Southampton City District has been invited by the Mayor of Southampton, to attend the Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph on Sunday 12th November 2017.
All groups and all sections are invited to attend. I appreciate that some groups, traditionally attend their local church and therefore will not be attending. Can I also remind Leaders of Beavers and younger Cubs, that there is quite a lot of standing, and listening and you may feel that this is not appropriate for your section. For those of you who wish to attend, you should meet in Guildhall Square by 1015hrs.
We are at the rear of the parade and you should muster in the square furthest away from the Guildhall and nearest to Above Bar Street. Everyone should be in smart, full uniform.
Could I remind you all that we are on show to the public as this event is well attended so best behaviour is important and it is not appropriate to carry cups of coffee or cans of drink in the parade.