POPULAR: Fred Heather with wife Dorrie during their Scout leader days.

On the eve of our very successful District Camp in May I received the news that Fred had died. I was able to say a few words in his memory at the Campfire. Some of the older members of the District would have known him and many of his old scouts and scouting friends were at the funeral. I should, before now, have put something in the Left Handshake. Some of you might have seen the two items in the Echo: one about his Scouting career and the other about his extraordinary wartime experience when his minesweeper was sandwiched between the British invasion fleet and the German defences on D Day. All these things are in the past like the” 8th” and “West District” but we do need to remember them as they have influenced our lives.

            In 1970 I moved into my present house and so into West District. Meeting a fellow Scouter at work I revealed that I had no post in Scouting at that time. He must have put the word around because several days later there was a knock on my door. The guy standing there was middle aged, my height and quite a stocky build, he was wearing a khaki shirt, navy blue breeches and a silly grin. “You Geoff Johnson?” he said, “I hears you’ve been in Scouting and you aren’t doing anything moment at.”

10 years later I certainly knew that I’d been in Scouting, Fred was a human dynamo and made sure that the 8th Scouts did everything they possibly could. I became Scout Leader while Fred was GSL. Fred worked in British Telecom and I don’t know if he had a special concession but my phone never stopped ringing. Ideas and schemes came shooting down the Line. The 8th prospered building up to 40 scouts at one time and with two Cub Packs.

He promoted Canoeing in the Troop also Climbing, Mountaineering and Caving. From his enthusiasm came the District Canoe Club and Summit Weekends.

One year three scouts from the 8th were chosen to represent Hampshire in the National Scout Regatta. They had never been in racing canoes before and for the two weeks beforehand Fred took them canoeing every night until they learnt to handle them. They didn’t win but they did well in the heats and got through to the finals where they competed with the National Youth Champions.

The 8th owned a wartime building on the old Beaulieu Airfield known as “Chorley Lodge” which at that time was one of the few places where Scouts could stay in the Forest. Fred’s wife Dorrie controlled the bookings and, as GSL Fred, made sure the hut was maintained and improved. It was a great venue and used by Groups from far and wide.

Throughout this time the 8th was his real love and he and Dorrie nursed it through so many years. Came the time when he had to stand down. Fred was made an Honorary Scouter in 1986. After that the 8th unfortunately went downhill. The hut was set on fire by vandals and while it was under repair they struck again and it was burnt to the ground. It must have hurt them both when this happened

Chorley Lodge was on the edge of what is now the Round Hill Campsite which the Council wanted to develop and it was in the way. When the Hampshire Scouting managed to acquire Fern Crofts and, at the same time, West District took Wilverley something had to go. It was Chorley Lodge and the old hut was removed.

Dorrie and Fred carried on in the Scout Fellowship for many years until Life and their age caught up with them. What they gave still lives on in many good things in our District and they should not be forgotten.

Memories from Geoff Johnson, May 2014

You can find a copy of the Daily Echo cover on this story at


District Commissioner Blog July 2014

If you are going off to a summer camp I hope you have a wonderful time and be safe.

Please don’t forget to forward to me your NAN forms so I have the necessary information.

Scout Association Compass Membership System Data.

During the summer holiday the old scout data base will be turned off and the new Compass system will go live. As soon as that happens we will be looking to get all our records recorded safely and fully in line with our safe guarding and data protection responsibilities.

All our adult data will be transferred and we are confident it is in good order.

If you keep your records on OSM there will be a day when that information will be transferred to compass so please make sure what records you have in OSM are correct.

Going forward it will be each group and section leader’s responsibility to make sure that the Compass data is up to date. That is a big job so groups may look to assign someone to take on that work on all the section leader’s behalf. It is your decision. I will be talking more to Group Scout Leaders at our next meeting which is being held on Wednesday 8th October at Bevious Town School at 7.30pm.

District AGM Headline News

Thank you to everyone who attended the District AGM it was kind of you to come and show your support for the district team.

The headline news was the announcement that we have a new Ambassador who is Jo Ash the chief exec chair of the Southampton Voluntary Service. Jo is very keen to help us by getting our name out in the public and local businesses and help us strengthen our volunteer base.

Also Graham Meering was put forward to be our new District President. A very well deserved appointment and it will enable Graham to help Jo with the volunteer recruitment.

Ken Sherman our outgoing President was presented with a thank you gift and I personally would like to thank Ken for his support and the kindness he has afforded me. Ken is big friend of Southampton Scouts and will I am sure he will still keep in touch.

Patsy after a long distinguished time as a Cub Scout District Leader stepped down and has now joined the active support unit. Many thanks to Patsy for all her work and thank you. Patsy was given a gift of thanks by Pat Rae ADC Cubs.

Wilverley District Camp Site Improvements

The substantial investment in Wilverley continues thanks to the district exec and the wilverley sub committee. We have now a fully regulated fire evacuation and emergency light system along side the new generator. We have also are also improved the drainage on site three which for many years is far to wet for full used throughout the year. These improvements along side the good work of Arthur Jonathan Steve and Graham and Charlie gives us a camp site that we can all be proud of. Our next improvement is to refurbish the cottage kitchen when funding becomes available.

Please support the camp site maintenance weekends they are a vital part of us maintaining the site. Don’t forget if you help you get points to camp for free.

Group Sports Representatives

Our districts holds three main sports events each year, Scout and Cub six a side football which is now wonderfully managed by the sports graduates of Solent University. The Swimming gala is held every year at The Quays and is well run by Graham Thelma and Dave Bowers and a team of marshalls and group sport reps.

The District Cross Country and the Cub sports competition really do need lots of help from the sports representatives of every group. Every group are asked to enter a team of participants and for a group representative to act on the groups behalf with the organization of these two events. So please could all GSL’s please notify me the contact details of your group sports rep so we can make contact prior to those two events and get them involved.

All of the details of the FOUR events are in put on the News items on our web site well in advance of the events.

What is needed is for one person to take on the responsibility to book the venues for these four events. So if you are willing to do this job please make contact with me.

I Challenge you all. I would like many more Parents to be asked to get involved the more we have the more fun it would be for us. I challenge all of you to ask one person to get involved. I often get told that Parents would help if they were asked.

District Web Site

If you have looked at the district web site in the last week you will see that we are making a substantial amount of changes. Mike Johnson has lots of ideas how the site can be developed and we would like to have someone to help him complete the changes. We have lots of people that are wiz kids on computers and web sites if you can help us for a few months please contact me I would be grateful.


The district now has two district permits these are held by me. Every group that uses a minibus from time to time must get the “section 19” permit from HQ. One certificate for each minibus being used. Information here:,400

District Diary and Directory 2014

Graham has completed the task of producing this year’s directory which is now available in hard copy. We can also send you an electronic version for you to keep. Please make sure you notify Graham of any changes to your details such as a move of house and changes to your contact numbers and email addresses.

If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

Yours in Scouting,

Colin Floyd|District Commissioner|Southampton City District Scout Council                 Tel: 07770364711 Email:

Please visit our district web site:


Young Leader’s ILM- Development Programme


Even though they might not realise it yet, a Young Leader’s experience in Scouting will help them develop a whole range of important skills that higher education establishments and employers are looking for. 

Competition is high

Whether they are applying for jobs, apprenticeships or a place at college/university, competition is higher than ever. The skills developed through the Young Leaders’ Scheme, including leadership, interpersonal skills and decision-making will help to set them apart from the crowd.

In order to demonstrate this, we have had the Young Leaders’ Scheme externally recognised by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) as a Development Programme. The ILM is one of the UK’s leading providers of leadership and management qualifications and the accreditation shows the quality of the Young Leaders’ Scheme to any external organisations that Young Leaders might apply to in the future.

As a development programme there is no formal assessment required by the ILM, which means that there is no extra work for the Young Leaders. As the ILM recognises the quality of the programme content, aims, objectives and learning outcomes, all the Young Leaders have to do is complete the scheme (ALL the modules and missions).

The cost of the recognition is £46 per participant (non-refundable). As an Area/County/Region (Scotland) you can choose to subsidise this to lower the direct cost for the young person if you wish. This is a decision that will need to be agreed at a local level.

Signing Up

To sign up for this there are two forms for Young Leaders to fill in. The first is a registration form, which can be completed as soon as the Young Leader decides they would like to work towards the development programme. This should be sent along with the full payment to the address included at the bottom of the form.

Once the details have been processed, the young person will receive an email with their personal login details to the ILM learning access zone. The learning zone offers a wide range of online development tools, resources, journals and magazines specifically tailored around leadership and management, created by professors from some of the world’s leading universities including Cambridge, Harvard, London Business School and INSEAD. Young Leaders will have access to this zone for the duration of the scheme, from when they register.

You can find further information surrounding the ILM at the ILM website.

The second form is a progress sheet  which needs to be signed off when the Young Leader completes each module and mission by the Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) and section leader. Once this form has been completed (ie they have completed the full scheme), please send a copy either to the address on the bottom of the form or email as an attachment to Once processed, a certificate will be sent to the Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) to be presented to the Young Leader.

All Young Leaders can sign up for the recognition and this can be at any point during their time in the scheme. If they decide on completion of the scheme they would like this recognition this can be achieved by sending the registration and completion form, along with payment, together.

For further information please contact the educational programme team by email at

Tutor Membership

If you are Leader and would like to apply for free tutor membership so you have access to the Learning Zone please send an email with the following information to

  • The Scout Association
  • Centre Number – 079706
  • Your full name
  • Date of Birth
  • Town
  • Postcode
  • Personal email address

How Scouts Can Help You Find a Job


Applying for university, taking a gap year, looking for your first job or changing career? Becoming a Scout volunteer can boost your CV, your UCAS statement, your prospects and give you the edge at job interviews.

In a recent independent study, 41% of employers said that if an applicant was a Scout volunteer it would positively influence a decision to employ them.

The job market is competitive. Latest figures show that 2.51 million people in the UK are currently unemployed; while the number of 16 to 24-year-olds not in education, employment or training (known as ‘Neets’) is approaching 1 million.

Scout volunteers can work towards nationally-recognised qualifications that employers value – like first aid and health and hygiene. You can also be trained to deliver adventurous activities like archery, climbing, caving and abseiling – or become a qualified mountain leader.

The training modules the Scouts offer can get you qualifications that are recognised by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL).

Volunteering with Scouts can also give you lots of transferable skills. Here are just a few:

  • Motivation
    Attending regular meetings, completing training modules, planning activities for your Scout section, managing volunteers or Scout finances all demonstrate that you are conscientious.
  • Leadership
    Scouting is about spreading positivity and a can-do attitude among young people in order to help them to develop.
  • Communication skills
    Scout volunteers deal with people of all ages and backgrounds and develop excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Time-management
    Our volunteers are excellent at juggling demands at Scout meetings and balancing their lives with their volunteer work.
  • Problem-solving 
    Scouts are creative and resourceful. As a volunteer you’ll develop practical problem-solving skills that translate to everyday life.
  • Teamwork
    From running a Scout Group to swinging through a high ropes course, Scouts is all about teamwork.
  • Confidence
    Working with young people or other volunteers is all about inspiring others. Being a Scout volunteer gives you opportunities to try new things and test your own abilities.
  • Experience
    Scouting offers unique opportunities that will expand your horizons and help you grow both personally and professionally.
  • Flexibility 
    The Scouting programme is varied and diverse, so volunteers continually have to adapt.
  • Crisis management
    Scouts are trained to respond quickly and sensibly in adversity.

Find out more about the transferable skills of Scout volunteers by downloading our free Get Ahead resources, which have been produced to help adult volunteers (18+) or Explorers and Network members (aged 14 to 25).

How to volunteer

Volunteering with us is easy, fun and flexible – how much time you give is up to you. Whether you help out once a fortnight, month or term or just at special events, there is bound to be a role you can play, and no matter how you get involved, you’ll be trained and supported.

Many different volunteer roles are available too – you don’t have to work with young people and for instance, could take up a finance, media or management role. Search for your scouting role on our Voulnteer page 


Our First Southampton City Scout Ambassador

Photo: We welcome our first Southampton City Scout ambassador, Jo Ash, Chief Executive of @Southampton Voluntary Services  Jo has been chief executive of Southampton Voluntary Services (SVS) since 1992. SVS supports the local voluntary sector as well as directly supporting local people through its Shopmobility service, Young Carers project, Safe in Sound substance misuse and safety awareness work, as well as MORPH, an ex-drug users self-help project.  Jo has been a senior manager and consultant in the voluntary sector for over 30 years. She has worked on issues including housing and homelessness, advice services for disabled people, poverty, women and health.

We welcome our first Southampton City Scout ambassador, Jo Ash, Chief Executive of Southampton Voluntary Services

Jo has been chief executive of Southampton Voluntary Services (SVS) since 1992. SVS supports the local voluntary sector as well as directly supporting local people through its Shopmobility service, Young Carers project, Safe in Sound substance misuse and safety awareness work, as well as MORPH, an ex-drug users self-help project.

Jo has been a senior manager and consultant in the voluntary sector for over 30 years. She has worked on issues including housing and homelessness, advice services for disabled people, poverty, women and health.


Wilverley Working Weekend



Scout Archery Competition 2014



1st Mathew Harman 301   2nd   2nd 922
2nd Toby Budd 279   1th   29th 885
3rd Adam Hedges 273   22nd   26th 693
4th Ellie Bugbee 255   29th      
5th Peter Rahlff 248   2nd   13th B 656
6th Fynnley Starink 238   29th   25th 612
7th Ameer Akbar 231   25th   1th 412
8th James Webb 229   13th B   22nd 338
9th Rhys Barton 225   26th      
10th Coner Mattingley 220   13th B   7th 0
11th Georgie Ray 218   29th   9th 0
12th Ben Edwards 207   13th B   11th 0
13th Sam Momber 202   2nd   14th 0
14th William Hadley 200   26th      
15th Stafan Radford 198   25th      
16th Jakob Vronsky 183   25th      
17th Max Slanik 179   26th      
18th Mathew Bailey 178   13th A      
19th Ellie Sinclair 174   29th      
20th Ethan Long 171   2nd      
21st Kieran Edwards 133   1th      
22nd Callum Thomas 89   26th      
23rd Pharrel Van Addison 65   22nd      
24th  Alexander Kingswell 61   13th A      
25th Patric Haynes 55   13th A      
  One Two Three Four Total      
1th 279 133     412      
2nd 202 171 301 248 922      
7th         0      
9th         0      
11th         0      
13th A 55 61 178   294      
13th B 220 229 207   656      
14th         0      
22nd 273 65     338      
25th 231 198 183   612      
26th 200 225 179 89 693      
29th 255 218 238 174 885      



Amazing Opportunity: UK Youth Commissioner Wanted

The Closing date for applications or nominations is midday, 30 June, 2014


Amazing Opportunity: UK Youth Commissioner Wanted

We are recruiting for our first ever UK Youth Commissioner. Working as part of UKHQ’s core leadership team, the UK Youth Commissioner will ensure that young people are at the heart of every decision that shapes their Scouting experience. 

They will have the passion and drive to champion youth-shaped Scouting, empowering young people to share their ideas and make an impact. 

The UK Youth Commissioner will work closely with the UK Chief Commissioner, Chief Executive and Chairman to achieve our ambition for Scouting to be truly youth-led. They will be responsible for helping us launch a range of exciting projects, including our first ever National Youth Council. 

Representing the views of young Scout members across the UK, they will work with young people, volunteers and staff to ensure Scouting answers the views, wishes and needs of its youth members.

It’s a fantastic opportunity for an individual aged 18-25 to gain valuable work experience and play a crucial role as we begin an exciting chapter in Scouting’s history. Having a Movement that is shaped by young people in partnership with adults is a key strand of our vision and our new strategy. 

By 2018, we want 80% of young people to be able to say they shape Scouting, feel listened to and are taken seriously. The UK Youth Commissioner will play an essential part in helping us to achieve this.

Find out more and apply for this volunteer role

Read about our new strategy, Scouting for All.


10% discount on National Express coach fares

Cub Scout outdoorplus Nationalexpress

National Express is delighted to be working in partnership with The Scout Association to support the Cub Scout Outdoor Plus Badge.

As part of their new Youth Promise, National Express is promoting active lifestyles and adventure as a way of enjoying life. Through sponsorship of the badge and the accompanying activity pack, their aim is to widen young people’s scope for travel, adventure and mobility. This includes a 10% travel discount on standard fares booked through the Scouts Association web site. Travel is a great way of having new experiences, gaining confidence and growing independence. As the UK’s largest scheduled coach operator, National Express is seeking to promote this important life skill.

Discounted coach fares for Scout members

nationalexpress Logo

National Express is pleased to offer Scouts Association members a 10% discount off standard fares – click here to plan your journey and buy your tickets!


Discount on coach hire for Scout Groups

If you’re planning a day trip or something longer for your pack, view our handy hints and tips on booking the right coach (or minibus) for your journey.

Get three free, no obligation quotes here.


NX Coach