Rozy’s Jamboree Adventure


The World Scout Jamboree is a gathering of tens of thousands of Scouts and Guides from almost every country in the world who, for ten days  live together, experience each others cultures, take part in exciting activities and have an amazing adventure.

Southampton City Scout District are pleased to be have Rozy Toomer who has been selected by UK Contingent Committee to attend the 23rd World Scout Jambore held in Japan,

In the past Rozy has attended Scouts at the 9th and to date is a Young Leader and Explorer Scout within the District.

She will also join her brother Jake Toomer and Jason Ledwich who have been selected on to the Jamboree’s service team.

The Jamboree costs £2,995 to attend and Rozy has already started her fundraising and she has created a Blog for us to keep upto date with