

Nine bases; starting with storming the Bastille and planting the French flag on the ramparts.

The others on a French theme were: Following the route of the peasants march and finding treasure in the Chateau; Capturing the Scarlet Pimpernel; Painting a picture in the style of Mattise, Playing Petanque; Cooking Crepes; Building a Barricade; Making a Lego Eiffel Tower and meeting the “Montgolfier Brothers” with their hot air balloons.

As an extra, each Team made their own banner in the style of the revolutionary bands.

Grey Owls’ introduction to the Beavers was interrupted by the famous peasant “Les Miserable” but that didn’t stop the Beavers taking the idea on board and coming up with some great work.

After Lunch with hotdogs, provided by Lin of the Cub section, the afternoon sports session stared with a Penalty Shoot Out but Grey Owl soon realised that the exposure to the Sun was getting too much for the Beavers and the activities ended with them sitting on a water balloon, followed by a water fight in which everyone including Grey Owl, Les Miserable and the DC got wet.

The presentation was in the shade Paddys’ Place with each team holding their splendid Banners and balloons. First they let all the balloons fly. Then they all received certificates and their Adventure badge for taking part. They deserved them because had joined in with such enthusiasm and had done much good work. Well done to the team from the 2nd Colony who won the Trophy.

The day at Wilverley was shared with the Cub Section who were finishing their David’s Challenge Competition. There was great co-operation between the two Sections and  thanks go to Pat and her helpers for making it all possible.

My thanks must also go to the Beaver Section Leaders, the Explorer young leaders, Active support and all the parents that helped before the event and on the day. Hard work but good fun had by all.

Grey Owl