In Action

Apollo ESU & 2nd Southampton Scouts Go Caving!

Take a look at how Scouts and Explorers got on for a day of caving at Goatchurch Cavern and the famous Swildon’s Hole. Mendips, Somerset

In Action

14th Wednesday Scouts Kick-Off #YouShape Month

14th Highfield Weds PLs spent this weekend at Lyons Copse for a PL/APL ‘training’ camp organised by County.

It was an exceptionally well organised and structured weekend where each Troop was split up into smaller groups of 7, each with a facilitator to help guide ideas etc. YLs and some of the County team ran mini workshops on developing skills in teamwork, leadership, communication, promoting positive behaviour and running activities safely. Each activity was split up into 30/40 minute chunks separated by a break/game/run around time.

Each Scout got the chance to lead on a task (for example: building a bridge out of newspaper, organising people into height order for a game, running a game etc.) The theory behind the skill/activity was presented, the kids then had a series of tasks to complete to work on that skill, for example one of the ‘teamwork’ tasks was to build a tower out of newspaper and sellotape – they had to decide if someone was going to take charge (leadership), any ideas of how to complete the task (teamwork and communication) and then do the task (again communication, teamwork and leadership). After each task, the group’s facilitator gave them structured feedback as to how they did. The kids then got the chance to review the activity and occasionally repeat it with a different leader/idea.

Saturday evening was dedicated to a PL forum with their leader (or someone from County if they came without a leader) where we talked about what problems PLs may face back in their Troops, ideas that they’d like to see implemented, how their leaders can help them and vice-versus. We also discussed 5 challenges that the PLs will be responsible for between now and next year. Some suggestions: PLs running a number of evenings; running games at the start of the evening and teaching their Patrols how to tie a friendship knot.

Overall a fabulous weekend – would 100% recommend to any leaders thinking of developing their PLs/APLs ‘soft skills’!

Have a look what we got up to!


Announcements Events Wilverley

Wilverley Working Party

Please come and join us in some basic maintenance at Wilverley. We have a list of jobs that are in need of doing before the Spring mostly indoors in the warm but some outside jobs for those who don’t feel the cold.

Announcements Left Handshake

29th Immaculata Scout Group Celebrates it’s 50th Birthday

On Monday the 19th of December 2016, the 29th Immaculata Scout Group based in Portswood Southampton celebrated being open and still going strong for 50 years to the day from when it was formed. Originally opening up in the local Church Hall of the Immaculate Conception Church on the 19th of December 1966, before moving to its current Scout Hut near Portswood School.

During the evening of celebrations, we were joined by some Scouting VIP’s. We had Tim Kidd join us, who is the UK Chief Commissioner, and Tim kindly presented a 29th Scout with a prize for winning our Neckerchief Badge Design, which now all members involved with the 29th Group will wear. Well Done to Chloe for designing the winning badge.

We also had Adam Jollans kindly attend too, the Hampshire Scout County Commissioner. Adam also did a couple of presentations for us – presentations for 25 years Services to our in coming District Commissioner David Bowers and 50 years Services to our Group President Graham Meering (although not all of Graham’s 50 years have been involved with the 29th Scout Group).

Over the evening, we were also joined by past and present leaders and exec members that can be traced right back to when we started in 1966. 39 Adults kindly attended to reminisce about their time spent at the 29th and how the hut had changed from when they were involved, or being shown around as they assisted when the group was in the Church Hall. We almost had all the Scout Leaders present, with 4 of the main 5 in attendance and were able to cover 45 of our 50 years!

40 of our current section members also spent the evening playing party games and meeting the adults who, without them starting up the group (before they were born!), would not be involved with in their local Scout Group today.

Here’s to another 50 years of fun and adventure at the 29th Immaculata Scout Group.

Yours in Scouting,
Russ Andrews
29th Immaculata Group Scout Leader

In Action Left Handshake

29th do Food Collection for the Basic Bank

The 29th Immaculata Scout Group took part in this year’s Basic Bank food collection to help support and make sure that local families who are struggling to put food on their table this Christmas, had enough food for this special festive time. It started with Baloo organising a visit from the Southampton Basic Bank branch, to kindly pop along to Cubs one evening and explain more about what they do and why.

From this, the Cub section decided that they would like to start up their own Food Bank like supermarkets do and make a donation from the 29th Scout Group. The other two sections got on board and a lot of food was kindly donated by the members and parents of the group. These including food for special dietary requirements as well.

Akela kindly offered to drop it around to their warehouse, so it could be distributed in time to the families that were in need for it.

A good job all round and thank you to each and every one of you who supported this cause from the 29th Immaculata Scout Group.

Below is some of our food collection in which we managed to put together in two week!

Russ Andrews.
29th Immaculata Group Scout Leader.

Left Handshake

Poppy Selling at Waitrose

I have been informed by the British Legion that our Poppy Selling at Waitrose raised a total of £1,871.95.

Well done to everyone who helped. This was a wonderful effort for a very worthwhile cause. Thank you all for supporting Active Support in this venture.

Happy Christmas everyone,
George Longhurst

Announcements DC's Notes

Our new DC

We are very pleased to announce that David Bowers has agreed to become the next District Commissioner of Southampton City Scout District with effect from 1st Jan 2017.

Many of you know David as he is our DESC (District Explorer Scout Commissioner) and we know that he brings great skills and character to the job. (And we will now be seeking a new DESC to replace
David in that role!)

Ian Budd will continue as Deputy DC and we are also pleased to announce that Kerry Budd will be taking up a Deputy DC role too. Kerry is Group Chairman of the 13th Southampton City group.

Fun In Action


The Mannequin Challenge is sweeping the nation! Last weekend 14th Southampton Friday Scouts freeze-framed during 2 night hike across the New Forest… Take a look below at how they got on. (nobody move!!!)

Great hike today – 18km from Wilverley to Ferny Crofts (basically one side of the New Forest to the other). Mannequin challenge & various Bear Grylls documentaries on route! All back safely, eating & making fire.

Posted by Ed Jellard on Saturday, 12 November 2016


Module 38 – Skills for Residential Experiences

1st & 2nd April 2017 @ Ferny Crofts

With the main camping season just around the corner, this is an ideal ‘practical skills’ weekend to get leaders thinking about ‘the OUT in Scouting’ and learn in a safe environment.

The weekend is an ideal opportunity to learn from experienced trainers/scouters and from other delegates attending.

This is an additional ‘skills’ module which expands on Module 16 (Introduction to Residential Experiences), which ideally should be completed prior to attending this weekend.

There is a Module 16 being run on the Friday evening (31st March) at Ferny Crofts.

This weekend is also very useful to those seeking to become Nights Away Adviser,271,277 .

There are still places available on both Module 16 and the weekend, so
please use the link to book: Adult training application forms


Leader Training Courses Coming Up

The adult training scheme in Scouting is modular and flexible, concentrating on learning rather than just attending courses. Training can be carried out using a range of methods: one to one, courses, videos, workbooks and e-learning.

The Modules cover the skills required for all roles in Scouting.

Application form for Hampshire Scouts Adult Training: