We had a BLC on 30th January to discuss the programme for 2012. Lots to look forward to: especially District Camp and the sleepover, which should be a great event with the Beaver Scouts joining in with their Group and finding out what Scouting has in store for them in the future! Also discussed were the need to keep both First Response and Safeguarding up to date.
At the beginning of February, 6.30pm, there was a ring at my doorbell and I was confronted with the 9th Colony on a night hike. 15 happy and excited faces’ and that included the Leaders, well wrapped up in woolly hats and gloves and shining their torches all around. Luckily Grey Owl had had a whisper this may happen and was able to send them on their way with a bag of sweets!!
Founders Day at Highfield Church was a good evening and although there were not many Beaver Scouts I think most Colonies were represented. Thank you to all those who attended the service. To me the highlight of the evening was the presentation of a certificate and well done badge to Luke D’Bell of the 1st Colony who has managed to attain every badge possible for a Beaver Scout. Luke counted all the badges on his uniform and the total was 33!!
All that remains for me to say is welcome to all new leaders young and not so young and thank you for giving your time.
Lin Johnson, ADC Beaver Scouts