The 26th have a new Beaver Colony. We have held the first night and Amy who is the beaver leader is being supported to get the section up and running a big thank you to everyone who has helped.
The adult training team is working so much better we have to date 17 people who have completed their wood badge training and it is anticipated that a further 24 will complete this year. A big thank you to Nico and his team of training advisers
District & Group Development Workshop
District & Group development work shop is all ready to go on 2nd February 2013 at Newlands Primary School Millbrook. We have a favorable response from groups and I am looking forward to spending the day with you all looking at ways we can take our scouting forward.
JOB VACANCY: We need a bookings officer to help us deal with the enquiries for the site and the finances. If you now of anyone who may be able to help us with this please give me a call.
Good News the charges for our own groups to use Wilverley have been greatly reduced. It is now recognised that Wilverley is your camp site and we want you to make good use of it. These are the charges that come into effect on the 1st January 2013
Founders Day Arrangements
Founders Day is being held at St Marks Church Archers Road on Friday 22nd February the service is being run by Chris Davis with support from the 11th Scout Group. Please arrive at 6.15pm and go directly into the church. The church has a car park at the rear and you have nearby roads that you can easily park. See you all then.
District Cross Country
Cross Country Event @ Sports Centre 10am on Sunday 10th March 2013
Please tell everyone they can come for a run and have fun. Hopefully this year the weather will be kind for us!!
District Web Site
Please remember that you can forward all your good news stories as they happen throughout the month and then Tony will put them all together for a left hand shake publication at the end of the month. So please remember to get all your adverts and good news stories to Tony by the 25th of every month. We always need to shout loud about what we are doing.
Wye Valley Adventurous Activity Weekend 3rd to the 6th May 2013
An initial meeting has taken place for the Scout & Explorer Wye Valley activity weekend. The event will be led by Ian Budd assisted by me and Dave Bowers and Stuart Ganney and Andy Clasby. A further meeting of everyone involved will be held Monday 11th February at the 22nd HQ.
Swimming Blue Card Certificates
We have the swimming test nights organised at Red Lodge Pool on the following evenings 27th Feb, 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March. Please encourage all the Scouts and Explorers who are going to Wye Valley to go along and take the test.
The Canoe Club AGM
The Canoe Club AGM is being held at the 13th HQ on Wednesday 6th February. Please come along and support the club.
Group and District Census returns
Richard Cook will talk more I am sure about this years census figures which need to be with him very soon. I think it is important that we get it reconciled before the figures are submitted. At some point this year or early next the Scout Association will be launching its new data base which has cost them two million pounds. That will I hope make it far easier to keep data on our people accurately. It is widely expected that the scouting membership will increase by some 10% when data is kept accurately!!
Your GSL’s have a paper copy of the new 2013 district diary which is also in the member’s area on the district website.
Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.
Yours in Scouting
Colin Floyd, District Commissioner, Mob Tel 07770364711 or
Please visit our district web site: