This will give an increase of an additional 2,408 children in our area who may want to join our scouting. It would not be good if we didn’t forward plan our groups to meet some of that demand. I for one want all children who want to join scouting to be given that opportunity not just a selective few.
So please when I talk about group development it has little to do with the quality of what we offer now it is only about offering what we do to far more young people.
Diamond Jubilee celebrations
Southampton City had the largest contingent in the County attend the Hampshire Scouts Queens jubilee service and parade in Winchester Cathedral.
The event was a huge success and I would like to personally thank all those that came on the coach and represented their groups. You did your group proud.
District Youth Council
Southampton City has been chosen as a pilot district to form our own youth coucil. The aim of the council is to get a bigger voice from the young people in our district and for them to help us shape the scouting for the future. I am plesed to say that Naomi Kench and Fran Upshon have agreed to help lead this initiative with any other young people who are up for the challenge. We will be asking every group to put forward a scout to represent them and also inviting explorers and young leaders to join the council This iniiative will be starting soon so to all you young people please tell me if you would like to get involved. We are also looking to start a hospital group so if that interests you come forward!!
Group Annual General Meetings
I have attended all the group AGM’s and I found the events to be in the main very uplifting and it was great to be given the opportunity to meet the group supporters and the parents of some of the scouts.
I would suggest that if your AGM was a success do the same agasin next year if it was not well supported think of an alternative format that would atracht more parents to come. I find that if you make it a celebration of the year and present awards to the children and offer some food you are more likely to get the parents to come along rather than just provide the business part of the general meeting.
We are holding two Wilverley Maintenance Days this year 14th July and 29th September. I would ask each and every group to come along and help us keep the site to a good standard. Please put those dates in your diaries and promote it amongst everyone in your groups.
I have only received entries from three groups for the wilverley badge competition. The deadline is now been reached so I and the committee will decide soon who has won the competition and the free weekend of camping.
Permission to Camp Forms
If you are planning a summer camp great well done!! But please remember to submit to me your forms giving the full details and just as importantly the list of adults attending the camp. Without my approval you can’t go!! The forms are in the member’s area of the district web site.
Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.
Mob Tel 07770364711 or
Yours in Scouting
Colin Floyd
District Commissioner
Southampton City Scout District