(Re) Introducing Southampton City Network

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce the newly revitalised Southampton City Network (you may know us as Ducks). For those of you who don’t know,


Network is the Scout section for 18 – 25 year olds, we’re a District based unit and meet wherever the activities take us – recently taking advantage of a few drier days in the New Forest.

Since the beginning of the year we’ve been getting stuck in to some serious scouting, a campfire with some backwoods cooking:





Several trips to the New Forest (including a night time visit):


A ready steady cook evening, and an evening shooting at the 9th:


We’ve got big plans ahead, including a camp at Ferny Crofts on 14th – 16th March and an overnight expedition, there’s also been pub talk of an Explorer Belt expedition!

We’re an eager bunch of people trying to cram in as many activities as possible, and we’re always on the lookout for new members, to come along as often or as little as you want. If you’re interested in joining us or want to find out more information about who we are and what we do then get in touch – you can find us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/sotoncitynetwork/) or drop us an email at sotoncitynetwork@live.com . We’re also meeting on Weds 5th March at the Mitre in Portswood to discuss forthcoming programme ideas and finalise details for camp, everyone who wants to pop along please feel free.



 You’re even welcome to join us for an ice cream!

Yours in Scouting

Mike Langford