Each year SSAGO (Student Scout and Guide Organisation) clubs from across the UK gather for the annual ball. This year it was Southampton SSAGO’s chance to host this event. So, on a rather blustery Saturday night SSAGO members flocked to Southampton, donned their finest clothes and joined us for a night to remember: SSAGO’s first ever Ball on a Boat!
During the evening SSAGO was treated to a tasty three course meal upon the Ocean Scene while journeying around the Solent. We were lucky to be joined by John May who gave a fantastic speech about his time in SSAGO and the work he does with the International Duke of Edinburgh Award! After that we partied the night away while enjoying the skills of the University’s Photography Society and a nautically themed prop box!
Over the weekend SSAGO also ran a whole bunch of activities to entertain everyone including a walk in the New Forest, a highly competitive game of mini golf and a wander around the city walls. A lot even topped the weekend off with a much anticipated trip to Sprinkles!
All in all everyone had a great time. Ball is always a wonderful chance to catch up with friends from across the UK and is definitely an enjoyable change from the usual muddy field setting of the national rally camps! Southampton SSAGO are hosting a dinosaur themed rally in June 2016 so no doubt everyone will enjoy a return trip to the city!
Southampton SSAGO